The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 04, 1942, Page 6, Image 10

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    Friday, December 4, 1942
Student Union Announces
Table Tennis Pairings
Pairings for the Student Union's
annu:il fall ping pong tournaivcit
were amioutuvi hist night by the
competitive Raines committee of
the Union Hoard of Managers.
I'ur divisions hive been decided
ttuis fnr, induing the Men's Ail
vaiiced Singles, Men's Advanced
Doubles, Men's Duller Singles
nnd Men's Duffers Doubles. The
Sooner Team
Closes Season
Against W & M
NORMAN, Old., Dee. 3.-William
and Mary college, a powerful
fool hall team spawned in the hills
of old Virginia, will charge with
the frenzy and dash of a Confed
erates cavalry squadron when it
rides against Oklahoma's Sooners
in Oklahoma's semi-centennial
game and fo Jnll finale for 1912
at Owen field here Saturday.
Coach Carl "Dutch" Voyles'
Southerners scent a bowl hid if
they can conquer far-off Okla
homa. Moreover, William and
Mary will deserve it.
The Virginia boys haven't been
beaten yet this season by a college
team, having licked Navy 3-0 and
seven other collegiate opponents.
Voyles' Virginians were tied by
Harvard early in the season, 7-7,
but they wiped that out two weeks
later by annihilating Dartmouth,
the team that had just defeated
Harvard. William and Mary's mar
gin over the Green at Hanover
was 35 to 14
Always tough at Norman, as
their 6-6 tie with mighty Missouri
two weeks ago proved. Coach
Dewey "Snorter" Luster's Soon
ers, featuring one of America's
finest football lines and a superb
blocking back and line-backer in
Bill Campbell, will try to close
their 1912 season with an upset
Service Losses.
Hit harder by losses to the
armed forces than perhaps 95 per
cent of the other college clubs in
America, the dogged Oklahomans
have lost four games this year,
but three of them were bv bare
one touchdown margins, to Texas
0-7, to Nebraska 0-7 and to Tem
ple 7-14 as the Sopncrs' near all
graduate coaching staff spectacu
larly reorganized their offense and
defense after the Tulsi defeat in
the second game of the war-year
Lack of speed to cover enemy
forward passe in the secondary
lias been the Sooners' undoing all
year. The staunch Oklahoma for
wards have had no trouble throt
tling every foe running offensive
they have encountered, only to
look hack with consternation over
their shoulders to see long enemy
aerials cleverly pegged to speedy
enemy receivers oul-run the tardy
Sooner pass defense.
Oklahoma's fighting line stopped
Tulsa's rushing offensive with 76
ret yards.
-Cut Laundry Problem? HQ!
ri rF:.:. r
Even a Freshman soon learns how to handle LauncTry
Problems just send your laundry home by Railway
Express and have it returned to you the same way.
You'll find it's really no problem at all.
Low rates Include pick-up and delivery at no extra charge,
within our regular vehicle limits, in all cities and principal
towns. Your laundry can be sent prepaid or collect, as you
choose. Psst! Send and receive baggage, gifts, etc. the
game convenient wav.
women's Singles have been held
open until next Wednesday .since
not enough have yet signed up to
warrant a tournament.
Women's Group Out.
Due to lack of interest. Wom
en's Doubles and Mixed Doubles
Will not be held.
Following tnv the pairings,
the first round, which must
nlavcd off l'V next Friday. Dec.
i - .'
mi vs m 1 1 'Kits not in. i s.
I ce Whili' mill lliirnlil Mi'in . arl
IM.miiv ami l.ili 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r .
M.iiri ( uir mill iirtlnn Murmilin in.
Hull ol-i'ii n nil ,Vir. ii:iii k r uiiii'l.a.
Itmti'ii I'nrl imhiiI anil Kill llnlliiii .
l.nclilrr Oilman anil M in- lirnni
I'liil Itriijanilii
mid Knliaril
linn ii'Kl (.m- AlH'ii.
mkn-s Ai Mi i noi iu.i:.
AIIiitI I cmi mid Itulpli Kvl vi.
li'ri;' l aii-l.i' mill Hull Murray.
liail.'.t ( mill ami llmialil,ly .
I lie winner nl .Norman llann-h hii1 Marv
Warmr v. I.aii l.aiiin.liirf mid A I
.Niirnmn V'lii hihI Al I.:ikiiihii vn.
(Sriiricr I'wiiji r mill Kill I'oiliH.
.Ma.s ui (illiril uiiil Men- Ii'im L
the winner nl Irv WliXe anil 1 ale t.nti
iliner nKamil H'lH" Slu.irl and Henry
HihI. ii I'm 1 1 ii. nl i. .Ink ai'.v.
(.null! I lauK v. Imrli H Are.
Kill Mni! !. .I.u I. Kan'ii.
t harl. H W.uiuli i. l.rmi la- in-iiii.
Arllmr ( nlim vn. Koli Olnm.
W. K. Vrrknt vs. t arl Mixirr,
I.e.. rue KiWKrr vn. Dirk I '.
I rankllu ( hristeiisen vh. Han. Id Slein.
HerlNTl Kuneiiliaiini vn. IrfMliIrr Oli
mitn. Alleu UiMliMiliiiru vh. I'atrlrk Merritt.
arler kiikuer vh. Itl)hli Muirruli.
Mi rliiiR MamlaRe vn. I'hll lli-njnmln.
Itirlutrd rnmd vn. Knuik KVMRi-r.
Kill lliHlell vn. eie A"n.
lnn l)nn vn. Norimui K.-,.. .
Henry Irani weli m. le Whit.
Allirrt Kenn t,n. KirharJ Suillh.
inri;i l aiiske vn. Durrel Harmon.
Km IdirtxHi vn. Mm Ki-te.nlork.
Niinnan Vela bye.
Iloliert Sulllfdil vh. Kalh Kell.
John Hardy vs. Hob Murray.
HiiKh Stuart vh. David I leiniu.
I'cle IMirland liye.
Miirri t off vh. John Del'ulmn.
Kryiui U'ilklnMiii vh. t'harlr- (.ibnoo.
Iji' laierH vh. Norman llanirli.
Irvin While hyr.
Kurt I'orjcn vh. Marvin Warner.
Karl I jtmpsliirr VH. Ijuielilan Oilman.
Slephen lene vs. Al HariMT.
Al l.annian bye.
Women's Singles entries include
Merriam Mann, Jane Johnson,
Martyne Akei-son and Reginia
Stehno. Other coeds interested
should register at the Union
checkstand before next Wednes
day. Did You Know
Dr. Martha Steffy Browne is
believed to be the first woman to
hold the title of economics in
structor in University of Cincin
nati history.
Radio singer Frank Sinatra at
one time studied civil engineering
at Stephens Tech.
Student "heat cops" police dor
mitories to hold down fuel oil
consumption at Mount Holyoke
The University of California
iibrary totals 1.170,7.".S hooks.
W. U. Woolrich, University of
Texas dean of engineering, has
been elected president of the newly
organized Engineering College of
Research association.
Seventy-three students are hold
ing undergraduate cash scholar-
Chancellor's Dim alitor Weds...
f JeW--.-W-"r 7, T 7. S.. Tk t I
" Ai'l'l!
I '" '
I '
3 r f,
Miss Jane Boucher, daughter of Chancelor and Mrs. C. S.
Boucher, was married Saturday night at the home of her par
ents to Capt. Kenyon Thomas Payne of Manhattan, Kassas.
Mrs. Payne is a graduate of Smith college, attended Katharine
Oibbs secretarial school in Boston, Mass., and took a year of
graduate work at Nebraska where she was affiliated with
Kappa Alpha Theta. Captain Payne is a graduate of aKnsas
State university, and took graduate work here. Captain and
Mrs. Payne will make their home in St. Louis, Mo., where the
captain is an instructor at Parks air college.
When in
Perrye's my roommate and I
said to her last night, "Pcrrye,
let's dodge study table and go over
to the Union to the social dancing
class." She said, "All right, I
only have six classes tomorrow,
let's tour over.
We grabbed our coats and bar
relled out. I thought I could hear
the juke box and one, two, three,
slide a half block away, so we ran
so we wouldn't be too late. When
we got there, sure enough, they
were one, two, three, sliding all
over the place. Being a little
winded, Perrye said, "Why don't
we wall-flower it for awhile and
see how they're doin'?" So we
sat awhile.
An Eight, Split.
Pretty soon Perrye said, "Look."
I followed her finger and saw a
gal galloping across the floor with
the biggest following I ever saw.
1 mean she had a protruding pos
terior. As Perrye aptly put it,
"She looks like an eight split
lengthwhise." All the girls weren't
like that tho. There were sonu
pretty good looking gals there, but
we never did figure out why .he
little short ones danced with the
Gulliverish guys and the Amazong
picked on the little guvs.
Iiy then we had caught our
breath so we decided to dance,
and we hadn't anymore than got
on the floor than they started to
play a conga. I was with a nice
big goon with nice big feet, but mv
pop always said, 'Be a good sport,"
so I gave him a nice, big, weak
smile and told him to hitch on. We
did pretty well for a while, and
then I started feeling myself
shooting forward a foot or so after
each "kick."
After I told Elmer (the nice big
goon I to put less enthusiasm in
the kick, we did o.k. About tho
middle of the number 1 happened
to glance around and 1 saw Per
rye sitting on the floor with some
more gills an I hoys. 1 couldn't
see how she could be so tired again
so soon and anyway, who was that
guy sitting on her head ?
Afterwards she told me that the
guy in front of her had cuffs on
his pants and she'd caught her
heel in one of them and it had
thrown them both, but her first.
She's still wondering where he got
pants with cuffs on them, even if
I keep telling her he probably
wasn't a spy.
After the conga I danced again
with Elmer. His waltzing was
stinky instead of sliding like the
teacher said, he'd pick up his feet
and throw them at me. I got
pretty tired trying to figure out
I where he was going to aim his
feet next bo I said, 'Elmer I feel a
ill! J
' v,.
ii. unroln Journal.
Rome . . .
little faint, will you excuse me?"
And he said, "Yeah, you're look
ing kind of peaked," and walked
off and left me there. I collected
Perrye and we decided to go home.
She says everyone is doing a lot
better than they did last week.
Anyway, we're going again next
week because we got a lot of prac
tice for the Military Ball and Mor
tar Board party.
Did You Know
Dr. Rupert Vmcc, research as
sociate at the University of North
Carolina, believes the south will
enter a period of wide industriali
zation immediately following the
The University of Pittsburgh
has adopted a physical education
program to prepare co-eds for
service in the WAACs and the
Sat., Dec. 5
World's Greatest
and his Celebrated
Victor Recording Orchestra
Direct from Los Angeles
18 Sensational Network Stars
Adm. 1.00 Ea. Govt. Tax tec
f ; V i .:P
1 I J 'F'
fr . - h
(hi ' ' 1
i !
. .-..r...11..; -maTm iMiiriiJ
Dr. Ksson McDowell Gale, who
has just returned from a special
government mission to China, has
been appointed acting James Orin
Murfin professor of political sci
ence at the University of Michigan.
The Greatest Adventure
Romance of Our Day!
Gene Ticrnry Hruee Cabot
Thrnw mwdv 'Knl Hlilr Kid' In
thHr tilRRrst mnd fonnlrxt hit!
Brooklyn Bridge"
Now Showing
'Swing herenftdr"
COMING! Boyd Raeburn Band
Whin men
fou(ht . .
for lite . . .
and the
women llicy
25c TIJ-L "! 20c
She gets what she want?
with hex
appeal !
SprcUl! The Merrhant Marine's
rial Cartoon New No-elty
NOW! 1st Show Dally 1 P. M.
soc tiii i:tu : """" 1
Kr. Mm 2(Vo I I
Jan Savitt
b -