I Thursday, November 19, 1942 DAILY NEBRASKAN Phi Psi Champs Gain Early Top In Intramurals BY GENE SHERMAN. With the I-M volleyball season having' reached the midway point, leaders in each of the four leagues are beginning to emerge from the host of entries that started the 11 leather pushing sport last week. Holding on to the top spot in league one are the Phi Psi's, who are the defending champions. Hie Phi Psi's gave indications that they might retain the volleyball ' trophy as they easily rolled by the Farm House and Sigma Nu's. Beta Theta Pi should be the team to give the Phi Psi's the most competition. With two victories apiece, the Sig Alphs and Delta Sigs are deadlocked for first spot in League two. When the Phi Gams defeated the DU's Tuesday night, they took over the undisputed leadership in . League four. The other win for the Fiji's was over the Sigma Chi's, who are currently dead , locked for second place with the DU's. LEA G I E STAN DINGS AND RESl LT8. I-at Night's Not Included.) w. u ra Kappa rut 2 0 Bete I hrta PI 1 a Alpha Gamma Rhn a a Mrjna in a a 1 Farm lloe 0 I nil Kappa rm drfratra Farm Hoanr, 15-1; 15-10. I'M Kappa Pal defeat lgm No, Ift-IX; lft-2. Beta Theta PI defeated Farm 'Hnw, la-a. lvracae In, W. Delta Bignta Pt J Hhaa Alpha KpnilM 2 Alpha Sigma Phi a 1 Sigma Phi KpaUoa 1 4 lUppa Minna X Delta Sterna Pt defeated Alpha Mpn Phi, a-15; 15-1; 15-fi. Mrma Alpha Kimllna defeated Kappa t Minna, Ift-12; 16-13. Mrma Alpha ICpailoa defeated Sigma I'M KpKllnn. 15-; Ift-f. Delta KiKuia Pi defeated Kappa Klgma, 1B-IZ; 7-15; 15-. , League Three. W. U Sigma Alpha 1Mb Z Alpha Taa Omen 1 Phi Delta Theta I 1 . Theta XI 0 Delta Taa Delta Mftma Alpha Mu defeated Theta XI, 15-5; 15-1. Hucna Alpha Ma defeated Phi Delta . Theta. 15-11; S-1S; 15-1. Alha Taa Omega defeated Delta Taa Delta. 15-9; 5-15; lft-1. I'hl Delia Theta defeated Delta Taa Delta, 1511; f-lft; 15-1 S. a Lragae Four. W. L. Phi Gamma Delta X Delta Ipkitoa 1 1 fticma Chi 1 1 i Beta Sigma Pal a 1 Seta Beta Taa t 1 Delta V patina d related Beta Hlgma Pal, 15-10; 15-14. PW Gamma Delta defeated Klgma Chi, 1B-7; 15-d. Sigma Chi defeated Zeta Beta Taa, -16; 16-11; 16-6. Pal Gamma Delta defeated Delta I'p- alloa, 15-; 15-7. OIIE OF THE GREAT BOOKS OF OUR TIME! Now tht ecUiaj f new mIIIIom C;IEGF ... THE GREAT ,f csfTiisrcfir ALL TIME! Plat Walt Dlaney'i "DON AID'H GOLD at INK" Mr. Balrkelgraber'a (Adolf lUUer, ta yea) "FOOD, WEAPON OP CONQUEST' Latatt KO Newt STARTS TODAY! mm SANDERS r lM tfaasmro KjDlAfL SH&JL .' vBy Norris Anderson V, (Sports Eiitor) ( BY BOB (That noted author and casts his acorns on the floor the following column is revealed true happenings in dressing room and elsewhere. Sports Editor). The record for the football the personnel is concerned, the i i i neaas, no Dums, no anps, out 34 guys with 34 distinct per sonalities. As is the case on every campus, certain members of the football team are given a lot of publicity by the fourth estate while others go unnoticed. Everyone on this campus knows ahout the "shrnecgie boys" Thompson, Methcny and Par tington. It's no secret that Joe Byler is the woman killer of the team. And that Ed Nyden, Herb Von Goetz and branny Strana han (having copied his technique to the letter) follow him religiously to observe any new developments that Joe might uncover from day to day. The entire team knows that "Key-bird" Eisenhart causes than (having copied his technique to the letter) follow him around so that he can try his luck with Ki's castoffs. Yes, these things have been aired to the public upon occasion and the lads and lassies of the campus have come to know and accept. But, hark ye to the doings satellites who don their moleskins every night and go out to do battle on the turf. Now, Gene Sim pulls his as Byler does. However, different from Byler, Sim never misses a chance to demonstrate his prowess with the women. His prowess consisting of a report on the status of his ten farms near Nebraska City, two flat feet, and a capacity for bread and butter that so far is non-paralleled. Errol Flynn and his doubles, boys, are something else again. They never tire of telling about Rising City and its constitutions consisting of 51 13 Gru gaughs, 1.400 chickens, 4 cows, and a wind-broken mule. Never theless, thev're proud of the whole "she-bang" and in the course of time have compared City, Chicago, and Pittsburgh City wins every time. Gene Wilkins, Eoy Long, riot in the Student Union at Pitt. down the aisle, they were tossed bodily on the floor by those Amazons. As the whole team looked on in despair, each and every blonde hair was separated and shown to each admiring brunette as they passed by single file. Over in Sioux City, Charlie Duda is just another citizen but to the blood-thirsty killers on the team, he is a demi-god. CharWf. can hold them snell-bound for hours with his stories about blood, killings, scalpings, are easy for him to tell because in n ulfliiirhtcr house. Don't ever kid yourself, in football togs they look like 34 football players, but beneath those pads are 34 guys. . .all dif ferent. If you want ths real lowdown on the lads, call 2-7442 and ask for stool pigeon No. 25. There you have it, dear readers. Next time you wish to know who pulls his socks up right leg first or who wears "Snuggie" underwear, pray call STATE STARTS TOMORROW I 'A SAVAGELY STIRRING MOVIE. HERE IN LIVING TERMS IS A REAL PEOPLE'S WARl" IIP MA0AZINI . i 7 ; ' ' r j 'I' ;, s " Jr L- 'I it; ;.' o-i.;v i"Tt y& r '- I riut! I Jean Parker I aa Lincoln'! Owl IJohn Archer la the hit musical l-n- ,...,. ..,., ......i, li.iv aimriinii I McNUTT. world-traveler, Robert McNutt, of this barnyard today. Within team reads 375. As far as record stands 1000. No block- ... .. . and carryings on of the lesser pants on one leg at a time just known locally as the Grubaugh Rising City with Omaha, Kansas in that order. By golly, Rising and Al Zikmund started a small When they wended their way and sundry items. These stories he spends his summers working Brother Meruit. ENDS TODAT! Taa Thrilling Samaaea Of Taa Flying Malliaana! Always 25c ANNA KEACLE KORERT NEWTOV "WINGS and the WOMAN" tri T A I Service I Strong Seahawk Eleven Waiting for Cornlmskers A heavy quota of All-American performers versus a crippled Ne braska University club that s the program for the Seahawk-Husker game at Iowa City Saturday. Glen Presnell continued to drill plays into Al Grubaugh, the new ngredient in the Husker backfield. Grubaugh continued to team with Wally Hopp, Ki Eisenhart, and Roy Long in the No. 1 unit. Grubaugh Can Run. Fans who scoffed at Presnell's Frosli Gridmcn Play Thursday Frosh grid performers will take" their biggest splash of the current campaign Thursday afternoon at 4:30 when Army and Navy teams, subdivided among squad members, tangle in a regulation fray. Scene of battle will be the regular frosh gridiron. Bob Deviney and Dale Harvey, assistant coaches, will flip a coin to see who will coach each club. Head frosh mentor, Bill Ffeieff, will referee the tussle. Army linemen include: Ends:, Pesek, Schlesiger, Hayes, Cragin, Treman. Tackles, Hall (co-captain), Fouts, Carman. Guards. Ashburn, Croisant, Lesher, Schlin der. Center, Bolker, Kokjer. Army backfield will feature Foy, A 1 d r i c h, Beckwith, Summers, Shiers, Kessler, and Eisenhart. Navy linemen are: Ends, Sam- uelson, Smith, Proctor and Ehlers. Tackles, Tegt, Beck, Konkright. Guards, Klein (co-captain), Ebers, Draper. Center, Greenwood, Drum- mond. In the navy backfield will be Kratz, Bresel (co-captain), France, Erthum, Myers and Flaggs. Following the game, the grid- sters will be entertained at a ban quet at the Capitol hoteL Georgia Hopes For Rose Bowl PASADENA, Cal., Nov. 18. Pasadena's Rose Bowl gates were flung wide open today and Cali fornia's gridiron populace sfarted the drums rolling loud for Frankie Sinkwich and the Georgia Bull dogs as a 1943 New Year's classic contender. Official approval or the game was given Tuesday by the west ern defense command and was re sponsible for the fever that has broken loose in the Southland. Southern California's gridiron grapevine says that Pasadena will get Sinkwich and his Georgians providing they don't stumble over Georgia Tech. If the Bulldogs fall then it'll probably be Georgia Tech who will be in the New Year's day struegle against a west coast team. Western conference representa tive will likely be the winner of the Pacific Coast conference foot ball race with Washington State the leader and U. S. C. and U. C. L. A. in hot pursuit. Mrs. Kermit Roosevelt has ac cepted election as a member of the board of trustees of Hobart and William Smith colleges. Service to Students An Evons Objective Since 1886 lias produced an ideal, in dividual dry cleaning and rough dry laundry service. Call only once for both services at 2-6961 J tut 148 Step From the Cam put 333 No. 12 decision to shift the sub tackle to the varsity right half post were surprised at the manner in which Grubaugh responded as a ball packer. The former Rising City six-man ace runs with a high knee action and can cover territory in a hurry. Adolph Lewendowski's scouting notes on the Seahawks read thus ly: "They improve every Satur day. Still, I think that several of the Minnesota team are better co-ordinated than this team. Too many stars might be the reason. The lack of time to practice foot ball might be another. And re member, they have been meeting the nation's top teams every Sat urday." Seahawk backfield strength is at a high ebb, despite the. whole sale graduation exodus which re moved some eight star performers. Either Al Couppee or Forrest Evashevski will alternate at quarter, Dick Fisher and Jim Langhurst should get the halfback nods, and Ed Jankowski will open at fullback. Same UN Team. Line Coach Elmer Holm has been drilling the same linemen all week. Marv Thomoson and Ed Nyden will fortify the ends; Bob McNutt and Vic Schleich, the tackles; Wayne Stranathan and Charlie Duda, guards. Several new plays were installed in the Husker attack yesterday to cope with the varied Seahawk of fensive. All T formation plays will be saved for the Kansas State fracas. Notre Dame is the only team boasting a win over the Seahawk club. Seahawks. .61, Seahawks. .20, Seahawks. . 7, Seahawks. .26, Seahawks. . 0, Seahawks. .26, Seahawks. .13, Kansas U. . . . 0 Northwestern. 12 Minnesota ... 6 Michigan ....14 Notre Dame.. 28 Indiana 6 Fort Knox.... 7 Totals ....153 Totals 73 Diana BARRYM0RE Robert CUMMINGS fc TW Rnrf fat rraatalM Key FRANCIS John BOLES Andy DEVINE Me Till SKtain Men -EXTBA- Cartaan Spartlite Late Newt V Fri.&Sot. 1 v ERNIE FIELDS ad hta famous ORCHESTRA 16 Decca & Okeh Record ArtMs Aim. rt Ma Ba. . 1U Ba. IM a. Bay War Slaaaa Bar t