The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 14, 1943, Image 1

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    Seven Senior Women Compete
In Annual May Queen Contest
Vol. 43, No. 29
Sunday, March 14, 1943
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Courtesy Lincoln Journal
TfotlwmnMV Kinder
To be presented at a "simplified"
Ivy Day, the university May
queen will be chosen from a field
of seven candidates at the wom
en's election March 18.
Senior women who have filed
for the position are Alice Louise
BecKer. eaitor
of the
ber of
Y. W.
C. A.,
and Alpha Phi;
Sidney Ann
Gardner, presi
dent of Panhel
lenic and Kap
pa Alpha Theta
and a member
of T. W. C. A.
Anne Kinder,
p r e s i dent of
Coed Counsel
ors, is a mem
ber of Mortar
A., and Pi Beta
Lincoln Journal
Board. Y. W. C.
Phi, and a past member of Tassels.
President of WAA Betty Newman
is a member of Mortar Board,
Y.W.C.A., Delta Gamma, 'and past
member of AWS board. Shirley
Phelps, president of the women's
residence halls, is treasurer of
Mortar Board, a member of Coed
Counselor board, Y.W.C.A. and
past member of Tassels.
Mary Jean "Rettenmayer is a
UN Offers Extension Courses
For Students in Armed Forces
University authorities are urg
ing all students called to the
armed services to continue their
college work after they have be
gun training.
The universfty extension di
vision and the army institute are
co-operating to give men called
Into the services an opportunity
to continue their college work. A
system has been developed in
which these men may apply the
credits they cam thru this cor-
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Courtwry Unooln Journal
resondence plan toward a degree.
Dr. C. H. Patterson has been
placed in charge of registration o(
the courses whicn may De laxen
at the university under the army
institute plan. These courses are
listed in the army institute cata
Courtesy Lincoln Journal
Itritftimaynr Gardiwr
member of Tassels, War Council
and Sigma Kappa. Betty Ann
Tisthammer is president of Ag so
cial council, and member of Home
Ec board, Student Council and
Mortar Board.
Contrary to tradition, the May
Queen and her court will be re
vealed during the Ivy Day after-
From March 23 to 26 . . .
Navy Interviews Applicants
Included among the 479 col-j
leges and universities eligible forj
use in one or more kind of army-
navy program, are Nebraska's
facilities in military engineering,
medical, dental, and pre-medical
and pre-dental .training.
The joint committee for the se
lection of non-federal educational
institutions, which was appointed
to select the colleges and univer
sities to be utilized in the spe
cialized war training programs of
the armed forces has recently
completed its list of approved in
stitutions. That Nebraska has been chosen
as a possible government institu
tion in all six fields means mere
ly that it has been approved for
log. The government is so inter
ested in continuation of college
work that it is willing to pay as
much as one half of the corre
spondence study.
Students who are interested in
this plan may ask for Information
from Dr. Patterson, Dr. K. O.
Broady, director of the university
extension division, or Dr. G. W.
Rosenlof, director of admissions
and university examiner.
In order to clear up the situa
tion concerning the cerdits of stu
dents who have been called during
this semester, Dr. Rosenlof pointed
out that the university senate ap
proved a specific recommendation
coming from the war emergency
committee that a student in good
standing forced to withdraw from
the university because of his be
ing called into the armed forces
would be privileged to inquire into
the possibility of securing some
Blanks may be obtained from
the registrar's office for the use
of students who wish to make ap
plication for possible partial credit
for work already completed.
It is also pointed out by Dr.
Rosenlof that students may con
tinue thru extension certain of the
courses for which they are regis
tered and upon the completion of
the work that normally would be
required, would receive full credit,
Finally, lie pointed out that stu
dents called after eight weeks are
entitled to receive one half of their
credits providing they have main
tainM a record of 70 percent or
better. If called up after twelve
weeks, they -are entitled to re
ceive full credit for courses for
which, they are registered.
WB(Bh PlSl
4. A'
Courtesy Lincoln Journal
Nrwmtui Heckrr
noon. Previously, the morning
ceremonies had included the pres
entation of the court and the com
petitive sings, both of which will
be presented in the afternoon, in
addition to the masking of the
Mortar Boards.
Election for May Queen will be
held in Ellen Smith hall.
inspection and investigation.
Sign Contracts.
A special release from the of
fice of War Information, stated.
"It should be clearly understood
that approval of educational in
stitutions for the war training
programs means only that the
indicated branch of the services is
permitted to investigate the de
signed institutions with a view to
negotiating contracts. Actual con
tracts will be let only to those
institutions whose facilities, upon
inspection, prove acceptable to
the designated branch of the
armed services and in the event
that the proposed contracts are
(See NAVY, Page 4.)
...In Union
University women will register from Monday to Friday,
2:30 to 5:30 p. m. in the Union
women's war activity program sponsored by the War Council.
Approval of the measure has been passed thru the office of
the Dean of Women. Catherine Wells is chairman of the
Each girl must register the
employment and extra-curricular activity which she is carry
ing. These hours will be taken into consideration when she
registers. A board of faculty and student members will weigh
each case.
On Reserve List.
If it is not possible for a girl 1o arrange weekly hours, she
may be put on a reserve list which w ill be called upon by the
Hed Cross for part-time jobs. Those not registering during
this period will be contacted.
Opportunities for the Nebraska eo-ed to play a part in the
war effort number: Women's 11. O. T. C, Surgical Dressing,
First Aid, Ked Cross Knitting, Junior Hostessing, Lincolncttes,
A. W. S. Staff assistant, Kag Tags and War Stamp sales.
Schedule of War Work.
Surgical dressings will be made on Saturdays from 9 to
12 p. m., and 1 to 5 p. m. following the program already in
effect. First Aid classes will be given ou Tuesdays from 3 :30
to 5:30 p. ra. Red Cross knitting is cheeked out at the lied
Cross headquarters.
Those who wish to become Lincolncttes will sign up with
the dean of women to attend week end dances which last three
hours. U. C. 0. hostessing is sponsored by the Lincoln office,
and consists of entertaining men at the U. S. O. by playing
pool, cards, ping pong, or dancing.
Tassels ask that many girls help them in their weekly
drive in War Stamp sales.
Regular classes in all war activities begin March 21.
A women's R. 0. T. C. under the direction of Lt. Robert
Adams and sponsored by the Coed-Counselors is on the list of
women's war-time activities.
hour of class and one hour of
Catherine Wells, head of
forms will be worn. They will consist of navy or black skirts,
white blouses and over seas caps.
Diversity of Class Work.
Classes in first aid, map reading, radio, aerial navigation,
photography, cryptography, and
be offered thruout the semester.
Altho the idea is new to this
women students. Lieutenant
would be based on the number
the women's R. 0. T. C.
Kosmet Klub
Initiates Nine,
Holds Banquet
In an accelerated war program,
Kosmet Klub, men's dramatic
honorary, initiated nine men Fri
day night. The ceremony is
usually held later in the year.
Myrldene Buller, presented as
Nebraska Sweetheart at the Kos
met Klub fall rem, was guest
of honor at a banquet following
initiation. Also present was Jo
lobhy, for their place in the
number of hours of class work,
The program consists of one
military drill each week.
the group, anounces that uni
A. W. S. staff assistants will
campus, it should interest most
Adams said that his instruction
of women who register for
Students on Honors List
Must File Delinquencies
Students who wish to be con
sidered for the honors list
should file reports of delin
quency removal by March 17
at the office of admissions in
Administration hall.
Weaver Kline, honorary member
of the klub.
Those initiated were Leonard
Stein, Duane Munter, Dick Folda,
Art Schmale, John SloUiower,
John Cook, Alvin Margolin, Gil
bert Ryder and John Anderson.
.iflt,S ii 'r
- Cuirte.sjr I(nrolii Journal
Place in War
At Ag Convo
A convocation designed to
help answer coed questions on
the college woman's job in war
time will be held at ag college
Tuesday at 3:30 p.m. in ag
hall 306. All home ec classes
will be dismissed and all uni
versity women are invited to
Mrs. Roscoe Hill of Lincoln
will conduct a discussion on the
general subject of 'The College
Woman's Place Today and To
morrow." Her talk will define
some of the ways in which col
lege educated girls may make
their greatest contribution, ,
Mrs. Hill, the former Ruth Da- J
vis, is a graduate of home
economics and s. Mortar Board