DAILY NEBRASKAN Humors Run Riot What's the Latest? Rumors Friday-. April 16, 1943 BY GHITA HILL AND ROBERTA BURGESS. What won't happen next? Spring has brought with it the usual birds and flowers, but some thing new and exsiting has been added rumors. Because of the many epidemics on the campus this year, along with, talk of activation, ct cetera, the field of rumors has really flourished. Will "Anything" Happen? Some of the choice bits arc re printed here for the readers' en joyment and amazement. After reading these, you will undoubt edly agree that anything can hap pen, and will? Many persons swear that this Is true because their sister's boy friend who is an ATO knows that John Jay Douglas will be the May Queen . Why Didn't They Tell Us. Janet Gibson has heard that the girls who have signed up for the women's ROTC are subject to be drafted for the WAVES, WAACS, and SPARS. Firmly believing that the ROTC will not be activated until the war, is Lois Christie, while Marcy Bauer says, "The ROTC will re ceive orders tomorrow and be ac tivated Monday." Vacation ? Dorothy Filley must be dream ing when she says, "We will be ex cused from classes on Good Fri day." Oh welV stranger things have happened, but we don't know where. AWS communique: Girls will be given 1:30 Saturday nights to accommodate the Cadets, but they must be in at 9 o'clock on Sundays. The WAA organization will hold a spring 1914 football game with btepnens college, Missouri Nor rie Anderson will wolferee. It has been said that there is a yearbook coming out this year. Is this true? The Cornhusker will come out!" Dave Walcott. Where the Dock? Evelyn Garton donated this in teresting phenomena, "All Naval Reserves will be called and the battleship USSS North Carolina will come up Salt Creek to get them." From one who knows, Bill Pal mer, "They are going to quarter WAACs in the third floor of the Kappa Sig house." Just f-'or a Change. "It will definitely be a Sunny Ivy day," according to Dorothy Carnahan. Common talk has it that the Betas are having courtesy week for their pledges. Instead of donating a gift to the university, the senior class is building a monument to J. J. Douglas. Florida Hi" They Come. Johnny Kuhlxan offers this bit of sure-thin;; information," the ROTC will be aotivaea and in Florida witlvn the week. They will be going to school by corres pondence or els-2 thfv will be quartered at ag college and com mute to the city campus by jeeps.' - Rumor has it that the Phi Rhos will win the Intra-Ira ternity sing, Is it true that President Roose velt is considering replacing Fran cis Perkins, Secretary of Labor, with Pat Lahr Rumor nas it that there will be girls on the campus next fall 'Disclose 9 Plenty of Nothing BY CHARLIE GAI NS WORTH Y. Rumors run rampant on the campus. "Hear today, gone tomor row," pipes a ROTC. preparing himself for a night with the boys. "Hey, Tut, goln' out with the cousins tonight," yells a brother, standing under the tepid spray of a shower. But the boy from the rag of fice has the topper: "Do you know that Colonel Murphy has an order from headquarters at Omaha (ah yes, fine Omaha) directing him to get transcripts and other neces sary info about members of the ROTC, as a preparatory action to sending all advanced drill cadets to Idaho? "And whatdaya think, we may go to Sun Valley. Not that I ain't gonna enjoy Sun Valley, but I've heard that it's a tough place to get in shape. Ya run a hunnard yards and yer fagged. But that's okay by me . . . Sun Valley's my meat." On and on into the night go the stories. "Hey, Jake, the women's ROTC is being called. Wonder where they'll be stationed?" "The hoys will be called tomorrow." "The orders are in the mail." We won't be called until Au gust." Activation starts tomorrow and we'll be called in alphabetical order. "The orders are in the mail." "Don't ask me, I'm only a jun ior." We leave next Monday. You'll find me at George's. "Who cares?" I'm in the navy V-l." "I'm only a girl, but Cliff told me they were all going in as second Looies." "The war will end tomorrow bo they'll never be called thank heaven." "Activation looms in the near future for all those unfor tunates (ROTC boys). What a pity for our deah, deah coeds." "The orders are in the mail." (This line won by four lengths). Hey, we're called. See ya at th corner of der Mug in Berlin. tew ' mn't tonchejmart h ask us all fi her party when she knew none of us could waste gr J 0 r.iiss LOUISE HORLEY From the Office of Wor Information tells what is happening to it YOUNG BRITOHS AT WAR" Auxiliaries, Land Army, Factory Workers, Volunteers Described 8:00 p. m., Sunday, April 18 Uniofl Ballroom Scribe Finds Many Rumors On UN Mall BY NORRIS ANDERSON. Everytime we see a cohort these days, we automatically stoop low and lend him our good ear. Rumors these days fly faster than Eric Rommel and who the h said Hal Davis of California U. is the world'u fastest human? Eric could outspeed him, hands down. We herewith present, in full order, some of the rumors that have flitted over this moss- backed institution. Colonel Murphy resigned today to join the U. S. marine corps as a buck private. His resignation was caused upon 841 phone calls asking that devilish question: When is the ROTC going to be activated 7 "I only hope the marines have a coke machine," was rumored to be Murphy's parting sentiment. A local rumor-flitter informed us 30 minutes ago that the Ne braska women's ROTC corps was soon to be activated. The gals, said our source, will be used as skilled machinists in grease fac tories. "Pretty slippery work," commented Lt. "Squirrel" Adams, drill master of the Cornhusker co-eds. Pat Lahr, Union social director, will leave late this week to accept a movie effer to play opposite Peter Lore in "Hopalong Cassidy Rides Again." Local joke, Fred Cassidy, Hopalong's second cousin on the wrong side, may accompany Miss Lahr to the Gold Coast. This is a rumor don't quote please. Instead of activation, our ROTH units will move to Penn Woods for a two-week camn neriod. Accord ing to rumor, co-eds are cordially mvnea to spend as much time as they can muster at the woods. That feminine touch is npedod in every army camp," sighed Gene Jl 1 1 A . . israaiev. according to rumor, iac- corainrr to rumor, according' to rumor, according to rumor, Jeez mat term s growing monotonous!) A translation of a German war communique was made by Dean Oldfather, according to rumor, in a history class today. Oldfather was neglectant to re veal what his discovery was, but it was rumored the prophecy had something to do with the oncom ing pennant race. Glen Presnell, it is rumored, Is sued call today for all university amazons. All girls weighing up wards of 150 pounds can consider themselves definite candidates for Cornhusker spring grid drills in absence of the males. "This should include about half the women in the school, so we ex pect a tremendous turnout," com mented one athletic staff member, 'Gilbert Directs Comedy at Iowa AMES, la., April 10 It's no mistake! "H. M. S. Pinafore, the great hit by Gilbert and Sullivan, will be directed by "Gilbert" when it is produced for the 1943 Veishea at Iowa State college May 7. But it will be Dwight Gilbert of Rippey, senior student at Iowa State and general chairman of the production and not crusty old William. Round and Round It Goes . . Winer Hi Sitps? John told me that Betty said the dog catcher told her that when he was talking to bystanders when he was picking up "Two-Bits," a stray bulldog with appealing eyes on the corner of 13th and O that the price of cotton paid per bale to the Nebraska farmer was be low the salary paid to the univer sity ROTC buck private when Uncle Sam put him into uniform which should be equal to a cor poral's since that is what the air crew members in the library get altho they have set fire to the Love building with the flames of their Nebraska co-eds' "billeta doux" and will have to pay for it out of the pocket money their parents send them which of course is much greater than what Ui average student pays for his ra tion of one lemonade a day altho lemonade will interfere seriously with the organized serenade the sororities are contemplating from the back steps of Teachers college to the submarine fighters sta tioned here until the war ends to morrow. The Reason Why Now we have printed all the latest dope. For once in the editorial staff's life it is certain there is nothing left out. Our aim is benevolent, socially-minded, and modest. We believe simply that all rumor mongers will be defated. When one runs up to you with the newest thing in campus news, you can squelch him with a phrase already trite: "I read that in the Nebraskan this morning." DO YOU PIG IT t Submitted by Robert Ron Cooper oiton University, Clan of '43 I fl ....-rctf-1" I I 7m j " or C 4" fir r f mrr- -'" :sxf T f 1 n m lMftatf i AiirrilH f - ' 1 mmUn nflfTw i iIimm Pepsi-Cola Company, Long Island Cry, MY. Bottled locally by Fronchited Bottian.