i DAILY NEBRASKAN Sunday, November 15, 1942 Another week past, another week-end almost histo; and the dreary prospect of five more days of drudgery. As we dragged our weary corpus delecti over ye oMe campus we noticed various end sundry comings and goings of a socalled student body. The usual Friday eve trek to the "Pike" saw such amiable person ages as Phi Psi Johnny Cook and AOPi Eunice Stebbins; DU Bob Trenchard and Pi Phi Delores Weaver; Triple Dolt Barb True with another DU Beit Brown; SAK Dick Nash with Alpha Phi Betty Joiner; and Theta pledge Lois' Wright with Beta Bill Kd wards. The Delts, collectively and in dividually would like to know who Becky Waite's secret admirer in her sosh class it. How about it? Belles and Bells. Wedding bells are ringing over the Sigma Kappa house to3ay. Eleanor Kent is martying Lt. Ken. Druitt, Lambda Chi from Oregon whom she Hew down to Texas to see a couple of weeks back. " 'Tis Autumn" and house par ties are still in full swing. The Sigma Kappas. SDTs. ACBSs, the Dorm, Kappas, and the Phi Psis took their turns at entertaining. While up in Omaha the Phi Rhos threw a whing ding Saturday night that really was one. . . Tak ing in the Dorm affair were proxy Shirley Phelps with Johnny Bos- Navys Answer ... UN Women May Join WA VE Reserve and Stay in University It's A Knockout THE STORY OF .TAMES T. COKBETT! Errol FLYNN Alexis SMITH She" i i I JS ' ft V I r ' 0 Sf-l J; si 'til t ir. M pn 5 EXTRA! SCOOP! t"lrt rN-lnrr American troops In Afnr.n Ofirmive in l.inroln't nly romplrte M minute NKWS-BUI.! MIXT . "JO ME AND NT GAL" Not to be outdone by male stu dents, UN girls will have a chance to enlist in a reserve. Dean T. J. Thompson, armed service repre sentative, was informed yesterday by the Bureau of Navy Personnel tor; Ann Wellenseik with ATO Warner Stevens; Laura Lee Mun dil with another Tau Don Papez; and Sammies Ir Braverman, Bud Schwartz and Bud Levinson with Shirley Babenduro, Sylvia Bern stein and Barbara Veta, respec tively. DU Buffet. This evening the DUs are en tertaining their dates at one of their famous buffet suppers. Among those present w ill be Darl Larson and Jill Smith who have decided to call it steady after eight weeks of dates and more dates. . . Another couple who you can add to your list of those no longer available for dates is Betty Jean Maney, Kappa, and Kappa Sig Bill Klorey. Anything under about six karets is strictly taboo around here any more judging by the size of the sparklers that gals have been rak ing in of late. Latest addition to the third finger left hand wearers is Margaret Bumstead, Alpha Phi, and the tellow in this case is none other than Joe Krone. J;ine Johnson and Paul Stoesz are another couple that are now going steady. . . Marian Mann of the tennis playing Manns is now- sportin' a sparkler from Don Moore, who attends the Univer sity of California. It looks like a couple of steadies w ith Freda Sobel SDT pledge and ZBT Duke Shmo, and also an up and coming twosome of Dorothy Swartz SDT pledge and Norm Vota SAM who were seen at the Sigma Delta Tau "Nut" party Saturday night. In town to see future pin mate Harry Goldstein SAM is Ceese Friedman, SDT alum. And by way of closing we want to warn you that when you hear a couple of weird sounds coming from your radio 'long about 11 p. m. Mondays and Thurs days just ignore it and go right on with your studying it'll be over in just five minutes so just grit your teeth and bear it. Barb Coeds Mccl Tomorrow Niglil Members of the BABW and Interhouse Council will meet Monday at 8 p. m. in the barb office of the Union, as an nounced by Pat Sand, BABW president. STARTS TODAY! "SO WHITE-COLLAR JOB FOR ME!" She blasted tradition to chal- fenge the skies dove to a crash I in romance and became one f Of the first women in armv tini. I form! See it all in thi 5 -m IHM4,IIIL I, "orj ot me riying MoiUsons r I J -.1 Always 25c I Ci : l .jh -L. Always 25c ReUrt fJElVTOfJ f Produced and directed by KERSCRT WILCOX 4 riant ADVKNTURE PACKED ARAMTMA! that girls may enlist in WAVE reserve. All WAVE officers must be col lege graduates. Girls who enlist are under a classification V-9, which compares to the naval re serve class V-7 of men college students and leads to training and ultimate commissioning in the Naval Reserve Enlisted women (class 10) have many fields open to them; they must be high school graduates. Their duties will be those of sten ographers, typists, accountants, telephone and radio operators, re ceptionists and clerical work. May Graduate. Women students who enlist in V-9 reserve are allowed to grad uate, and then are sent for a training period to some college for officers' training. During this period WAVEs are not allowed to get married. After training is completed, an enlisted officer WAVE may get married provided her husband is not connected with the navy. UN girls who are interested in being a WAVE are urged to see Dean Thompson where more in formation may be given. Join the navv and be a WAVE! Student War Council Names Pat Chamberlin New President Dr. Bcnglson Edits Book on War, Peace Dr. Nels A. Bengtson has been consulting editor over the past sev eral years for 14 volumes in a series of geography textbooks. The n I J rr- :-; S;:vi:Sv::: :;!;:! Sf!!:- f S:'::' f , . ' X 4 - m u Mil hi ir""- f rsKwwssfe. try vw V t 5 s I i j i vrt.-4MuMMM,c:T.-'i j.'.'y., , i '' n Tn iT7,,...T. , ,'L 3' i y K' ( ) . 1 ;. J I ml' ( f tmmtJ. it' 1 ' 1 1 - " j.l i DEAN BENGSTON. latest is called "America at War," and is an analysis of the relative geographic strength of the United States and her enemies. Not a propaganda book, it analyzes from a geographical standpoint the war situation and points to problems to be mot when peace comes. Six contributors from the faculties of Yale, Clark, and Massachusetts State Teachers have written upon different as pects of the war picture, and the volume is accepted as having value in the war effort. Dean Bengtson is head of the university's junior division, and is chairman of the geography department. LAUGHS! LAUGHS! LAUGHS! fWilfc AM TM I c MfftT wuRsuir I MwaMraanrt I HwrVCORTtt 1 MWtSIMMt newt mt I US MO"" I -rtOrd-rtra rtni MMCY lcCUtR I flit MUW Ltwn SI'U.IAL Fly Air Hxprrnt RKO NEWS prrnrnli "U.S. Opens 2nd FrontM Entire newt itvttri tm tbia bjret. Future l Iv S:l'! 5:44 1:40 tl:4( NOW! usaswv Courtes Lincoln Journal. New chairman of the War Council, Pat Chamberlin, is news editor of the Daily, and a member of Kappa Alpha Theta. Organized last year by the Daily and a gToup of war conscious students, the Council coordinates war eflort on the campus. Currently, the group is promoting' sales of vic tory stamp corsages for the Military Ball, sales to begin Tuesday, Nov. 17, and continue through the week. Wilkins (Continued from Page 1.) Wilkins reached the United States after interviewing royalty and leaders of the vast area which in cluded Japan, China, Burma, French Indo-China, Thailand, Ma laya, Singapore, the Philippines, the Dutch East Indies, and Aus tralia. In 1940 Sir Hubert made a narrow escape from Paris and France as the nazis were pouring into the country. For 20 consecu tive years he had been an an nual visitor to Europe, had been I a familiar figure in its capital and j the intimate of its noted person I as ps. j Becomes Consultant. Wilkins became consultant to 1 the Army Quartermaster Corps in I Washington soon after after Pearl ' Harbor. In 1940, because of his ! knowledge and technical ability, j particularly in the field of avia jtion, he was called to London. I Sir Hubert, who has an earned knighthood, was born in Australia and knows his country as few men do its past, its present and its future possibilities. He is con sidered one of its most distin guished citizens. HOVLAND-SWANSON TIK A ni AL-KNOT WITH VKiVVS Capture your O. A. O. (One and Onlvl with viynys new saucy scent! 1iVv ten 1 tvr I.JU aram 1 With every $1.50 bottle of perfume we give you a little yarn Beau ior your lapel! Street Floor D s RIPHARD CAKI.SON JANE AM)OirH IN HIGHWAYS BY NIGHT