The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 13, 1942, Page 7, Image 7

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Sunday, December 13, 1942
Big Six League Decides
Frosh Lads May Compete
Annual fall conference of Bi? Six athletic directors con
vened in Kansas City Friday night and arrived at two deci
sions: 1. Freshmen will participate in liig Six intercollegiate
athletics, effective Mnrch 1. 2. Sports schedules of league
teams will be continued as far as possible, despite the war.
It required an entire afternoon and a night of strenuous
debate to unanimously approve the frosh eligibility decision.
First-year tracksters, therefore, will be allowed to compete in
the annual Big Six indoor track meet March 6.
Nebraska and Iowa State were the sole schools to oppose
the resolution. The frosh ruling will remain effective until the
war closes or until it has been ruled down by the conference.
To compete frosh performers Tnust carvy 12 semester hours
aside from military drill and physical education and must sat
isfactorily complete the preceding semester s work beiore re
oeivinsr a letter.
Another decision during the
Six outdoor track meet at Kansas City, May 22, to meet with
transportation difficulties.
Sooner Court
Outlook Tops
Big Six Loop
NORMAN, Okla., Dec. 12. On
the credit side of the Sooner
ledger are seven returning let
tcrmen from last year's surpris
ingly powerful club built around
three sophomores, Gerald Tucker,
Dick Reich and Bob McCurdy, all
of whom return. Allie Paine,
competent little sophomore ball
handler of the 1940-41 team, is
also back.
In the debit column are (1) loss
f three letter men. Don "Bones"
Jones, hero of the victory over
Kansas at Norman, Mitch Simon,
hero of the one-point defeat of
Kansas State at Manhattan and
Warren Lehman and (2) loss to
the armed forces of the all-victorious
Sooner freshman team of last
year. For the first time since
basketball started at Norman
back tn 1907, no Bophomores are
This depletes the squad's re
serve strength and might be fatal
over the long haul of the 23-game
schedule. Besides, sophomores
have been the life blood of prac
tically all Oklahoma's greatest
teams, as for example Floyd Mc
Bride, Maurice "Doc" Ruppert and
John Dunlap of the "24 quintet,
Bruce Drake of the '27 team, Tom
Churchill of the '28 team, Laurie
Meyer and Cliff Shearer of the '29
team, Jimmy McNatt, Marvin
Msrh and Roscoe Walker Jr. of
the fast-breaking Boy Scats of
as nxA Tucker. McCurdy nd
Reich of last year's co-champion-.
ship aggregation
Nebraska will be the Sooner foe
60 Sheets
50 Envelopes . .
Double Box .
Fine stationery correctly printed U a
distinctive gift. Beautiful Rippletone
Finish Stationery in the two-fold sire
. . . printed in rich blue ink with your
name and address, monogram, MILI
Printing Company
312 No.. 2th
I 4
M w i
meeting was to stage the Big
Sooner Giant
... a team player.
Paul Heap, Oklahomas senior
guard, is the second biggest man
on the Sooner squad. Heap is 6
feet 4Vi inches tall, weighs 187
pounds and play at Tulsa Central
high school.
Enlisted in R. O. T. C. Ord
nance, Heap is a junior in arcni-
tectural engineering and married.
He is tall, quiet, a fine rebounder
and an outstanding team player.
at Lincoln, Jan. 30, and at Nor
man, March 1.
Dee. 1 Olathe, Kans. Pre-Fllrht Clip
pers at Kajiaas City. Mo.
lire. 19 St. John at New lore my.
I)r. tl Wisconsin at Madison, Wis.
Dee. tS Camp Grant at Camp Grant,
Ju, Kansas at Norman, Ohha.
Jan. 16 Kansas State at Norman, Okla,
Jan. it Naval Training Rtatlea (AM) at
Norman, Okla.
Jaa. M Nebraska at unernn, rrw.
Fek. 1 lows State at Ames, Iowa.
Normaa, Okla.
PVk. t Iowa State at Ames, lows.
Feb. Naval Training, station (AM) at
Fr. t Iowa State nt Norman, Okla.
r. 1 Naval Reserve AvkUton Rase
at Norman, Okla.
Fr. IS Kansas Btate M nannaiwn,
n. 11 Missouri as toinmoia. mo.
Feb. Is Olnthe, Kana. Pre-Flight Clip
pers at Norman, Okla.
Fen. Zl Kansas M iawmin, nam.
Marek 1 Nebraska at Norman, Okla.
Mare sTOkla. Aggies at Norman. Okla
Murk Missouri at Norman, Okla.
March 11 Okla. Aggie at Stillwatro,
Big Six conference ehampionsnip games
Texas Christian university re
cently dedicated a service flag
with more than 800 stars.
Carl Robson, 45-year-old Bur
lington, Kan., farmer, has enrolled
as a freshman at Kansas Univer
sity, where his two daughters also
ate students.
as VJkW Ma UMf iVW IrVW VJmt MAM' ftf T
m xxa i js-
M Very Nice Qsslity an Assarted
I 50 for 50c I
$ Open Kvenlngs Until Christmas
gGoldenJod Printing Co.
r" 1
- "A
With the first week firing over
in the 1942 I-M badminton tourna
ment, six teams have advanced as
far as the quarter-finals. Semi
finals and finals will be held this
The upper bracket will find the
Theta Xi trio facing the Delta
Sigs and the Sigma Chi's facing
the Farm House netsters. The
Theta Xl's and Delta Sigs won
over the Phi Delta and Sammies
respectively while the Sig Chi's
beat the Bears.
Play in the lower bracket has
not progressed as far although two
teams have reached the quarter
finals. The Phi Psl's, winner over
the AGR's, will meet the winner
of the Sig Nu-Beta Sig game while
the Sie Alphs will vie with the
winner of the Sig Ep-ATO match.
Pairings for the Quarter-Finals.
Theta Xi vs. Delta Sigma Pi.
Sigma Chi vs. Farm House.
Phi Kappa Psi vs. winner of
Sigma Nu-Beta Sig.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon vs. winner
of Sig Ep-ATO.
Six Huskcrs
Win National
Grid Laurels
The A. P. All-America
End Dave Hchrelner. Wisconsin
Tavkle Richard Wlldung, Minnesota
tiuard. .. .Garrard Ramsey, Wffl, and Mary
Center Joseph Demnanovlch, Alabama
Guard Charles Taylor, Stanford
Tackle Clyde Johnson, Kentucky
Knd Robert Shaw, Ohio State
Buck Glenn Dofcbs, Tulsa
Hack Paul Governall, Columbia
Rack Frank Slnkwleh, Georgia
Bark Michael Holovak. Boston C.
Six Cornhusker gndmen merited
honorable mention berths on the
Associated Press Ail-American
Marvin Thompson, hard-hitting
end; Joe Byler and Vic Schleich,
behemoth tackles; Charlie Duda,
scrappy guard; and Dale Bradley
and Al Zikmund, halfback, were
selected on the honorable mention
squad. .
Only Husker opponent to rate
first-team All-American citation
was M i n n e s o t a's magnificent
tackle, Dick Wildung. Husker fol
lowers who viewed the 1942
Husker-Gopher battle can attest
to VVildung's ability.
The honorable mention list In
cludes these Midwestern and Mis
souri Valley region players:
Ends: Burkett and Parker,
Iowa; Ekern and Shurnas, Mis
souri; Judd, Tulsa; Lamb and
Tyree, Oklahoma; Schnellbacker,
Kansas; Thompson, Nebraska.
Tackles Arllis, Oklahoma A.
and M.; Schleich and Byler, Ne
braska; Hodges and Pepper, Mis
souri; Mitchell, Minnesota; Nied
zrela, Iowa; Simmons, Oklahoma;
Yelton, Iowa.
Guards A trams and Fitz
gerald, Missouri, Billman, Minne
sota; Duda, Nebraska; Morford,
Centers Davis, Missouri, Mar
see, Oklahoma; Penny, Kansas;
Travener, Indiana.
Backs Bradley and Zikmund,
Nebraska; Adams and Reece, Mis
souri ! Camnhell anil Himm Okla.
Ihoma; Cowan and Saban, Indiana;
Curran, Farmer and Uknes, Iowa;
Daley and Garnaas, Minnesota;
Darling and Lohry, Iowa State;
Kiethley, Tulsa; Porto, Creighton;
Scanland and Tate, Oklahoma A,
and M.; Tevis, Washington U.
Bill Lind Paces
Gopher Cagers
12. Dr. Carl Nordly, who has
taken over the head basketball
coaching position at the Univer
sity of Minnesota this year, can
see a rood many promising traits
in his young and ambitious squad
but no championship.
"We lost too many men through
eraduation and the draft," Dr.
Nordly says. "And we cannot
help but be short of reserves. The
GoDhers' first five may have two
sophomores on it and the inex
perience will handicap us In the
early games.
"The team has fine spirit and
will undoubtedly improve from
cun to rame but our veterans
from last year will have to shoul
dpr the brunt of the attack. We
seem to have some pretty fair
ball-handlers and our shooting
should Improve."
Lind Leads.
Leading the Gopher cagers this
vonr will be Bie Bill Lind at cen
ter nd Guards Dick Burk and
Kenny ExeL Llnd, who has Deen
the jOophars' pivot man for . the
last two years, ranks with the best
Lew In Navy Pre-Flight
Amiable Adolph "Lew" Lewendowski, pictured here above
with his cage ace of 1941-42, Sid Held, may be service-bound
before the year is completed. Navy pre-flight training papers
hsyve already been signed by Lew.
Ready For NU
K-State center.
Dan Howe, star Kansas State
center, is pictured here await
ing a rebound. Howe will lead
his mates against Nebraska,
Jan. 5, on the Wildcat court.
in the Big Ten on defense, while
his scorine in pre-season scrim
mages seems to be much improved
over the past two seasons.
Burk is a smart, rangy Dan
player who moved up fast near the
end of last year ana won a regu
lar position. He can play ooui
ruard and forward. Exel, also
guard, is an alert man wno sets
ud a eood many plays witn nis ac
curate passing. He has a good
eve for the basket and comes
thru with timely points.
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"Thing divine ... of
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1408 "O" St. 2-1773
)i Aj
Courtesy Lincoln Sunday Journal-Star.
5:45 Newman Club
6:00 Sign off
10:30 Popular Music
10:45 Campus Gossip
by Bill
McBride and
11:00 Mystery Melody by Bud
Levinson and Dave Ro
senberg 11:15 Daily Nebraskan of the
Air by Hank Lee
11:20 UNEB Sports Parade
by Bob Hyde
11:30 Dramatization of "The
Prairie Schooner.
11:45 Popular Music
12:00 Goodnight
10:30 Popular Music
10:45 Campus Gossip
11:00 Music Makers
11:15 Daily Nebraskan of the
11:20 UNEB Sports Parade
11:30 Special Sports Inter
view by Norris Ander
son 11:45 Popular Music
12:00 Goodnight
To heln mete the war demand
for trained pharmacists, the Uni
versity of Texas has created a
new degree, Bachelor of Science
in Physics.
a line per day.
Payable In advance ooly.
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Music. Kappy Klk. 3-T41S.
LOST Siffma Nn pin. Reward. Lewis
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S3 Vims 169
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