The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 26, 1943, Page 3, Image 3

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J 11
U ira ol ir
Friday, February 26, 1943
ATO's Advance
Near B Crown
Three new class "B" league
ehampions were crowned as a re
sult of Wednesday evening's class
"B" play and one other team look
another step closer to the semi
final playoffs.
The three teams advancing to
the semifinals were the Betas,
DU's, and the Phi Delts. Alpha
Tau Omega's defending cham
pions by defeating the Sig Eps
advanced within one game of the
League One crown.
Phi Delts Crush ZBT's.
Gerry Curry and D. Chapin each
poured 16 points thru the basket
to lead the Phi Delts to a 50 to 2
lacing over the ZBT's and a bid to
the play offs. Bud Bailin dropped
in the only basket for the losers.
Beta's Win.
Displaying power galore, Beta
Theta Pi's "B" five rolled over the
Kappa Sig quint 35 to 2. Holland
and Weidman led the winner's at
tack with 8 points apiece.
The DU's joined the Phi Delts
and Betas in the playoffs by stop
ping the SAE's 22 to 14. Drum
mond and Larson divided the scor
ing honors for the DU's with six
" !ATO's Whip Sig Eps.
Led by Jim Buxton who dropped
in 4 points, the ATO's dropped the
Sig Eps 10 to 5. The ATO's must
win over the surprising SAM's
next Monday evening to clinch the
league championship.
In a battle for the cellar posi
tion in League One the Beta Sigs
racked up their fit, win of the
seasori by nipping th? Sigma Chi's
10 to 6. Mueller was high for the
' ! 1 !
9 fo Midnite
25c pcr per$on
Union Ballroom
"A Smooth Floor
A Smooth Band"
MAJOR BOWES' 8th Anniversary
On the Screen
Lee Tracy Tom Brown
Evelyn Brent Jack La Rue
At Midnight
Horror Premiere
Special Preview of These
Two Blood Curdling Mysteries
"Mummy's Tomb"
Balcony 30c
I awAAL V;!:
By Norris Andernon A 'Qfy. ft ''t 'il
Scene is the Coliseum. Setting is the intramural office.
Time is 1 0 ::t0 a. m. Action, camera, floodlights .
Lewandowski, cage mentor, walks by, beams cheerfully,
and gives with ' ' Well, that Kansas jinx was just too much for
my kids. Just like we seem to have the Indian sign over Mis
souri, we can't seem to overcome that Kansas spell. My kids
looked good those first minutes, but then, pfff ft, and they blow
the game." Lew walks away, shrugging his shoulders.
Totrgcd in swe;it shirt, towel :i round sholdcrs, Weir slops
to tell us of a letter he received from Hill Connor, ex-llusker
qu;i i-1 cini iU'r. Wc counter with ''llow'll the llnskers do tomor
row night, I'M?" and receive this r.uswer: "Missouri is the
favorite and only a miracle can keep Simpson's lads out. We'll
l)e in there scrapping for second place with K-State ami Okla
lioma." I j Athlelic Director (lien Presnell and Chili Armstrong.
6'osh tutor, saunter by several minutes later. 'Pies" tells us
he hasn't beard from his navy board, then adds lhat Husker
jjrid practice will definitely open March 1."). "Mention thai
freshman sipiad will be divided into (ireen and While team.1
and meet in an exhibition before 1 be Iowa Stale game," com
ments Cbli. The foursome then migrate downstairs for a hand
ball session.
"Not much news along the intramural front," speaks Tom
Brogan, I-M director, as we walk into his office. Wilbur
Knight, erstwhile Husker baseball mentor, presently drops in.
exchanges some brief verbal repartee, then leaves to instruct
one of his "phys-ed" classes.
And so goes another morning in the Coliseum.
Hig Six track and field earinval at Kansas City this week
end may be of immediate importance in Hig Six circles, but
another event of 1 he docket bears heavier on future happen
ings. One official from each Hig Six school will gather around
a table at K-City Saturday afternoon to decide the question :
Will competitive athlelics be abandoned in the league for the
duration '!
Two alternatives will be offered before abandonment is
definitely, decided. 1. Open the gates to all athletes within
residence of the campus. 2. Continue under the present set
up with freshmen eligible for participation.
One thing is certain. Since Irack doesn't require a flow
of paying customers at the turnstiles to continue, we believe
the cinder sport should continue through' outdoor competition.
We can't think of a superior way for prospective soldiers to
build strength and endurance.
Matinee 30
Evening 446
"Night Monster"!
Main Floor 40c
UN Director
Attends Big
Six Meeting
Glen Presnell, Husker athletic
director and gridiron tutor, left
this morning with the track squad
to attend a meeting of Big Six
athletic directors at Kansas City
Saturday afternoon.
"From all indications," said
Presnell, "athletic competition will
be dropped by Big Six schools for
the duration." The Husker men
tor then preceded to cite action at
Missouri, where sports will be
dropped entirely after the current
indoor track and court seasons are
"There's a general feeling
around Big Six territory that
sports would hardly pay for the
duration, since we wouldn't have
any material anyway."
Only four of Nebraska's fifty
squadmen of last fall will be avail
able for spring drills if the EB.C
and remaining reserves are called.
Gift Stationery
Quality Greeting Cards
Goldenrod Printing Co.
til Nrik Uih Si. Osta TsrlB(i
Brown, Schleich Expected
To Lead Husker Trackmen
. . . Mizzou Favored
Can Win
. . . I-S First
w I t s opt
KnM 7 n S4ti 211
Oklahoma S 2 USX ZKH
MlKHonrl 4 ;i so; sill
NKHKASKA 4 4 SU .17(1
Iowa Stale i if,l
Hansan Stat 0 7 i'Jrf S04
If there are any consistently
sharp basket eyes among Mentor
Ad Lewandowski's con listers,
Cornhusker chances against Iowa
State Saturday night would ben
efit by discovery of said ammun
ition. For it has been the lack of a
concerted 'offensive that has cost
the Huskers a series of defeats
thus far. Capable of warming to
supreme heights witness the nar
row 40-39 Indiana win or the con
quests of .Missouri the Huskers
on other occasions even fail to lo
cate the bangboard.
Lew Hopes.
Lewandowski indicated Thurs
day that he would probably rely
on his regular combine of John
Thompson and. Johnny Fitzgibbon.
forwards; Max Young, center; and
Max Young and Bob Heinzelman,
guards. Ken Elson, an offensive
sparkle last week against Mis
souri, may possibly gain a start
ing nod.
"The boys have forgotten that
Kansas defeat," said Lew yester
day, "and we still have definite
plans for finishing in the upper
division of the conference." The
Husker mentor then proceeded to
send his proteges through a
lengthy scrimmage with the fresh
men. A inter-frosh game at 7:00
o'clock will precede the varsity
fray. One frosh team, captained
by John Dean, will list Sutton,
Hayes, Jacobson, Hinde, Breetzke,
and Englehart as squad members.
Other combine, led by Dick
Thompson, features L a w s o n,
Schesiger, Curry, Newmyer, Nuss,
and Flagg.
Max Young will captain the
Huskers. A victory over the Cy
clones, plus a win over Oklahoma
Monday eve, would boost Lewan
dowski's flippers into undisputed
third place. If Nebraska wins
these two and Oklahoma drops to
Kansas, the Huskers can tie the
Sooners for second place.
AMES, Iowa. Feb. 25. On the
basis of their play against Mis
souri Monday, Gene Phelps and
Bill Husted are coming in for
plenty of attention in Iowa State
basketball workouts this week.
llovi ehoufl a CAREER on
At student, you've doubtless asked yourself many
lime what you ought to do to help win this war. What can you
study that will be of practical assistance?
The Retail Bureau at the University of Pittsburgh is offering
new opportunity to college upperclassmcn to be trained for a
successful career in retailing while gaining actual working expe
rience at a iteady weekly salary. You will receive regular under
graduate credit for your work at the Bureau, you'll earn m
weekly income in a Pittsburgh department (tore, you'll b
making a definite contribution to civilian wartime morale at
the tame time piling up experience toward a career.
Pitt's Retail Bureau came into being during World War I
to help retailers replace executives and junior executives lost
to the armed forces and government services. In this war, we're
bringing 24 years of successful store service to the problem of
training new people. And we believe opportunities in retailing
have never been greater than they are right now.
Application blankt will be furniiheJ on request.
UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH P 1 1 1 s h h r 9 h. Pa.
Star-studded track and field
talent of the Big Six conference
explodes in Kansas City tomorrow
evening when loop schools con
verge for the big windup confer
ence finals.
Embarking on the Zephyr at
7:30 this morning were Ed Weir
and 14 Scarlet spike-slippermen,
intent on making a courageous de
fense of their spike crown against
the heavily-favored Missouri Ti
gers. "We are in splendid mettle and
primed for our top examination,"
declared Weir on departure, "I
think we'll be in the thick of the
scramble for the second spot."
Brown, Schleich, N. U. Hopes.
On the wing-feet of piston
legged Al Brown and the strong
arm of massive Vic Schleich hang
Husker hope and prestige. Brown
is the quartermile and halfmile
favorite while Schleich, N. U.
weight sensation is scheduled to
outtoss Missouri's Aussieker in
the shot put. Schleich, a 50 ft.
putter, forms kingpin of Weir's
brilliant corps of Debus and Eisen
hait. Alleviating some of the burden
and enhancing Husker second
place chances are iron men Howie
Debus, Al Zikmund, and Dick
Petring. Debus last year's runner-up
to Hunt will find formidible
competition from Nelson of Kan
sas State and Missouri's Black
well. His top mark of 13 ft. rates
him the favorite roll.
Zikmund Geared.
Zikmund, antelope-g eared
sprinter should press Missouri's
Joggerst and Steuber to possibly a
new 60 yd. dash record and will
help form a neat N. U. high jump
ing combine with Petring and Ab
bott. Toger Howe's best of 6 ft.
2 in. exceeds records of Weir's
6 ft. jumpers.
Missouri's block of strength
rides with hurdler and broad
jumper, Alexander. Alexander
should walk home over the tim
bers but will find Iowa .State's big
bertha Norcross, right around 24
ft. in the broad jump. Lee Chris
tenson, dark horse hurdler with
7:04 clocking will represent Husk
ers in over barriers with Debus,
Zikmund, and Petring in broad
K-State Formidable.
Chief Husker second place foe
is once vanquished K-State spurred
by Al Rues. Oklahoma with
smalelst cinder squad in history,
Iowa State with touted Mr. Nor
cross and Kansas of unknown
quality, should scramble for other
NYbraKka entrie:
Pole Vault: Ho v. hid Debug. Hon Jame.
High .lump: Dick PitiinK Al Abbott.
SI mt Tut: Vic S'hlen-h, Howard I it
bun, Ki KlRrnhart.
Mile Run: Paul .lohrde. Jim Brogan.
60 yard Dash: Al ''.ikmund, Al Bnmn,
Biond Jump: Debus, Peterson.
440 yard Dash: Bob Bow Iff. Brown,
Pett rxon.
High Hurdles: lt Christensen.
Two Mile Run: Johr.le, Brngan.
fcdO yrtrd P.un: Blown. Harlan Culell.
I auk Hurdles: Ohristrnson.
Mile Relay: Culwcll, Peternon, Bowles,
Brow n.