U2 Library Wi House New Unit Vol. 43, No. 54 Lincoln Nebraska. Tuesday, April 20, 1943 Union Kitchens Prepare To Feed! - Acftfivaftedl Uniitt RiSen to Continue Activation of university junior and senior 10TC men was ordered Monday by the Sevonlh Service Command head quarters, causing- about .'M) men to move from fraternities, hoarding houses, and homes into the new Don L. 1-ove library which is already housing some 3"Q air crew men. Two companies have been formed of three platoons each under the command of Capt. Harvey E. Pattison and Capt. .lames 1). Crabill. Supervised Study Table. The move does not affect classroom and other daytime activities, but their nights will be devoted to supenised study, For Army Use Only." That's the sign scotch-taped on refriger ators and food containers in the Union kitchens in preparation for the feeding of the newly-activated ROTC and &ir crew members. Both contingents will eat the same menus, prepared and served by Union .trjrioyes, whose num bers have evitlkd by 33 since the problem of feeding army men has begun. Last night's, dinner menu con sisted of roast beef, mashed pota toes, whole kernel corn, carrot- raisin paiad, tread and butter steamed tLcidintr and coffee. A glance into the kitchens showed large pans of meat being sliced for army ccaumption. Deep ket tles of corn simmered in the oven, and carrots were being sliced Into a huge container. Employes Work Full Time Union employes are working full time to feed the military unit Both faculty dining room and cafeteria have been closed to the public, leavir.g the Corn Crib as the only room serving civilians Employees, who formerly ate in the cafeteria, now eat in the kit chens. According,, to present plana, the (See UMON CHOW, Page 2.) Five Girls and Nor r is Anderson BY PAT CHAMBERLIN. Five girls, and Norrie Ander son. Nome Anderson and five girls. The six slaves to the chains of the press work daily to put out your Nebraskan. Five girls and Norrie Ander son. These six printers' devils dig up the news, dig up the features, d g up the gossip, dig up the dirt, compose the story, typewrite the columns, edit the copy, write the subheads, and write the heads. Five girls and Norrie Ander son. These pitiful six run eight blocks to the Journal four times a day, proof-read the copy for typographical errors at night, correct headline counts, eat egg sandwiches and put the Daily to bed. Five girls and Norrie Ander son. Thew terrible six are not complaining, yaunnerstan,' be cause "the men have all gone to war," (except the marines and the rjaval V-7's), but we just want yataunnerstan': We are not Superman. We are five girls and Norrie Anderson. We are Norrie Anderson and five girls. 7 The schedule which the men will follow for the next few weeks in the library will run something like this: Reveille 6 a. m. Breakfast 7 a. m. Free to attend classes or otherwise until noon. March to lunch. 12 noon. Free until 6 p. m. Dinner 6 p. m. Free until 7:30 p. m. Study 7:30-9:30 p. m. Taps 10 p. m. Saturdays from 12 until 3 there will be inspection after which the men will be dismissed until 6 p. m. Sunday. There will be no bed checks Saturday nights. t 1 a . . . ,. Courtesy Lincoln Journal. Army chow in the Student Union takes the place of fraternity, boarding house, and home cooked food. according to tjie statement by Col. J. P. Murphy, commandant. Meals will be taken in the Student Union where the air crew trainees are being fed at present and will continue to be fed. This will be 1 lie first army "chow" for the newly activated ROTO men. Colonel Murphy said that activation will not interfer with extra-curricular activities normally carried out during the day, and men who have night classes will be able to attend their classes. Laboratory assistants, readers and publication staff workers who receive pay from the university may retain their positions until the end of the semester. Special Evening Permissions. Students who will find it necessary to attend labs tr do (See ROTC Activation, Page 2.) ROTC Men Will Be Privates, Coeds Will Be 'At Home' Fridays Say Coeds . . . By Ghita Hill. Boys will be privates, but girls will be girls. After the ROTC was definitely activated, it was decided that the rulers on the campus should voice their opinions on the subject of the manpower shortage. Manv eirls resolved to donate some Drecious abunant free time to the USO. Some said, "Oh well, I still have my books. After all, a woman's best friend is Plut arch." Others had to admit that they would be affected little since my man has gone with the ERC. However, in visitine the new "coed's" corn crib, some enlight ening information was aisciosea. Jean Bowers will devote more of her time and spend more of her students' energy In putting them thru tne obstacle course at the stadium. "What study habits?" was the quick reply of Kay Detweiler to the obvious question, "Will you alter your study habits?' When asked how she would be affected, Jeanie Browne replied, "What are you asking me for 7 Chick is still here." Alice Louise Becker was seen bemoaning the fact that she would have to stay in every night now. Grace Steckley: "It's going to it i..f it II Courteiy Lincoln Journal "What are you planning for Sat urday night?" is the topic of con versation in this army "bull' session. Plans must be laid carefully for that one big free night of the week. break me paying my own way." One gay young lassy said confi dentially, "I intend to spend more week ends at home in the future. After all I have to give my folks a break, you know." Jo Gish gave a lengthy account. "The activation will affect me in the following manner: a. I will see more fellows in privates uniforms. b. I will endeavor to walk past the library more often, c. Navy, here I come." The general opinion was that the boys would have fun, and that it would do a lot of them good. Mary Clare Clark seemed to be the only one who felt like crying. (See SAY COEDS, Page 4.) SaytheMen... BY JEAN GLOTFELTY. Along with activiation last night came the loss of the accus tomed freedom to the university's ex-ROTC officers. No more coke dates, Friday night parties, and Sunday evening picnics. Free time will be limited to the period from 3 p. m. Saturday to 6 p. m. Sunday. To see what the fellows were going to do with their liberty, the Daily corralled the few remaining officer's uniforms in the Union and took a survey. Bill Mc Bride: "I'm going to have a h of a good time!' Howard Mengshol: "Guess I'll probably help Bill." Bud Johnson: "Just a friendly little party with the boys." Bob Sch later: "I'm going down to the USO first thing." Harry Richardson: "I'll really have a good time." (Which causes us to wonder who she is ? ) Jack Parker: "I'm going to Omaha every Saturday night" Frank Mattoon: "I don't know but what I'll probably raise a lit- (See SAY THE MEN, Page 2.),