The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 12, 1943, Page 4, Image 4

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    Friday, February 12, 1943
Charter Day . . .
(Continued from Page 1.)
ately following, at 5:30, a buffet
eupper will be given by the Lin
coln Alumni Club.
Boucher Presides.
Chancellor Boucher will preside
at the convocation, and the invoca
tion will be given by Rev. Ray V.
Kearns, jr. The University Sym
phony orchestra will play two
numbers under the direction of
Samuel Gorbach. Following the
speech by John L. Bouchel, the
audience will be led in singing
"America the Beautiful by Mr.
Besides the faculty, personnel,
and alumni of the university, all
students, parents and friends of
the university are urged to attend
the convocation and the buffet
eupper which will follow.
Hold Business Meeting.
After the supper, there will be
a brief business meeting of the
Lincoln Alumni club at which T.
B. Strain will preside. ,
Fora Coed Follies . .
AWS Hears War's Cohorts
Costs Of Skits Limited
War and his cohorts strode into the A.W.S meeting a couple
of weeks ago when the girls were all sitting around thinking up
new ways to do old things, and were chewing on some ice cream
cones. Everyone was feeling happy that is all except ihe treas
urer who kept looking thrifty-like at all the cones and figuring
up the costs even while vigorously licking her own cone.
Anyway, everyone was feeling fine and jolly. Someone cas
ually mentioned the Coed Follies scheduled for March 11.
At that moment, there was
heard ascending the sturdy wood
en stairway of Ellen Smith hall,
the heavy thud of marching feet
In a second, the door was flung
ODen and in strode War and his
There was a moment of silence
War stood in the doorway. Be
hind him and oeekina over his
4th floor
lutliet foshiont
'Tailorbrooltc" a covert
a good suit knowing no season
. . . your best round-the-clock, round the seasons
fashions are Simons classic "Tailorbrooke" suits . . .
they're a whole series of classic suits that are gems
in tailoring . . . they're cut on good patterns of
choicest American and English fabrics . . . they
abound in such fine details as hand-stitched collars
and lapels . . . shown above is the four-button
"Tailorbrooke" model . . . yours in blue, beige,
brown or green . , . sizes 10 to 18 ... at Simons.
Simons suit store ot the mid-west
shoulder and around his sides
were persons that the girls later
Identified as Rationing, Buy War
Bonds, Get in the Scrap, and
Somebody Talked.
War stalked up to Janet Cur
lev's desk, slammed a couple rifles
down and emntied a basket of
bullets out on the floor.
"I've come to talk for Joe," he
"Been hearin' tales," he spat
out. "Been hearin' about how
much you girls been spendin' on
your Coed Foolishes. Got to stop.
You're on Joe's side. You want
to win. Well. Joe needs some
He turned abruptly and marched
from the room. His followers
swarmed out too, turning as they
left to erimace and poke their
forefingers at the girls.
All was quiet. Then the girls
crept out from behind their chairs
and timidly sat down again.
In the next 15 minutes, the ex
ecutive board of the A.W.S. passed
these rules:
Costs for each skit in the
Coed Follies must be limited to
An itemized account of costs
must be submitted to the board
at the time of skit try-outs Wed
nesday and Thursday nights of
Feb. i7 and 18.
Try-outs will be held in each
house entering a skit.
Mary Jo Latsch will be in
charge of the skit try-outs.
Clothes will be a subordinated
point in the choice of the Ne
braska Typical Coed.
First tryouts to determine the
T.N.C. will be held in Ellen
Smith hall at 2 p. m. Feb. 14.
Let your dollars have morel
(cents huv War Bonds audi
f " '
uni it& r fr 1 1
2 ........ r. ....... . J
Be Lovely
For The
Have Cleta design
a coiffure that fits
your personality.
CI eta's
Beauty Shop
1127 R
Weds Lt. Dalton . .
. f
f i
( v - t
. ?
- - :!
s. '1 ' '
: : J Nto mil .li hi i nn 1 1 V-f ' ' '
Courtesy Lincoln Journal.
Miss Marjorie Bruning was married Wednesday night to Lt. Warren
"Buzz" Dalton, of Camp Beale, Calif. Miss Bruning was a member of
Mortar Board and Alpha Chi Omega and was a managing editor
of the Nebraskan. Lt. Dalton was affiliated with Acacia and was
graduated from the university last June.
Mrs. Robert Herrington
Courttiy Lincoln Journal.
Mrs. Robert Herrington is the former Jean Cole prior to her mar
riage which took place Feb. 5. Mrs. Herrington has attended he unU
vesity and is now teaching in Arlington. Mr. Herrington is a senior
and a member of Alpha Gamma Rho.
New Programs
Feature Station
UNEB Tonight
Radio station UNEB will go on
the air tonight at 10 o'cock instead
of the former 10:30 wtih new pro
grams and new technical equip
ment. Some of the new programs
include: "Sultry Songs" by Lenore
Beck each Monday-at 10:30, har
mony by the Pi Phi trio Monday
at 10:00 and by the Delta Gamma
trio Wednesday at 10:00, "The
Fraternity Hour," an amateur con-,
test Thursday at 10:00, and a
"Coed Column of the Air."
"Mystery Melodies," the 11
o'clock show which gives free thea
ter tickets, will be featured night
ly instead of three times a week.
University Theai
February 17f 18 19
University Theatre
Temple Oldg.
by Robert