Suncby, March' IF, I3 'DALY NEBRASKAN By Ye Olde Editor. Why is it when no one else feels like writing a society column they always pick on us? Everyone is sending off their ERC men in great style this week end, . . . Out on the green grass plains of the DU domicile the Navy and Marine reservists sent next week's privates off with a Saturday buffet dinner followed . by an afternoon of dancing. House partying also were the Kappa Sigs and the Sig Alphs and in custom ary manner. . . . And then there's always the Fiji-Tau tussle cut down a little this year because of the weather, then too, it is doubt ful if they could find a pig to grease. . . . The Betas celebrated with their annual Crud party which was in the usual happy mood we hear. Congrats and Flowers. Congratulations to all the new initiates down sorority row. . . . It seems strange to see so few pledges doing the town Friday night. Friday night brings up Spivak who brings up a crowd. . . . Yes indeed. . . . Getting their full share of the square inch per couple dancing space were Chi O riiyllis Holbrook and Theta Marge Kenner with Sig Nus Don Engdahl and Don Anawalt. One thing we learned was that if you know how to jitterbug you can get enough space to dance in. . . People will give it to you in self defense. We heard but we can't say for sure that FH Dale Wolf is giving his pin to Doris Marshall to take back to Minnesota with her. Doris came down for the Farm House sweetheart party Saturday night. Celebrating also last night were Qood Coats are Qood Buys Tweed or fleece,, shetlands or mixture fabrics, the good coats of this season are good buys for seasons to come. The boxy boy style is your prime favorite because you wear it over suits now and it will look grand over your Springy things later. In basic tan, brown or black, pastels or poster brights. $19.95 to $49.95 Prepare Special Reading Table On War Plans The War Service library, In room 310 of UN library, has recently prepared a special reading table for information on the post war problem. The material has been collected from numorous sources and covers the post war problem from aworldwide point of view, as well as supplying information about problems concerning only the United States. Material on the international as pect is contained "Reasearch Post War Planning," a series published by the Inter-allied information cen Post war problems of United States iuch as better cities, hous ing programs, depressions, em ployment, and transportation are discussed in a series of pamphlets published by the National Rea sources planning board. There are also copies of bills concerning the post war situation that have been brought before the house of representatives. The ma terial that has been received from the office of war information is al30 included in the collection. the Towne Club girls with a dinner dance at the Union. On hand for the fun was Helen Hill and Stan Oglesby, Lucena Churchill and Sig Ep pinmate Don Goe, Penny Hen derson and Bob Daniclson, and Mary Kay Elce and Truman Streeter. Phog and Lew, alias two acers of this campus, well versed in the literary, plus shades of verbosity, have graciously consented to add their bit of wit to the Rag for the day. Warner (Atlas Junior) Stevens, ATO, returned. Veni, vidi, vici. Finding his former play-gal occu pied for the weekend, Stevie re sorted to a "chance" date, result ing in a very enjoyable tete-a-tete. Orchi to all the babies newly initiated Thetas, DGs, Alpha Phils, Kappas we loooooove you!; hill JiM ' in Jf 1 Try f m Victory Contest Replace Old Intramural Debates Dr. A new intramural victory speak- ing contest to replace the former debate tournament has been an nounced for all organized houses on the campus, to be held the weeks April 5 to 9 and 12 to 17. Substitution for the annual. In tramural debate tourney is being made in part because of the call of so many men to the armed forces and partly because the Seventh civilian defense area of fice has requested that something be done to prepare a unit of vic tory speakers for war drives both on the campus and the community. Unanimously indorsed by the eighteen members of the Intercol legiate debate squad and local chapter of Delta Sigma Rho, hon orary debate fraternity, which heretofore have jointly sponsored the intramural debate tournament. War Council Approves. The organization of the local unit of victory speakers has the approval of the student war coun cil, who will cooperate in the or ganization and administration of Tests . . . (Continued from Page 1.) limit as being 17 and not having reached the 20th birthday July 1, 1943, while the army places the age limit at 17 to 22 years of age at the same date. All students who are interested in taking these tests must fill out an admission and identification certificate. These certificates are now available at the junior divi sion offices and should be caned for as soon as possible by all stu dents who expect to take the tests. Those who take the qualifying tests do not thereby obligate them selves in any way, nor will their status with their local draft boards be affected in any way. Lasse in Charge the local Unit The local Intra mural contests will be admin istered by Dr. R. T. Lasse, director of university debators, who along with Dr. Patterson of the exten sion division and county chairman Robert V. Petl constitute the county victory bureau committee. Purpose of the victory speakers is to prepare a group of capable speakers who are willing and ca pable of making three, five, or ten minute speeches when requested by the war groups on the campus and community in the interest of promoting morale and drives for the war effort. Plan Permanent Group. Further plans for organizing the local unit will be announced in a later issue of the Daily. It is hoped that each organized house on the campus will contribute at least two speakers for this unit The intramural victory speaking contest is being promoted to give these speakers preparation and ex perience as well as an opportunity to bring credit to their respective houses. Copies of rules and regulations governing 'the contest are being mailed to all organizations, both to men and women affiliated and un affiliated. Entries must be in the speech office of the Temple build ing by Thursday, March 25. - . j i - K- ' 1 ,. . : i ".' .-:.,-- v ." i . MI I. because Simon's rayon BioieEy is sheer, smooth fitting Quaker hosiery 75 and 100 denier sfieer and streetweight rayons . . . 6leek fitting, good shades. 1.35 and 1.50 famous McCallum hosiery 75 and 100 denier sheer and streetweight rayons, closely knit, hemstitched stop-run welt You'll Uke these lightweight fine mesh ray ons . . , and they'll do you extra mileage. 1.35 to 1.G5 nduct Advance ROTC Students At Purdue Uni Approximately fifty advanoed military students at Purdue Uni versity were inducted into the en listed reserves last Tuesday. The advanced, R.O.T.C. men who were already In the enlisted reserve will be inducted into the army tomor row, according to the Purdue Ex ponent, student publication of Purdue Univesity. After three or four days re quired for processing and issuing of uniforms, the men will be re turned to the campus to continue their regular course. The cadets will be classiifed as privates, will receive privates pay, and the uni form will be the regulation dress. Army Governs Men. Army regulations will govern the men during the rest of the semester. Morning roll call and three hours of study period each night are included In the men's daily routine. Leaves will be granted over the weekend, but passes will also be needed for this in order to meet army regulations. Regular classes will be attended, although absence from class with out an excuse will be the same as AWOL. I. A. O'Shaughnessy, St Paul oil company executive, recently gave Notre Dame university $100,000 to stimulate fine arts training. . ttrel floor I ladiet accestoriei . . . .- 1.15