The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 30, 1942, Page 8, Image 8

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    Friday, October 30, 1942
By Mary Louise Goodwin.
Another week-end just around
the coiner and from here it looks
like a lively one . . . Leaving- by
way of car, rail, and thumb for
Kansas will be Grove Nelson,
Buck Myers, John Binning, Allan
Artman and about 20 other Fiji
brothers. Morrie Dingwell, Fritz
Wolff, Copples Newt and Ed arc
stopping off at Stevens on Friday
for a whee at old Mizzou before
going down to Lawrence for the
Dorothy Black, Estella Lenne
mann. Lorraine Crawford, Dorothy
Carnahan, and Pat Beedle are a
few of the Chi Os making the trip
and they're taking along Bus
Bl.ick and Dual Anderson. Phi
Delts to chaffeur . . . DGs Pat
Shaw. Kay Detwieler, Helen John
son, and Mary Lee Tomlinson will
also be making the trek, as will
Alpha Chris Janet Mason and
Agnes Fox.
We Predict . . .
We predict a steady deal in the
not too far distant future to re
sult from numerous dates of Phi
Gam Paul Wykert and Theta
Marjorie Christensen , . . One ru
mored steady deal that isn't is
that of PG Pat R. C. Williams and
Kirk Kimball. They're dating but
nothing steady in sight . . . Allan
Chapman, Delt, seems to be back
on the inside track with Kappa
Dinny" Ford now that the med
students have gone back to Oma
ha. Friday is the night of the Alpha
Phi house party and though Polly
Ann Petty is going home and Pat
Becker is remaining true to her
steady from Wentworth most of
the sisters will be on hand for the
affair. Betty Winn will be there
with Phi Gam Bob Miller, Jo Kin
sey with Phi Delt George Howard,
and Billie Kline with Sig Alph
Bud Brown.
Riding Hayracks.
Riding with the Sigma Nus on
their hay rack Saturday night will
be Maxine Hoffman, Gamma Phi
and Gene Perry, Duke Schatz and
Theta Jean Murray, Don Young
and Kappa pledge Barbara Clock,
Hal Johnson and Ruth Korb. Kap
pa, and Don Anawalt with Kappa
Newbranch . . . The Corn-
husker Co-op boys are also hav
ing their havride Saturday night
and Dick Hall and Jean Kushner
will be among those on that rack
The ATO pledees left the ac
tives in the dust Wednesday night
when thev decided to sneak. They
left the house via the second
storv windows and didn't show up
again until after nine yesterday
Students Buy
War Stamps
Worth $70
War stamp sales are increasing
Yesterday was the second war
stamp sale day sponsored by the
War Council and approximately
$15 more stamps were bought than
the previous week.
Sales boomed on ag cs " 1 yes
terday morning and l,j 1 p. m.
more stamps had to be furnished
to the ag booth. Leading the
sales again, ag campus sold $24.70
worth of stamps to ag students.
Sosh was second with $20.85, MA
third with $12.10, and the Union
last with $11 55. A total of $69.20
of 10 and 25 cent war stamps
was sold to the university students
and faculty members.
Salesmen from Farm House,
Alpha Gamma Rho and Baldwin
hall were stationed at ine ag
booth. Girls from Alpha Xi Delta,
Phi Omeea and Delta Delta Delta
acted as saleswomen in the Union,
and members of Gamma Phi Beta.
Dplta Gamma and Karma Alpha
Theta sold war stamps in Sosh.
Fellows from Beta Siema Psi.
Beta Theta Pi ;.nd Delta Sigma
Pi took charge or tne ma Doom
Daily, Lincoln
Sponsor New
Movie Contest
Do vou know a woosome two
some ? Can you spot the woosome
twosomes in "Springtime in the
Rockies?" This romantic musical
is playing at the Lincoln starting
Saturday. Oct. 31. starring Betty
Grable. Carmen Miranda, John
Payne, Cesar Romero. Edward
Fverett Horton. Charlotte Green
wood, and Harry James and His
The Daily Nebraskan, along
with the Lincoln theater is spon
soring a contest with 20 theatre
tickets given as prizes to tne ten
Contestants are asked to write
a 25 word statement telling why
you know you will enjoy seeing
"SDrinetime in the Rockies." Be
sure and leave your entry in the
Daily Nebraskan ortiee Dy d p. m
Wednesday, November 5.
Chinese Student
Leads Discussion
At Westminster
Albert Fenn, Chinese student
doing graduate work in philosophy
at the university, will lead a dis
cussion group of Westminster
church youth section bunday. :ov
1. at 5:30 d. m.
' During the sunDer hour Norman
o 1 i -
Leger will give selections on his
marimba. The program will be
completed by the meditation,
'Thv that Mourn." bv Dr. M. V.
Oggel. Westminster pastor, and
songs by tne vestea cnapei cnoir
Book Nook News
Program Reviews
Current Novels
fhirrent books and novels will be
discussed this afternoon on the
Book Nook News program over
station OK from :45 10 o.
Theso ooks will be discussed
"Twilight of France" by Alexander
Werth, "Nazi (Juide to Nazism
edited by Rolf Tell, "Happy Land
ings" edited by Max J. nerzoerg
Mernl P. Paine, ana Austin wonts
"A Treasury of the Familiar" ed
ited by Ralph Woods, and "This
Is My Best edited by wnit Bur
Sweden's most famous conserva
tive student society, the Heimdal
society at L'Dsala university, has
adopted a change in regulations
according to which nazi sympath
izers cannot belong to tne society
Take Good Care
of the Clothes You Have
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Nylon fleece coats ... as warm as wool . . .
water repellent . . . highly durable in
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. . . 1001'. wool fleeces, coverts, domestic and im
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35.08 to 40.05
Simons exclusive, popular Ango Llama coats . .
100 wool, beautifully lined . . .
Untrimmed . . . 3569
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Rolhley blouses
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soannor ... alt shad . . . bum 30 to 40.
1C3 wool skirls
la subtls plaids, colorful shstiands, smootk
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