The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 11, 1943, Page 4, Image 4

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Tuesday, May 11, 1943
Alpha Phis Give War Check . . .
As Sadie Hawkins won the ti
tle of best picnic date last fall,
we thought perhaps you fine male
readers would be interested in
knowing who is acclaimed best
picnic date for spring of 1913.
Therefore, with your permission,
we will start a contest, which
closes tomorrow at 5:00, to select
this little ( ?) queen.
Candidates for the honor are:
June Griffin cute little brun
ette (as if you didn't know) of
the Tri-delt house. She was last
seen with Phi Delt, Demmie Cole
at the farewell paity.
Pat Catlin another brown
eyed brunette from Kappa terri
tory. This peppy and fun-loving
gal is one of the few who have
escaped steadies and pinnings re
cently and has been dating Norm
Williams, Sig Alph.
Mary Lee Tomlinson a blond
but definitely! It's hard to say
whft she goes with as she has
been seen with almost every elig
ible bachelor on the campus but
the latest was King's and "Doc"
(of the lilac-catchers I Yates. DU.
"Corky" York perky red-head
from the Theta domicile with a
flare for excitement. This queen
was escorted by Jim Weisner, of
the Sig Alph Weisners, Sunday.
Janet Krause over DG way,
this dark-haired girl catches the
eye when the fellows are looking
for picnic dates. Lately, she has
been seen with Bucky Meyers, Phi
Betty Jo Leadley last but far
from least is another brunette, but
this time that popular Alpha Phi
house. "BeeJo" has been seen
with a variety of campus "free"
men but the latest is Tut McKee.
Thus ends the list of candidates
for "picnic gal of 1943" so turn
in your votes to the Rag office
and watch tomorrow's edition for
the winner.
Before we forget that pins even
exist we remind you that another
eligible bachelor is on the free
list this time Bob Henderson, Sig
Ep, who no longer is pinned to
Mary Miles of the Tri-Delt house.
Flash: They just got re-pinned.
With every unpinning comes a
pinning and so comes news of
Dorothy Mohr, Alpha Xi Delta,
who is wearing the Phi Gam pin
of Jim Wiight. "It's friendship,"
they say.
That Edwards couple, Marilyn
and Johnny, have linked their
Kappa and Beta pins (they're not
brother and sister).
To coincide, we find that Jane
Jordan, Alpha Chi, is no longer
wearing the Sigma Nu pin of
Johnny Dean.
To get to a more binding agree
ment, there will always be mar
riages to take up space in a so
ciety column. Jill Smith spent
her weekend getting married to
Emie Smithers, Beta, while Ralph
Fox made Barbara Rehberg his
bride. Many happy returns, and
all that!!
Ring and Sweets.
Forewarning the candy they
passed to Palladians Monday
night, Virginia Mutz received a
diamond from Hugh Stuart last
weekend. Roma Bebe took same
from Jim Brogan, both boys of
law college.
By mutual agreement, Rod
Smith, Phi Delt, and Jeanne Lar
aen. Alpha Chi, are no longer go
ing steady.
Band . . .
(Continued from Page 1.)
heard in "Triplets of the Finest."
The complete program:
The National Anthem.
Chimes of Liberty, Goldman.
Gypsy Princess, Yoder.
Atlantic Zephyrs, Simon; Mr.
Veta, saxophone.
Slavonic Rhapsody, Friede
mann. Triplets of the Finest, Henne
berg; Messrs. Westfall, Kuhns,
Argentina, Olivadoti.
Pavanne, Gould.
Mooseheart March, Mader.
Suite from the South, Nicode.
Morning, Noon and Night, Von
Amparito Roco, Texidor.
Tusculum college, Green ville,
Tenn., has recently adoted a 12
montii schedule.
' v V,
Phi Sigma Iota
Holds Spanish
Declam Contest
Phi Sigma Iota, honorary ro
mance language society sponsored
the annual Spanish declamatory
contest Wednesday afternoon.
Winner in the first year Span
ish group was Katherino Rice.
Honorable mention went to Robert
Holland and Harriet Pratt.
In the intermediate group Pa
tricia Curry won and Ralph Soule
received honorable mention. Mary
Louise Drake won top honors in
the advanced Spanish group.
Alpha Zeta Holds
Initiation for Ag
Prof., Dr. Smith
Dr. Henry Smith, Instructor In
agronomy and assistant in re
search at the University ag col
lege, was initiated Wednesday
evening as an associate member
of Alpha Zeta, national honorary
agriculture fraternity.
Dr. Smith is a graduate of
Northwest Nebraska State Teach
ers College at Chadron, and re
ceived his MS and PhD degrees
at Nebraska.
Dr. Douglas Tate, chairman of
entomology, was the main speaker
for the evening.
Courtesy Lincoln Journal.
Polly Petty tives a check for $200 for the Alpha Phi war nursing
fund to Mrs. Ralph Strader, national vice-president of the sorority,
while Shirley Ileldt looks on. This fund, originated by Alpha Phi
International, is to provide scholarships for college graduates who
wish to enter the nursing profession. The scholarhsip is disrecpec
tive of a women's fraternity affiliation, and is open to any quali
fied college graduate. In giving this money, the active chapter
saved the money from the funds provided for the Kosmet Klub
show and the publication on Nu News. Mrs. Strader was guest at
the Alpha Phi house for a few days.
WAA Lists
Star Teams
In Playoffs
... 0 Intramiirals
Climaxing intramural season,
the WAA is sponsoring playoffs
between the varsity teams in each
sport. All-star teams, made up
of the outstanding girls in each
sport, have been chosen. The girls
were selected on the basis of
their skill and sportsmanship, and
the teams include girls from near
ly every organized house.
Tuesday night the badminton,
deck tennis, and soccer baseball
games will be played.
The teams:
Mar? Hlrd
Kantrr Way
Vlty Pin-dam
r'rra Krrrniaa
Rrtty Aadrra
Jaa Hrrndoa
Aaa Mattooa
Oorulhy ( arnahan
Rolk Blatt.ptrlrr
Jraanr Bovard
Jraa Haira
Ann hrarrrnt
rXrllr 1mvmMl
Jraa Donky
Pat tr
Klranor Jaka
J rum KrdiHi
JanH Hrmpfclll
Janr Moyrr
Man Martin
Hrlra Jotanxm
tmf Sandall
Mary Kay Hnitr
Jndjr U'4 iMinor
Mlrkry MrPW-raoa
Klla Mar
Ot rrbandrr
f'hartrnr Jrr
Iran .wdra
Min Rrrdr
Hanaa hhaw
!) Jungr
lU Rrainard
Wednesday night the basketball
game will be the big attraction.
If the play in the regular tourna
ment is any indication, this should
be a good game to watch.
The teams:
Jean Hovard
Harbara rlwbrr
Honnlr ('aimer
Prrda Phillip
Fern Krrrmnn
Jraa Mhrdoa
lla Ulmiwr
Allrr Abrl
l.arlllr Holford
(rr am
Marfr hr.
Rrtty Aadrnma
Mary J. (.Ion
Wa.rl Abrl
!. Kllndl
Marcarrltr Kliadt
Jraa (amdra
Mlrkry MrPbrraoa
Judy U'( onawr
Thursday night Nebraska ball
and baseball games will be played.
The baseball tournament has not
yet been finished, but the teams
have been drawn up from the
games played so far.
The teams:
IjI Jrnkln
l.ttrlllr IV ol lord
Jrnn Glotfrlty
Ron borough
Marar hair
MInona krlly
Killh H-ln
Hrlrn Hnl
Konnlr ( almrr
I harlrne Jrturr
Dorothy Mri Unlock
Grarr Ktrrklry
Joaa Hrrndoa
Iraa M hrdon
Mlrkry MrPhrraoa Mary Jo Kobr
Mary Jo (ih ludy O'Connor
Hrtty hlmodynra Army Donrll
lorolhf Thornburf Ixili Kllndl
nnrothy Tborlry Virginia Trowbridge
Hulk Mo. Jeanne florard
Mary Kayr Hollic Brlty Andrraoa
Mary Jo t.Uh l,arllkr Wolfori
Dorothy Mri llntork Manrurritr Kllndt
Dorothy Csruaaaa Jraa Aadrraoa
Library Show
Navy Aviation
Story Photos
A photographic panorama of
naval aviation, strikingly pre
sented in a series of 30 pictures,
will be on display at the univer
sity library until next Wednes
day. Made up of official U. S. navy
photographs, the exhibit tells a
story of the naval air service.
Included are African convoy
pictures and pictures covering
many phases of the naval avia
tion cadet training program.
Service Offers
Counselor Jobs
Camp counselors, doctors and
dieticians may secure summer jobs'
in camps throughout the east.!
south and middle west through
the United States Employment of
fice. Application cards may be ob
tained at the office of the wom
en's physical education depart
ment. Red Cross life saving cer
tificates, Waterfront Safety in
structors tests and club leader
ship experience is valuable.
Interviews may be arranged in
the New York area. All other ap
plicants must fill out form blanks
to be mailed to Dorathea Eder
hart. United States Employment
Service, Camp Unit, 12lh floor,
10 East 40 Street, New York City.
Nebraska College
Students Attend
Soeial Work Day
Students from all the colleges
in Nebraska attended the social
work day here Saturday. The pro
gram, sponsored by the Student
Association of Graduate School of
Social Work, was held from 1:30
till 3 p. m., followed by a tea.
The special program included
Miss Agnes Donaldson, speaking
on "Employment Opportunities in
the Field of Social Work," followed
by Miss Esther Goodyear, with
"Social Work in Practice."
Pat Rand lady O'(onnur
llairt Abrl . r.trllr lrnnrniaaa
Nanry (irrra
The games will Btart at 5 o'clock
on the scheduled day. The out
door games will be played on the
field next to Teachers College, and
the rest of the games will be
played In Grant Memorial. The
results for each day will be
printed in the Daily.
4lh h'lottr
l.adiri' Fashion
sjpaDiril togs
It right Slacks
Novelty fabrics in frosted
checks and smart stripes
in novelty weaves . . .
2.!; to 9.9
T" Shirts
To pull on and wear with
everything in smart vari
colored stripes.
-W Mil - -"J I u 1
liny Illoiittcs
In bright, bright prints.. jf?
care-iree Diouses to wear 7 ,
during care-free hours.,
many, many color com-
nirtAc t v s.
2.9 and .1.9
Tnilord SI.m k
Man-tailored, strictly on V.
the smooth side in twills,
strutter cloth, gabardines. "
1.9 to 2.9 &7
rS r
I lit J m 4 l l
1 U
I m 1111 I
II It'll I
im ji -i i a i
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U J II I! it
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