The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 16, 1943, Page 7, Image 9

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    Wday. April 16. 1943
for Oklahoma
Page Ripley!
Elson Flings
Another Gem
Kenny Elson Continued his phe
nominal pitching exploits Thurs
day night as he pitched another
not-hit game to lead his ATO
mates to a 16-0 victory over the
Elson opened the campaign
with a no-hitter against the Beta
Sigs, pitched a one-hit game op
posite the DU team Tuesday. One
hit allowed in three games page
Ripley! Not one Sammy reached
first base against Elson. Craig
flipped the final inning.
ZBT's Lose
Beta Sig batting guns nearly
ran out of amunition after a 22-1
rampage over the ZBT club. Al
pha Gamma Rho topped the Beta
crew, 10-4.
Sig Ep-Phi iDelt fray was can
celled in favor of the Sig Ep
measles quarantine. Delta Sigs
forfeited to the Sigma Nu club.
Bob Fast pitched a one-hitter to
pace the Sig Alphs to a 12-5 con
quest over the Kappa Sigs. A
fumbling Sigma Chi club dropped
a 19-2 decision to a hard-hitting
Farm House aggregation. Phi Ps'
Softball performers tripped the
Alpha Sigs, 12-2.
Gopher Club
Holds Drills
Minneapolis, Minn., April 15
Football Coach George Hauser in
dicated yesterday that another
scrimmage would be in store for
his gridders today. This comes
after the grueling hour session on
Wildcats Prep
Campaign on Track and Field
MANHATTAN, Kana., April 15.
Members ST- the K-St&te track
team are getting in shape for
whatever track meets they may
enter this spring. A meet with
Kansas University and the con
ference meet are the only two
meets they are certain of being
More boys are In the pole vault-
We are
proud to be
ho$ts to
mnd the
April 16
Thsty- PhstrySkop.
Note Barb
Intramural managers in the
barb division are urged to turn
in their Softball entries to Tom
Brogan, Intramural Office,
Only two managers handed
in entries last week, and addi
tional teams must be included
before play can start.
Sigma Nu
Wins From
ZBT Team
Tennis Opens
Tennis activity along the intra
mural front opened Wednesday
night when the Sigma NU netmen
took a 2-1 decision over the Zeta
Beta Tau club.
A victory by Anawalt over
Muskin in the playoff tossed the
margin to the Sigma Nus. A
scheduled match between the Sig
Eps and Sig Chi'a was postponed
due to the Sig Ep scarlet fever
quarantine. Beta Sigs meet the
Delts tonight.
Future Schedule:
April 16 Beta Sigs vs. Delts.
19 Farm House vs. Phi
Psi Psi vs. SAE.
21 Theta XI vs. Sammies.
Phi Gams vs. Kappa
22 DU vs. Betas.
ATO vs. Sigma Nu.
For Uncertain
. . . I wo Meets scheduled
lug event this year than have
been for several years. The
shot put and discus are at present
very definitely a problem, said
Track Coach Ward Haylett "The
hurdles will be fairly strong for
ordinary competition."
Upham in the quarter mile.
Johns in the half, Socolofsky and
Thies in the javelin throw and
Nelson in the pole vault event
show the best promise on the
440 yd. relay: Merrill Rockhold,
Loren Von uiesen, Bob Keiin,
Jim Upham, Jim Johns and War
ren Pfankuch.
Mile relay: Combination of Chet
Peters, Bill Payne, Ernie Nelson,
Jim Johns and Jim Upham. Homer
Socolofsky or Bill Thies have a
good chance to get in this event,
High jump: Merrill Rockhold,
Ray Yellcy and Don Hite.
Javelin: Homer Socolofsky and
Bill Thies.
Pole vault: Ernie Nelson, Sher
man, Joe Ridgeway, George Mcn-
denhall and Ray Yellcy.
Shot put: Rolf.
Discus: Christ Christ
High hurdles: Homer Socolof
sky, George Mendenhall and Don
Hite. Charles Houghton shows
Low hurdles: Same as in the
high hurdles with the addition of
Bob Keith.
100-220 and 440 yd. dashes will
be assigned to the various menv
bers of the relay combination.
880: Jim Johns.
Mile and two mile: No expert
enced candidates; Meskimen and
Aggie Crew
Given Nod
To Triumph
. Over Huskers
Mentor Ed Weir and five Corn
husker track and field performers
departed from Memorial stadium
at 8 a. m. today, bound for the
triangular with Oklahoma and
Oklahoma A. & M. Saturday.
Transportation difficulties, cou
pled with the fact that only first
places count in the triangular,
were given as reasons by Weir for
not shipping more men to the bat
tie field.
A tough blow wail struck Weir
as he made up his traveling list
Wednesday when announcement
was made that Jim Brogan, dis
tance veteran, was quarantined
for scarlet fever. Brogan has been
developing rapidly outdoors, and
clipped the halfmile route in close
to two minutes flat in several
Weir will use both Dean Kratz
and Creighton Hale, frosh poten
tials, in the 880 race. Kratz will
also run the quarter and Hale
the mile.
Al Zikmund is slated for a
workhorse role in the discus, 100,
220, high jump and broad jump.
Vic Schleich will compete in shot
and discus with Howie Debus
slated for javelin, discus, pole
vault and shot put chores.
Weight Strength. ,
A summary of comparative per
formances gives Nebraska first
places only in the shot, discus,
javelin and pole vault Haffner of
A. & M. has a 4:23 mile and a
1:57.3 halfmile to his credit
Ralph Tate has tripped over the
120 yard high hurdles in 14.2,
taken the lows in 24.0 and broad-
jumped 24-11. Nichols has high-
jumped 6-5 and the Aggie mile re
lay team has a 3:19 to its credit
"Looks dark," said Weir, "but
our boys will get experience. It's
the Big Six, May 9, that counts
after all."
We have within this student
body certain non-sports fol
lowers who protest non-Nebraska
news on Ye Sports
"It Is a Nebraska university
paper, isn't it?" is their argu
ment We point out here that
Nebraska as a Big Six member
competes with Big Six schools
and thereby news from those
sources are nearly as choice as
our own news. We have here
only two sports track and in
tramural to cover and, broth
er, try to get a full sport page
out of those!
We want to issue an invita
tion herewith to any protester
to attempt a sports page, minus
copy from Big Six schools and
other Husker foes. We're wait
ing! E'aaamai:
t The Gay Nile Spot
By Popular Request
13 South???
Dancing v
9 to 1
Just One Mile
Now Open Every Night Except Monday
Skating 7:30 till 10:00 Sunday Afternoon 3 to 5
Available Monday Nights for Private Parties
Lincoln' $ Largest
sr w
By Norn's Anderson
Sports Editor
Hard-Working Frosh . . .
Directly paradoxial to the uneven conditioning routine o!
only too many members of the University o Nebraska cinder
squad is the program carried on by the Brothers Kratz.
If hard work and perfect daily attendance were to pay
dividends in blue ribbons, these Brothers Kratz would already
possess enough cloth tape for a Sophie Tucker garter.
Dean in elassroom attire is a slender kid with a grin that
lights his countenance like an Xmas tree. When the prize frosh
halfmiler steps into track scanty-clads, the observer notices first
as muscular a pair of under-pinnings as would bedeck a veight
Kent, a fuzzy-thatched blond aspirant, was one of Chili
Armstrong's better frosh
son. He has improved enough
height, to warrant considerable
hot once during our daily
missed seeing these hard-working Sidney kids jogging around
the oval. Sometimes Creighton Hale, another conscientious frosh
runner, works with the duo. Fact that Hale works eight hours
per day in the library limits his
One thing to straighten: Dean is the distance man Kent,
the hurdler.
Ed Weir counted noses of his Oklahoma-bound track and
field fledglings early today as the Huskers left for the opening
competition of the 194.3 outdoor campaign.
Saturday evening at 5:00
troubling Husker track followers
outdoors? will receive at least a reasonable facimue for an
Loss of Al Brown, two-event winner for. the mnnerup Big
Six Cornhuskers indoors, means that newcomers Dean Kratz and
Creighton Hale must jointly make up the deficiency. Howard
Debus, defending league javelin champion, should also add
points outdoors since the spear
First places only will count in the Stillwater triangular.
From this limb, A. & M.'s Tate-sparkd Aggies appear ten
points ahead of the Huskers with
IS Trackmen
Prep For Meet
AMES, la., April 16. Time
trials to determine the entrants
for the triangular meet at Grin
nell will occupy the attention of
the Iowa State track team the
early part of this week.
When Coach George Bretnall
settles the entry question the Cy
clones will settle down to hard
work for the meet against Grin
nell and Iowa Pre-flight. Four let
termen will head the list of en
tries with at least two places go
ing to freshmen.
George Gast, letterman who un
expectedly returned to school the
early part of the quarter, will be a
javelin and discus performer. Dick
Bliss, weieht man. Bert Eberlein,
jumper and Jack Gibson, middle
distance star, are other lettermen
Tax Included
West of Town
rf w i
ana finest tioor
ball-packers during the fall grid sea
m the hurdles, despite lack of
Weir attention of late.
visits to the Stadium have we
available practice time.
p. m. a question which has been
"What will the Huskers do
event is not on the indoor pro-
the Sooners drawing up arears.
s Team
Coach "Lippy" Laughlin's
Alpha Gamma Rho softball ag
gregation topped the Farm
House nine, 6-1, in the annual
Ag campus classic.
Marv Munson pitched the
final three innings for the AGR
team, holding the Farm House
big bats down. Munson homered
in the last frame to cinch the
AGR victory.
Aditie $1.00 Each Pins Tax