4 DAILY NEBRASKAN Be ready for Sun and Fun! Wear casual, comfy sports clothes Slacks While working in your Victory garden ... or on laty day picnics . . . you'll want comfortable well 'ailored slacks suits ... or separate slacks and blouses. Magee's has them ina variety of rayon crease-resistant fabrics ... in any color you want. Suits 17.9S-$12.95 Singles $4.9S-$10.9S Shirts The ever popular Joan Kenley "tai lored" shirts ... or be gay in a I. K. plaid gingham style ... in gray, blue, or yellow backgrounds. J2.25-f3.95 Sweaters Look pretty . . . and keep warm . . on those cool picnic nights ... in soft tinted sweaters . . . making lovely con trasts with your dark slacks. J3.50-J5.95 Jumpers Crisp as cm early morning breeze . . . red, green, or blue . . . and whit striped seersucker jumpers. Deep patch pockets . . . and wide bands to hold up the gathered skirt J2.95 Shorts Sanforized gabardine shorts by Jantten . . . navy or white . . . with red or navy stripes down the sides. Set-in pock ets. Perfect nautical shorts.1. on land or sea. J2.95 Skirts-Jackets Butcher linen, gabardines, or seersuck er .. . wear them with jackets, shirts, or sweaters. Ample pleats and ade quate side openings . . , Jackets that match skirts and slacks. Rrst Floor Sports Shop Thursday, May 13, 1943 itlSf 1 !i; W A n ' K a I f ilk wMi! if t e .", ; ? Off