DAILY NEBRASKAN Trio Paces Smart Gopher Crew (: i Efefaesclay. January 13, 1943 4 sn"" ' : A 7 u- vl J J. ?m li - li ... " r- hit rnnmiryrnMrmi iir-li ilnimt imriminiiiiiiiiiiir'nTriiViiTiiaimmin Mi&nMiffl.iitfiivrflJ Above reading from left to right are three reasons why Minnesota is a dark horse in the current Big Ten race for the cage hunting. They are Wesley Windmiller, sophomore for ward and fastest man on the team; Don Mattison, center and tallest member and Butz Lehr man, smallest and versatile forward or guard. This trio is destined to pace the Gopher outfit. The University of Chicago cage team lost its 26th game in a row Monday night, 48-26. Indiana won its ninth tilt of the season Monday night by downing Ohio State. UOVIANHWAMON i . fsr i t T If. VE f! fJjr ... 1 t Coeds! Look! New Arrivals Pastel Wool Sweaters 3.95 Sweaters galore in maize, blue, yellow, green, pink and jwhitc. Sloppy slip-overs pereel for Cainpus and street wear with suits and skirts (let here early for your share! All sizes long sleeves. Phi Upsilon Omicron will meet this evening in the home econom ics social parlors at 8:05. TODAY! J&mptM&A.! a ' 'J . Menze Sees Jays in CommanJ Of Big Six Basketball Picture After Completing Week of Play AMES, Iowa, Jan. 12. The first week of basketball action in the Big Six hasn't mateiially changed the picture presented at the start of the season in the opinion of Loiiis Menze, Iowa State College coach. '"Kansas is in the driver's seat with a big bulge on the rest of the conference after thr.t 48 to 44 victory over Oklahoma at Norrnnn," Menze said. "But Oklahoma is still very much in the picture. There is too much power in their lineup to hand the pennant to Kansas at this stage." Jays Lead. After one week of play the Jayhawks lead the loop with two victories vct Missouri and Oklahoma. Nebraska and Iowa State are both unbeaten in single conterts, while Missouri and Oklahoma, dropped single games. Kansas State lost two games during the week. Menze saw trouble all the way for the Cyclones. The power of both Kansas and Oklahoma appears to be too much for the jet of the conference, the Iowa State coach feels. Tiger oSphs In. "Missouri has more than five veterans on hand but four sopho mores have ousted the old hands," Menze explained. "Nebraska showed lots of power against unbeaten Indiana, losing only when a setup missed in the final second of play. Kansas State has plenty of upset possibilities. The Wildcats led Nebraska 19 to 11 at the half and had a lead in our game at the half.' ' The Cyclones plan to get in lots of hard work this week in pre paration for Nebraska's invasion Jan. 18. Rollun Kuebler, injured center, looks ready to return to drills but Menze indicated be would hold him out of practice until Thursday. 1 Co-Feature ' A spine-tingling: drama ... A deaf mute deals death . . . and defies detection ... "PHAI1T0L1 KILLER" LSTATE 1 Invite Yob to ask about those streamlined, direct and resultful courses we are offering for FEBRUARY FIRST They are tailored to fit your particular need and produce top results. W. A. ROBBINS, Pres. Lincoln School of Commerce (Accredited) 209 No. 14th 6774 Buy Your $4.00 Cash Payment DEADLINE JANUARY 20, 1943 SEE A TASSEL OR CORNCOB