Friday, October 30, 1942 DAILY NEBRASKAN 7 Play Huskcrs Tomorrow x4 iis If MM 4 1 Mizzou's Bob Steuber Counts Twenty Points Against Ames Long-striding Bob Steuber, the Missouri Ail-American halfback candidate, moved into a solid lead for the national scoring title last week by counting 20 points against Iowa State. Steuber counted three touch downs against the Cyclones and converted after two of them to compile his total. Frankie Sink wich, an All-American last year, continued his bid for 1942 laurels by scoring three touchdowns to move into runnerup position be hind Steuber. Top individual performance last week was turned in by Jim Se crest, University of Rochester halfback. Sec rest scampered to five touchdowns to move into fourth place in national scoring. To". P.A.T. F.O. T'l Bl( Six Coofrtrnre. M Mrtibrr. Minxonri. .13 t 83 Soatfcnatlrra Cuofrrrticr. rr'k Sinkwfeh, Grnncta t....M Wfultro Conference. Gene Felcrte, Ohio. St. .8.. ...... fcantrrn bettor. Jim Srcrmit. Rnohlester. S Son) hern Conference. Andy Vlrtor. Citadel ..6 II Pacific Voant Con fere ec. Boo Hcanedh, Wank. St. 1 X Mlmanorl Valley Conference. Lee Tevln, WanhtnKton . 1 Soalhwentern Conference. Bill Colemnn, Baylor... 5 Rift- Seven Conference. Johnny Eleftlcr, Colo... 6 3 Carl Kleanu, Colorado . 3 Rocky Moantala Conference. Kea'ta Moore, Colo. IW. SI .60 41 44 43 36 to Lincoln Art Guild Sponsors Exhibit The annual Fall Show sponsored by the Lincoln Artists' Guild will be displayed in" Gallery A of Mor rill hall. The exhibit will begin this Sunday and continue until Nov. 22. For Better Values . . . DRUGS CIGARS SUNDRIES CANDY TOBACCOS STATIONERY SCHOOL NEEDS PRESCRIPTIONS LET THE CHEAPPER DRUG STORE SAVE YOU MONEY! m 1 1 in 1 Entertainment As You Like It! Vaudeville Acts George Walton, pianist Wilson Quartet and Hcdy Lamarr in "Algiers with Charles Boyer Union Variety Show H8:00p.m.,Sunday CAMPUS REPRESENTATIVES pick these new clothes for campus popularity iff Perry Fuller chooses thh new :7 W SHORTEE RAINCOAT Eain or shine these shortee coats are mighty smart for campus wear. The lightweight cot ton gabardine sheds wind and cold as well as it sheds rain. There's plenty of new coats now ready for you at Magee's. 50 ( 1 - The Belmont 10 .WX The WindR,in 145 "I like these new ARROW ENSEMBLES . . soys Don Draeger "Don't just buy a shirt or tie," says Don. "You'll save money and always look better if you buy an ARROW ensemble every time." ARROW SHIRTS. .$2.25 and $2.50 TIES. $1 and $1.50 SHORTS.. 75c HANDKERCHIEFS. .35c and 50c 'W.e just received a new shipment of MOCCASINS X- I V;-' ; X II - "1 reports Bob Henderson "We couldn't keep up with the de mand for this popular campus shoe," maqc reports Bob. "But now we have most 2KyO sizes in either leather or rubber soles." it Union Ballroom Nn Phnrnpl See them today at MAGEE'S