The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 09, 1942, Page 4, Image 4

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-DAILY nebraskan
Wednesday, December 9, 1942
The cold spell that hit the mid
die west last week seemed to have
centered right here on the campus
and more especially on the little
girls who were wearing Delta Up'
silon pins. Yes, it was a cold wind
and it blew four pins right back
where they came from .... Over
Delta Gamma way Julie Frazee
sent back to footbailer Marv Athey
the pin which she has worn ever
since last year but there's still
lots of hope there because they're
still going very, very steady. And
then Jessie Moore is supposed to
have sent her pin back to Leonard
Dunker too but she denies it all
so maybe that's just a false
Back also went Leonard "Fire
chief Finnigan's pin which he
turned over into the keeping of
Mary waiters. Dorm so recently
Lastly, Kappa Dolly Clinton sent
Frank Maroney's badge to him
with the condition that it was a
two week trial during which she
and he would date freely.
They "Do'ed It."
Usual Monday night pastime
candy and cigars went to the
Alpha Chis. AOPis and Betas this
week .... Sweets at the AOPi
house were furnished by Betty
Jean Wagerman who passed them
by way of announcing her ap
proaching marriage to Victor
Kremer. army man the 24 of Dec
. . . Alpha Chi Myrldene Buller
and Beta Bill Arnot did the hon
ors at the Alpha Chi-Beta treat
ing. Some fun say the Betas, in
fact so much fun that the boys
stayed over time to sing to the
And while we're speaking of
Betas we might pass on a rumor
we heard in the Crib today in ef-
iact. Justin Berger left his pin be
hind him on home town sweet
Snow Tubbing.
Kappa Sig actives decided that
It was high time Jim Evinger
came across with smokes so they
took the situation in hand and
gave Jim a good old fashion tub
bing in snow ....
Ruthie Iverson, Tri Delt of last
year and Kurt Ralston, Sigma Nu
are taking the final step and be
ing married in Lincoln today.
Back from the army for a few
days to see Palladian Maxine
Thompson is Harold Alexis.
Party Facts.
And now for a few facts and
figures on the Mortar Board party
.... Triple Delt Betty Gaper is
convoying Dick "Baby Doll" Dres
den, ATO in a baby buggy, while
June Ci;;"fen will clamp a pair of
ice skates on Harold Huneerford
Delt and glide-over to the party.
The visa vcisa ball is not the
only affair on the social docket
for the week end. Don't forget the
Beta pledge party, the Corn Cob
dinner dance, the Theta house
party, and the Gamma Phi dance
onors . . .
Continued from Page 1.)
president ot the local chanter.
Those elected had fulfilled all of
the undt igiaduate requirement.-!
01 me chapter. Other senior will
be announced in the spring when
they have completed these re
quirements. Principal speaker at the dinner
was Dr. Charles H. Patterson, of
the department of philosophy, who
spoKe on "Philosophy In a Chal
lenged World." His subject con
cerned the philosophical attitude
of present day Hudents and their
consequent in.
UNEB . . . 1600 .
10:30: HIT OR MISS (The
Girls of. the Cornhusker Staff
versus the Fijis.)
Marg Christensen and Bill Mc
Bride. 11:00: MUSIC MAKERS.
OF THE AIR by Randy Pratt.
RADE by Bob Hyde.
11:30: YOUR WAR.
11:45: HIT PARADE.
12:00: GOOD NIGHT.
fChristmas Cards!
W Very Vkt Quality ani Amarltd
50 for 50c
Open Fvenlnrt tntll C'hrllm
RGoldenrod Printing Co.3
sft tl.1 North 14th Hlationcrv lepl. ft
Former UN Student Gets
Order Of Purple Heart
m ...mmm
1 V
" " TuiMh Tn-ini"" ""-"-in in 11 11 nnrTTTrf "liimtirinifi -m t
Courtesy Lincoln Journal.
First Tit. Herbert V. Dow, loft above. 1!4I graduate, was
veeonlly awarded the l'urplo lion ft for "outstanding pcrt'onn
ancp of duty and meritorious acls of extraordinary fcdility and
essential service" during the attack on llickam Field Dec. 7.
1941. Wlien the at I nek started, lie organized combat teams and
supervised setting up inacliine guns around a baseball diamond.
One of bis combat crews is credited with a Japanese plane and
the others "definitely aided in driving off the attackers."
Lt. Dow is a graduate of the college of business adminis
tration, was an active member of 1JOTV, Pershing Uifles, and
the Cornliuskcr field company, lie is now stationed at llickam
Field witli a service squadron.
Annual Program
Of Carols Draws
Capacity Crowd
D.,U r r
uuin jjfi lormunces 01 me an
nual carol program precented by
the University Singers were at
tended by capacity crowds Sunday
in the Union.
The program included 21 carols
of differentcd and two brass quar
tets composed of David Kinsman,
Ted Thompson, Robert Thatcher
and Lyman Lorenson, and Walter
Woolbrod, Leon Rimoxsky. Eldred
Stake and Marvin Genuchi.
Favorites with the audience in
cluded "Silent Night." the "First
Noel," and "Joy to the World" and
among the corals done was the old
English tune "God Rest Ye Merry
(Continued from Page 1.)
pus, but provided for wide vistas.
Resulting from many years criti
cism of the plan, the university
has developed a landscaping com
mittee with which the alumni
club campus beautification pro
gram is co-operating to remedy
the barren atmosphere of the city
Contributions in cash and trees
have been received from numer
ous individual alumni and alumni
clubs for the beautification pro
gram. Plant contributions have
included walnut saplings, redbuds.
Moline elms, red oaks, pin oaks,
flowering crabs, flowering al
monds, famous Rochester liliacs of
new varieties, and white dog
-So I'm Taking Him to the
M 1 942
ififfX BOARD
I I)
and His Orchestra
Presentation of
6 Eligible
Sot. Dec. 12
Coliseum $1.65
See a Mortar Board
or Tassel Note!
Greet Members,
Elect Officers
At YM Meeting
Old and new members of the
university YMCA will meet to
night from 8:30 to 9:30 in the
"Y" room at Temple.
Special feature of the meeting
will be the reception of new mem
bers by Dr. C. H. Patterson, chair
man of the YMCA advisory board,
and the association officers.
Election of officers to take their
positions the second semester will
be held by those members present,
and ballots will be mailed to those
members not at the meeting.
Any men who are interested in
the YMCA and were not contacted
in the membership drive may at
tend this meeting and obtain membership.
Jesse Resigns As
Assistant Librarian
For Capital Post
William H. Jesse, assistant di
rector of libraries of the university
has resigned his position here to
accpt a position in Washington,
D. C. as head of the reading and
reference division of the United
States department of agriculture
library. His new duties will begin
in January.
Mr. Jesse came to the Univer
sity of Nebraska from Brown uni
versity last March.
Ag Honorary
Elects Fifteen
To Membership
Fifteen men were elected to Al
pha Zeta, national honorary agri
cultural fraternity, at a recent
meeting of the organization. They
were chosen on a basis of scholar
ship, leadership, character and
promise of service to agriculture.
Juniors elected are Willard Vi
sek, Dale Wolf, Merle Brinegar,
Martin Minthorne, Murray Min
thorne, David Sander, Robert
Wahlstrom -and Sam Wiggans; sen
iors are Miles Cad-wallader, Vin
cent Vaughn, Harold Chapman,
Ronald Jerauld, Robert Oswald
and Robert StmtiwJ-8. E. J. Chase
is the graduate, member.
Walter Roberts, .state, coordina
tor of civilian defense, will be the
guest speaker at a banquet Dec. 16
honoring new members who will
be initiated. Dec 15 al 7:30 p. m.
in Crop lab.
Economics To Meet
Wednesday In Union
Economic will meet in the Fac
ulty Lounge of the Student Union
today at 7:"3XJ p. m.
Dean J. D. Clark will conduct
a seminar on Hie teaching of so
cial sciences.
Prof. Walter Langley Fertig, In
structor in English and director of
musical activities on Wabash col
lege campus, has left for naval
training at Northwestern . university.
J, rS' iP Or
Authentically American . . . and a Clirinlmaa
ilioire to please your boht girl-friend . . . aoror
ily "daughter" or "mother." Beautifully
worked coin silver nilh real turquoise stones
. . . a collector's pride!
(I' rices quoted do not include federal tax
of 10)
Millrr'i it welrjr Flrl Floor
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