Tuesday, November 10, 194 DAILY NEBRASKAN 4 --r I Jean Rotton Elected Sig Chi Sweetheart . . . , . i I r- mi-"' n .in Rotton. Theta Dledae. is surrounded bv admirina Sigma Chi pledges as she was elected by them Saturday night as 'the Sweetheart of Sigma Chi." Presented during a military houseparty given by the pledges for the actives, she is wearing the uniform of a nurse's aid in which organization she is very active. She is five feet five inches tall, and has the blonde hair and blue eyes which the Sigma Chi sweetheart song describes. In her hand is the bronze engraved cup which beginning this year will be given annually to the Sigma Chi sweetheart. Home Ee Club Uses Military Initiation Plan The home economics club will hold a mass initiation of pledges Tuesday at 7 p. m. The initiation will take place in the activities building, and will follow a mili tary idea. The "inductees" of the National Home Economic association are summoned to report for induction and classification at the activities building promptly on Tuesday eve ning. The yeais program for the club will consist of various teas for home ec students and a special Christmas tea. The state convention for home c students will be held in Lincoln this year and it will be the respon sibility of the club to sponsor this convention. Officers of the club are elected for only one semester and new of ficers will be elected at the be ginning of the second semester. Marian Hunt and Wanda Gilbert are in charge of the initiation and the first mass meeting. Gamma Phis Hold Founders' Day Banquet Nebraska chapter of Gamma Phi Beta will hold their annual Founders' day banquet Friday night, Nov. 13. at 6:30 at the Uni versity club. Jeanne Bovard is chairman of the affair and will also serve as toastmistress. Miss Evelyn Gooding, province director, from Urbana, 111., will give the main speech of the eve ning, followed by speeches by Amy Colburn, president of the ac tive chapter; Leah Jane Howell, Bobette Burke and Miss Constance Syford, alumnae secretary. During the dinner a short play will be enacted recalling the cir cumstances of the founding of Gamma Phi Beta at Syracuse uni versity, Syracuse, N. Y. The Ne braska chapter was set up Nov. 11, 1874. Similar Founders' day banquets will be held in other chapters thruout the states and Canada this weekend. Only BO tax I I ?l I k. No wonder our customers swear by NAIL ENAMEL No wonder Revlon i the pet of our customers! Every single color is actually "previewed" or pretested 160 times on busy 'fingertips just like yours before it is bottled for you! Tested and rctcstcd for that un rivalled "stay-on" quality . . . brilliance and beauty of color . . . fastest drying time con sistent with longest wear! And how you'll thrill to America's best loved fingertip colors . . . Windsor or Scarlet Slipper or "1942" . . . or any of Revlon's 21 enchanting shades! " 1 "" - -i!-$rBKi:- 1 Street Floor. Society. Kosmet Klnb Sbow Tickets Now on Sale Tickets for the annual Kosmet Klub Revue, to be presented the afternoon of Nov. 21. go on sale today, with Frank White in charge of sales. Nebraska Sweetheart and Prince Kosmet presentations will be featured at this year's show. after an election at the door. Eight fraternities will vie for the annual K-Klub award for best skit presented with Phi Kappa Psi, Sigma Nu, Sigma Alpha Ep silon, Sigma Chi, Sigma Alpha Mu, Alpha Tau Omega, Alpha Sigma Phi and Phi Gamma Delta com peting. Parade . . . (Continued from Page 1.) ing the Tassels as they march onto the field will be the Pershing Rifle company. In the event of inclement weather an alternate indoor serv ice has been planned for the coli seum. Because of limited space in the coliseum, only the Tassels and Pershing Rifle company will par ticipate in the celebration. Official announcement as to an indoor or outdoor ceremony will not be known till Wednesday morning. In charge of all preparation for the parade and ceremonies is the brigade staff, assisted by the three brigade staffs and instruc tors of the military department. BY MARYLOUISE GOODWIN. Again we peek upon this world with dreary eyes. Dreary eyes they are but they see, see far into the purple horizon. Our glim peepers opened several times over the full weekend and vast visions floated in. In effect: Betas moving en masse to the Turnpike Saturday night to jump to the jive of Erskine Hawkins with the rest of the cats. the brothers and their dates were Johnny Edwards and Marilyn Edwards, Kappa; Ernnie Smithers and Pi Phi Lois Wil liams; Harold Salisbury and Theta Shirley Wright; and Bill Schaumburg with Ginnie Malster. Joe Sonneland was down and there with DG Nancy Raymond. Bill McBride and Bill Scribner went stag and had so much fun wolfing on the brothers that they've decided that he who travels alone travels farthest. Osculation Exercise. The Phi Gams really did them selves on their L'il Abner party. One of the main features of this party is the kissing contest and this year the prizes went to Carl Lurch and Charleen Cameron, Chi O. but Morrie Dingwell and Jean Dresden, and Bob Durrie and Alpha Phi Mary Stephenson gave them a good run for the money. . . . Al Artman showed up at the party with a foreign impor tation that has all the boys' tongues wagging. Wedding bells and rice an over the place Jean Coffee pulled a fast one and eloped with Lt. Bob Fosley and then turned up ai the AOPi house party Saturday eve but don't tell anvone. it's a secret. . . . Another couple getting the knot tied Saturday were Carmel Gantz of the dorm and Sigma Nu Steve Dewey. The freshman convocation never seemed verv conducive to romance but Millicent Cook met Bernard Urich there this fall and now they're going steady. . Kappa Sally Busch and Phi Psl Johnny Cook are no longer go ing steady. , Hearing Hawkins. Some of the other couples danc ing at the "Pike" Saturday night -were DG Helen Johnson and Sig Nu Pres Hayes, Alpha Chi Dot- tie Filley and FH Jerry Aben haus. Margaret Reese, Alpha Phi' and Beta George Townsend, and . Pi Phi Jean Baker and Warren Sahs. It's getting monontonous, but the Corn Crib is out of cokes again. The Sigma Chi pledges after going thru a Hell Week just pre- ceeding their party decided maw it waa nnlv fittinff that theV should elect a pledge "Sweet- heart of Sigma Chi" and the honor went to Theta pledge Jeanne Rotton whose date was Ronnie Metz. Congratulations are due the seven new Sie- Chi actives and the four new girls now wearing Kappas goioen Key. Debate . . . (Continued from Page l.j Blackstone and the negative com bination of Art Riven and Bill Rist. All of the speakers are par ticipating in three rounds of dis cussion on post-war problems and Rist is competing in the extem poraneous tpeaking contest. Ac companying the group is Prof. L. T. Laase of the speech depart ment. The speech conference is gen erally held in March, but due to gas rationing, transportation dif ficulties and the accelerated col lege programs the competition is being held now. Gas Ration . . . (Continued from Page 1.) out completely before they are presented, otherwise they will have to be brought back another time. The application must be signed by the person in whose name the car is registered, but may be pre sented by another person acting as an agent for the owner. STATE Alwajri 25c Hrt Tim Anywhere t REDL'CTO prices: The Story of a Great American Hero! Serv. Men 20o Plus! "Not Ladles' Man" viaSffiY TODAY AT 1 P. M. 4Hu With The, Entertainment I Toppersl THE GREAT I All nrfici f.iM, W- ( hn MAPY CORTES eiNNy SIMMS MODY MARTIN M arcktitrt US BROWN i O'Ckotll KTER LINO HAYES MARCY McGUIRE 'THE COURT or MISSIN6 HEIRS' 'TRUTH 01 CONSEQUENCES' mil ieu.,- f Choral Croup Changes Meeting Time to 7:15 The choral group which has been meeting in the Temple at 7:30 on Tuesday evenings will now meet from 7:15-7:45 in order that stu dents holding symphony tickets may be at the concerts on time. CONSERVE YOUR COSMETICS W who ' BUT... don't economize on beauty I Your glowing beauty is your shining badge of courage. Don't economise on that! Cherish and guard it well with preparations of highest quality, which, in the long run are the most economical. Our DuBarry Beauty Preparations arc co-related by Richard Hudnut to blend chemically for greater effectiveness. A little goes a long way . . . laves in the end. Dry Skin CUomlng Crtom 1. Special Skin Cream . t . 1.50 Foundation Lotion. I I 1.2 5 Foeo Powder iii.i 1. J- All price plui UX j,""rr--nw,i'ti'tJ'f.,im.ni . Street Floor.