DAILY NEBRASKAN .Wednesday, January 13, 1943 4 I Society... BY MARY LOUISE GOODWIN. As you good people yawn into the atmosphere of a genuine lull in activity, we Ragmuffins still retain enough zip to reach into the ether and grasp enough news for a col-yum. . . maybe. Exams are coming, strained expressions commence to fill hitherto happy pans, and we're wondering just how many of our laddies will be around to gladden co-ed hearcs next semester. But on to the news of the day. . . Pledges over at the Gamma Phi house decided that they had played around long enough and it was time to settle down so as of Monday three of them did just that. The three new additions to the steady list are Carroll Lea Anderson, Pat Mclllis and Virginia Kousil who are dating Sig Ch: Herb Groat, Beta Dick Novotony, and Kappa Sig Bob Von Sagron respectively. Congratulations. Congratulations to the new Phi Psi actives who donjied their pins Saturday eve. Cigars were the order of the evening when Tom Dredlie of that house passed them while Tri Delt Frances Breed handed out candy. Alpha Phi Marg Hanks is wear ing a diamond pinmate Jim Stevenson, SAE from Northwest ern. Sister Dorothy is no longer going steady with Phi Gam How ard Mengshol. And while we are over at the Alpha Phi house we mustn't forget to mention the fact that Bob Hyde's Alpha Sig pin which Lois Christie has been wearing these past few months went back to him again, and Lois was coking in the grill Monday with Tau Bob James. Toni McQuiston and Becky Wait two of the Thetas with the Christ mas diamonds have set the date for their weddings as some time early in February. DG Barbie Hahn has also set the date for her approaching marriage to Beta George Cockle. It will take place in about three weeks. Things Are Cold. Guess the ring that Bob James, ATO gave DG Helen Johnson really didn't mean so very much because things are pretty cold in that league now. Elmer Sprague, campus sage, is escorting Maxine Lynn of the dorm to the French movie tonight Seems as he may be getting some pointers on how to make love the French way. . . A little late. but Virginia bamsei is wearing Les Chaff in a ring. Congratulations to the six new Kappa Delt actives. Joan Car- rahar, of that house, is wearing diamond third finger left hand from Ray Shraider, home town flame. Three Seniors Give Recitals Today at 4:30 Second senior recital of the year will be presented today in the Temple at 4:30. Participants will be Rosalie Tookey, pianist, Roma Biba, soprano, Aronita Daskov sky, violinist, and accompanists Virginia Clarke and Mr. Harold Avery. The program will be as follows: The NUhliiiKulr, AlahleM.lMt. (aprlrrio, KriilKC PrriHdr Op. SS No. 12, Kachmaiiliiorf. Mlsi TiMikry. Irh virnl, lion tarilar, Moaarl. Vol rhe- Saete, Mufturt. Whither. Sthnherl. The Mtiirtn nt udl. Dellbeii. Will o' the Vtlip, Spnm. .Mlnit Hlha. Conrertn In K minor, Jnlm (oiiut. MIkn lakuvk' and Mix t larke. Rosenlof . . . (Continued from Page 1.) seniors may be recommended properly to the university for ad mission prior to their havine- met their high school requirements for graduation. Several students who are not high school craduates but who are qualified, have been accepted for second semester schooling at the university, in registration which now is under way. But in admit ting capable non-high school grad uates tor study at the university, standards of admission aren't be ing lowered. They are being "streamlined" and eeared to the war effort Rosenlof said. Deferment (Continued from Page 1.) to complete such specialized or scientific course. 4. Graduate Students: May be considered for occupational defer ment in the ifelds listed below provided that in addition to pursu ing further studies he is engaged: (a) In scientific research certi fied by a recognized federal agency as related to the war ef fort, or (b) In classroom or laboratory instructions for not less than 12 hours a week. The field included are: Agrtt-allaral Keienem ledfrine-!ar(ery Arrhitrrtare, Naval Metallurgy Aotronomy Meteorology Barertolry Navlcattoa. Aerial Biology and Marine bemMrjr Oceanography Dentittry Pharniarjr Knginrrriag Srlenee Phie firology rhiology Indottlrlal Maaage- l'htokir,y tnrnt etrlaary Seieaeea MathematiM 5. Students in the Professional Schools of Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine, and Osteo pathy: Shall be considered for oc cupational deferment when they have shown promise of becoming a recognized medical doctor, den tist, doctor of veterinary medi cine, or doctor of osteopathy. mimawmmtmuM 4th floor ladies fashions Omaha Colleges May Be Selected As Military Sites Creighton and Omaha universi ties aie under consideration as possible sites for military service schools. According to Homer Greunther, Washington representative of the Omaha chamber of commerce, the army and navy are jointly contem plating the selection of 50 univer sities and colleges for their program. Student Should Leave Books in Morrill Hall Books and magazines for the Magazine Victory Drive may be left at the north door at Morrill hall as well as at the center desk at the library in the read ing room. Sialic Army Navy Marines Air Forces W A V E S WAACs, Se at Goldenrod Printing Co. fIJ Nana II Oara Thar. Nile (DuJarrij k DERMA-SEC FORMULA Throat Cream A rich blend of oik achieved by Richard Hodoot scientists to com Lat skin dryness . . . keeps throats , soft and smooth. Use regularly to eocourag. a velvety loveliness. , ' (Plui fx) J- " f , t fry finniittIhi(Bir nrB(Jlini(Cttin)ims $4g 75 drosses extraordinary value . . . rayon crepes, needlepoint crepes, soft wools in whites, blacks, hi-shades . . . sizes 10 to 42. Reg. 14.95 to 35.00 . . . NOW . . . 7.48 to I7..10 GO daytime dresses famous Ann Foster and Queen Make casual day-time dresses . . . sizes 10 to 20. Reg. 5.95 to 10.95 . . . NOW . . . 2.98 to 5.48 n u blouses group regular 2.95 to 5 98 . 2.95 to 3.95 NOW . shirts group regular 4 95 to 5 95 . 2.48 to 2.98. . NOW tir driiii eoal...eimliare stock Sale dor$ nol include Anfitp-IJamat beautiful trims in silver fox, rmnic, beaver, squirrel and fox collars . . . blacks and colors, in fitted and box styles, sizes 10 to 20 . . . regular 39.95 to 98 95 . . . NOV . now 26.61 to 65.07 G2 roiils ;imihI mid dress tweeds, fleeces, alpacas . . . fitted and box styles, sizes 9 to 17 and 10 to 20 . . . regular 22 95 to 39 95 . . . NOW . . . 18.80 to 26.64 w BTg imtiiiir sdarxclk fi IFtnm's m f treet Floor. 1 W" ttMf 'a "