The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 13, 1942, Page 3, Image 3

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    Friday, November 13, 1942
v . - . i " .
Courtesy of Lincoln Journal.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. D. Peters of Lincoln announce the engagement
of their daughter Miss Virginia Peters of Washington, D. C,
to Lt. Clarence A. Lewis, jr., of Camp Funston, Kans., son of
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Lewis of Ansclmo. No date has been set
for the wedding. Both Miss Peters, and Lieutenant Lewis were
former students
Ag 'Short Course' to Include
Women Students This Year
Women as well as men will be
admitted to the highly popular
farm operators' course at the ag
college this winter, according to
announcement by Jerome V. Srb,
supervisor of short courses at the
Admission of girls to the short
YW Commission
Groups Introduce
Coeds lo UN Life
First YW freshman commission
groups mot this week. Two groups
meet daily one at 3 30 and the
other at 4 :30 p.m. All groups dis
cussing the same topics. These
groups serve to help freshmen
women become acquainted with
the different phases of campus
life, the customs, and the traditions.
Oest la Guerre!
course, a curriculum of studies in
tended particularly for young peo
ple who intend to make farming
their life work, marks still an
other change in Nebraska living
wrought by the war. Many farm
boys are going into the armed
forces, and girls will be called on
to do many of the tasks such a3
tractor and machinery operation
and care, production of pork, beef,
poultry, vegetables like, which
formerly were done largely by
the young men. The change in
plans for the course was the re
sult of the college's wish to help
out in the situation.
Dates are Nov. 30, 1942, to
March 3, 1943, and here again a
change in plans was necessary
because of the war situation. The
starting date is almost one month
later than usual, which will allow
time for farm boys to help pick
Nebraska's bumper crop of corn.
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All's quiet on the WAA front
this week punctured only occa
sionally by the sharp crack of a
smoking rifle held gingerly in the
quaking hands of a white-faced
member of the Rifle Club.
But she will be white-faced not
much longer because every Tues
day and Thursday afternoon from
4:30 to 5:30 capable instructors
demonstrate the delicate art " of
shooting and caring for a gun.
Talk about being ready on the
home front! Handy for "wolves"
at the door, too.
Determined practice goes on and
on. over in Grant Memorial every
night about that time for the Ne
braska ball tournament which gets
off to a full swing starting Mon
d.iy next.
The right spirit was certainly
shown by the five weary Thetas
who trudge faithfully over to the
gym to practice for the second
Graduate Group
Elects Thompson
Club President
Members of the Graduate club
of Teachers' College elected offi
cers at the reception he'd in the
home of Dean F. E. Henzlik Tues
day evening. Those elected were
Kenneth Thompson, president;
Mrs. Paul Bradley, vice president,
and Leola Shopper, secretary-treasurer.
time for this glorified volley-ball
tournament. It seems that one
practice is all that is necessary.
Was the name of a certain intra
mural rep mud that night!
From all reports that "moon
light" horseback picnic ride the
riding club cantered on the other
clear, cloudless night was pure de
light. Aside from the fact that
Pat Shaw landed in a frozen mud
puddle, the ride was accomplished
without incident. P. S. Her jodh
purs didn't even have to be
Classes at the fair grounds in
riding are still open to any girl
rider who loves the smell of sad
dle leather, the creak of stirrup
straps, and the thrill of a good
horse. Saturday morning classes
are proving most popular, but
Former 'Messiah'
Singers May Take
Part in Production
As was announced before, those
students who are not participating
in any musical activities this year,
but who have sung the Messiah
previously, are welcome to join in
its presentation on Dec. 13.
Such students are not requested
to practice regularly with the
chorus, but should come to sev
eral of the rehearsals at 7:15 on
Tuesday evenings in room 103 of
the Temple.
right after dinner is also a good
time to prowl on horseback the
deserted fair ground buildings, and
scare the silly sheep who have
taken up winter quarters there.
See you at the Nebraska ball
UN Orchestra
Gives Recital
In Union Sunday
Under the direction of SamuoJ
Gorbach, the University orchestra
will present a concert Sunday aft
ernoon at 3 o'clock in the Union
by Kay set
Cozy and warm are these Tuckstitch gowns and
pajamas made famous by Kayser. No shivers in the
shoulders, no way to catch every draft. And you'll
find them heart-breakers in mystic blue or n
tearose. Come in tomorrow and make your ! 90
selection. Sizes 14, 16 and 18. "
COLD'S . . . Third Floor.
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