The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 24, 1943, Image 1

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Vol. 43, No
Lincoln Nebraska
.Wednesday, February 24, 1943
U La
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Celebrated Soprano ...
Helen Jepson Relates Own
Success Story To Reporter
Declaring that she would not ex
clude any languages from hei
repertoire of international songs,
Helen Jepson, Metropolitan opera
soprano, who appeared in Lincoln
the past two days, included in her
concert Monday night in the Lin
coln Symphony Series four well
known arias: The Aria from
Faust, two anas from Manon by
Massenet, and the Aria from
Thais by Massenet.
"I never sing down to an audi
ence," she explained in an inter
view, "If you want to educate an
audience, there is no use in sing
ing all familiar music. On might
just as well turn on the radio."
Sponsored by the Lincoln Sym
phony series, Miss Jepson's con
cert marked her first appearance
in Lincoln. The Lincoln appearance
will start her eighth concert tse
ries. which includes Kansas and
western coastal (states.
Hears Miss Farquar Sing.
Monday night she was enter
. . . Under
Under the new reorganization
pint the student war council has
named several new committees to
hanille its expanded program.
The speakers' bureau which
will handle all house to house
speaking Is under the direction of
Iiaib.ira Shonka. Members of
tins committee wil meet Thurs
diy evening in the commuters'
room to discuss further organi
zation of the group.
Under the AWS staff assist
ants training unit will fall the
training of switchboard operators,
with Rachal Locke in charge. Jo
Kmsey is in charge of all pub
licity for the council and the
council's activities. Handling
"Ragtags." the mimeographed pa
per that in sent to Nebraska
men in service are Margaret Bee
de and GilK-rt Ryder. A regular
news and office Uff will be chos-
See Council, page 4.
Senior Cadets
Take Physical
At 'Ft. Crook
In accordance with the an
nouncement that all senior t-l
vanced student would travel to
I'ort Crook Friday to take their
I'hysicalf, the military department
has stated that all will be in uni
form and ready for departure by
6 . m.
nn announcement, it was
trened, pertains only to those
enior cadets not already In the
ERC. All those making the trip
re to wear their regular advanced
course uniform, announced Cap
t'n James Crablll, adjutant.
The men will meet at 1445 N
reet Friday morning; to be taken
J Fort Crook in a convoy of ar
"ilery truck. Further detail will
published, at a later data.
Mew C
tained by Sigma Alpha Iota, na
tional music sorontf, of which
she is a member, and yesterday
she heard Elizabeth Farquahr
sing. Miss Farquahr, also a mem
ber of Sigma Alpha Iota, has car
ried many of the leading parts in
university operas and musical pro
grams. Singing in the choir at Titus
ville, Pennsylvania, is a far cry
from singing at the Metropolitan
opera house in New York City, yet
it served as the beginning of a
musical career for Helen Jepson.
Praises High School Teacher,
Speaking of her high school
days, Miss Jepson said: "We had
a wonderful woman coach. She
was so good and energetic, she al
most ruined me. I think my chorus
classes pulled me thru high school.
I practically used to substitute
chorus for history."
She finds soldiers to be most
appreciative, and has entertained
at several camps and canteens
thruout the country. Her favorite
See Helen Jepsen, Page 4.
Pershing Rifles
Sponsor Rush
Smoker Tonite
Serving as this week's meeting.
company A-2, Pershing Rifles,
will hold a rush smoker in the
Union tonight at 7:20, announced
Cadet Capt Francis Cox, com
mander or the company.
Captain Cox has sent out invi
tations to all members of the or
ganization, both -actives and
pledges, and attendance by all is
requested. Anticipating a good
turnout fur the event tonight, 1st
U. Fd Doyle has encouraged all
to attend in the hopes of discuss
ing future plans for the company,
whose afternoon meetings are
scheduled to begin next week.
The meeting tonight is planned
to be the list one of the winter
series for the Next week,
St-e Kiflt s, Page 4.
Tassels Take
Charge War
Stamps Today
Tassels will conduct the week
ly war stamp stales today in
four booths located in ag hall,
the Student Union, social
sciences ar.j mechanical arts.
The Intensive campaign
stalled on Wednesday last week
produced gooa results, so the
new schedule will be tried thru
out the next few weeks. Within
a month the Tassels will try to
have a war stamp book In the
hands of every student.
All of the bootha will be open
until 3:40 p. m. except the Un
ion booth, which will continue
selling stamps until S p. m.
In Interview
if , f .1.7 iv ?k 4
iHV, -
Courtesy Lincoln Journal,
."I never sing down to an au
dience. Box Socials
Bring WSSF
Total to $550
Alpha Chi OV
Sigma Chis Turn
In Most; $115.00
One of the most successful at
tempts of the WSSF drive thus
far, the week-end box-socials held
in organized houses and groups
on the campus totaled wejl over
$550, with an expected $250 to be
collected from socials to be held
this week-end.
uecause 01 previous arrange
ments, some organized houses
were unable to hold socials last
week-end; however, have ar
ranged to carry through with the
basket suppers this week-end.
Release House Totals.
Results of last week are as fol
lows: Sigma Chi-Alpha Chi Ome
ga, $113.00; Phi Gamma Delta
Delta Gamma, $53.00; Phi Kappa
Psi-Kappa Alpha Theta, $60.00;
Pioneer Coop, Cornhusker Coop
Love Memorial, $53.00; Beta The
ta Pi-Pi Beta Phi, $35.55; Alpha
Phi-Alpha Tau ODmega,- $30.50;
Theta Xi-Kappa Delta, $30.50;
Sigma Delta Tau-Sigma Alpha
Mu, Zeta Zeta Tau, $30.00; Phi
Delta Theta-Delta Delta Delta,
$30 00.
Alpha Gamma Pho-Girla" Dorm
$2G.OO; Delta Upsilon, $20.00;
Brown Palace-Howard Hall,
$12.00; Rosa Bouton-Wilson Hall,
$18.00; Sigma Nu--Kappa Gam
ma, $25.00; Warren Methodist,
$5.00; individual contributions.
Ag. campus, $76.29; Sigma Chi
Mothers Club, $5.00; contributions
from interested persons, $17.00;
Westminster Presbyterian, $20.00;
Wesley Foundation and St. Paul's,
$45.00; Trinity Methodist, $9.00;
Roger Williams Club, $20.00; in
dividual contributions, $86.50.
Daily Calls For Copies
Of February 5 Issue
The Daily Nebraskan needs cop
lea of the Feb. 5 paper. It will be
appreciated if anyone having ex
tra copies of this paper will turn
them In at the bui"i attics of
the Nebraskan.
ed Gross Poroe
efis Uondleir Way.
. . Announce Drive Plans
Sigma Phi Kpsiloti tout-hod off the campus Rod Cross War5
Fund drive Monday night by pledging a minimum amount of
$1.50 per man. Together with the contribution from the house
treasury, the total donation will amount to nearly $2 per mau
The DU's and Sigma Nu's pledged themselves to at least
100 percent membership. The remainder of the fraternities and
sororities are expected to contribute an average of $1.50 per
member or better within the week. Included in the quota foe
each house. will be the housemother and other non-students in
the house. ,
Book Drive
Nets Quality,
Not Quantity
Send 750 Volumes
To Cily Library
Quality, not quantity distin
guished this year's drive for Vic
tory books. As the final load was
deposited at the city library Tues
day afternoon, Mr. Magnus K,
Kristoffersen, head of the library
with the found of reading mate
rial. A very rough estimate included
400 bound copies, and 350 pocket
books. The demad for mystery
stories, and humor selections by
the men was well met by their
majority in the university's con
tributions. Collect Variety.
The variety of books extended
to "So Big," by Edna Ferber;
"New Yorker War Album," the
works of Charles Dickens and nu
merous well-worn text books such
as "Better Composition" by Salis
bury, and "Plans and Special
Trigonometry" by Hart.
The city library is the central
pool for books collected by the
smaller towns in Nebraska. Kris
toffersen predicted that the ma
jority of books collected in this
manner will be shipped over seas
to men with no access to the cor
ner book store.
Prom Ticket Salesmen
Asked to Turn in Tickets
All those who checked out
Junior-Senior prom tickets
must check them in by 5 p. m.
today at the Cornhusker office.
Men Bite Their Nail . . .
Convoy of Army
Amphibians Stop Near Campus
. lint
Astonished ATO"s wondered if
the army had s-nt a personal es
cort service to their front door
yesterday afternoon when they
looked out the east windows at a
fleet of amphibian jeeps and three
quarter ton trucks parked on both
mes of 15th street.
Crowding around the lone sol
dier guarding the trucks, worried
members of the fraternity discov
ered that the drivers had merely
parked the trucks there so that
they might eat lunch In downtown
Lincoln. Further questioning re
House Organization.
Greek organization for the wac
fund drive is based on each or
ganized house which has a captain
in charge of the members' con
tributions. The captain will handle
the membership cards for each
student, and will fill out the cards
as pledges are received.
The majors in charge of thu
captains for the fraternities and
sororities are Bill Thornberg, new
Innocent prexy, and Pat Cham
berlin, Theta.
Unaffiliated Organization.
Organization of the unaffiliated
students for the Red Cross war
fund drive is similar to greek or
ganization. Because of the impor
tance of contracting every unaf
filiated student, however, there are
more drive representatives per
student than in Greek organiza
tion. The campus is divided into
units, each unit being under the
direction of an individual major.
See Red Cross, page 2.
Students Select
11 New Music
Room Records
Students recently voted for sev
eral records to add to the Union
music room. Those records whioh
were chosen are now on order and
will come in a few at a time.
The records, composer and or
chestrations are as follows:
Symphony No. S by Shoiitakovitch,
Artnr Rodinski anil Clot eland Orchestra.
lAitrion Smihoiijr by Vaorhan Wil
liam Cincinnati Orchrolra with Kocene
1'rter and the Wolf by Prokoffrf,
Richard Hair, narrator, Nrrert Kntiar
vltnky and the Ronton Symphony.
lon h Klrhard Stratum. Ar
tnr RMtiniM and Cleveland Orchestra.
Mimical Comedy f avorite. l. ,
Andre Kmttclnnetr nrrhentra.
ConeerUi So. S In d minor for plana
by Rachmaninoff, Sergei Rachmaninoff
playing the piano with l-hlladHhpta ar
rhetra dim-led by ormandy.
Rrandenhanc Concerto No. 1 and 4
In V major h Bach. leopoM Stokowtkl
romtnetinc Philadelphia orchestra.
Barb I nntnila. In (tie and Pretodea
ol. I by llach. Hayed on organ by Dr.
Albert Srhweltrer.
Nern Hptrittiali Allium by Dorothy
Ile Mainneht and Per Niiaihawni by
Brahma. Mariaa Anderaoa.
M.miilmiie and Death Scene from
Othello by Verdi, l.anrllt Mehhlor.
Vehicles, New
Army llasn t Taken Over
vealed that the detachment were
traveling from Omaha to a cen
sored destination with a censored
number of trucks.
The amphibian Jeeps excited
much campus Interest, altho more
than one man turned away with
"Why look at them now, we'll be
seeing them soon enough as it is."
These Jeeps can travel on land
and water with equal poise, hav
ing the motor completely water
proofed by metal encodings and
the exhaust line opening at the
top of the jeep.