The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 22, 1942, Page 4, Image 4

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    Thursday, October 22, 1942
Culbcrtson at Carrie Belle
Color of season
Is Royal Purple
For Coed Dress
Sports Organizations :
' "OS":
In a final desperate struggle for
supremacy, Her Majesty, Royal
Purple seems at last to be gaining
ground. In fact, purple crepe is
the rage this year. Alpha Chi
Evelyn Learner wears a worthy
example to illustrate the merits of
Royal Purple crepe. It is trimmed
with silver propelior-s h a p e d
bangles across the yoke and
around the belt. Soft draping nt
the neck over the silver bangles
and at the stomach plus a full
skirt brings that new "war femin
inity" touch.
Screw-loose styles have not
been entirely drowned out by this
drab war as is demonstrated by
Gamma Phi Janet Gibson who
Shocked her sisters and all other
onlookers by appearing dressed for
bed in a good old fashioned
"grandpa's nightshirt"! Of white
broadcloth with slender navy blue
trim around the collar and cuffs,
the nightshirt bags down to an
Tingraceful length just below the
calf of the leg. Of course that
risque touch is added by the slits
nearly to the knee on either side,
but then, even grandpa had those.
Skirts Narrow.
The latest skirt pattern has just
arrived from New York. It is
simple and of course conserving
material. There are two halt
pleats in the front and in the back,
set far apart and facing outward,
giving a lovely widening effect for
those slight, slim girls, but oh.
how .woeful for anyone inclined
towards hippiness.
Speaking of skirts, the most
popular colors this year range
from pale yellow to gold - just so
its yellow. Especially pretty too,
are the new even looser and
rougher knit sloppy sweaters such
as the pale green one sported by
Mary Jo Gish, Delta Gamma, and
the scarlet one worn by Bonnie
Calmer, Alpha Xi Delta.
Buddha is Good Luck.
Outstanding novelty pin on
campus is the grinning Buddha
picked up in an import shop by
dorm activity girl Dorothy Alex
ander. If you rub his protruding
tummy three times - it's absolutely
x - X
v a! iL, K r fillip-
Vf "y.
two UN men. Jack
Bridge playing, ranked hish among coeds, according to a recent survey, finds
away at the dorm.
Shermir and Ray Toman bidding
Courtesy Sunilny Ji urrM iril Siar.
guaranteed to make your wish
come true.
Black is still the favorite color
on this campus despite many at
tempts to substitute another - any
An moedibly beautiful full 4-button lip
on I Root boby kidskin from obrood . . the
leather famous for long wearl A new
washable American-made glace'. Cut on
French patterns fo make your hands look
lim. Fitted ond crafted in America by
Arts . . the house famous for fine import.
Irtct riaar.
gH, j
other. It seems the girls are still
striving to achieve that sleek look
of sophistication. Amy Colbmn,
Gamma Phi Beta, strives in a
smooth black crepe, with the
new slenderizing short peplum
trimmed in seven rows of glitter
ing sequins. A flattering V-neck
is accented by two tucks on either
side and a huge sequin flower over
the left shoulder.
Price Ceiling
On Nylon Hose
Nylon hose, held in warehouses
to be released for holiday sales,
will be affected by the price ceil
ing law, Leon Henderson, price
administrator, announced this
Effective today, the maximum
price for first quality, full
fashioned hose will be $1.69, com
pared with former pilces of $2.50
and $2 f5. Other first quality ny
lons will range from $1.55 to $2.50.
Henderson has asked all women
to familiarize themselves with
these rules and to be sure that
the hose sold to them is described
by the salesperson. All irregular
and second quality hose must be
so marked.
For A
Limited Time Only!
Reg. $10
lien Simon
5th Floor 2-6905
Use Your Charge Account
Nurses Aid Training Corps
Spokesman Asks Support
Asking those who have the time
to co-operate, Mrs. Walter F.
Gardner, chairman of the Lancas
the county committee of the
Nurses Aid Training Corps, yes
terday urged all university women
to investigate requirements for en
trance in the nurses' aid program.
Dr. G. W. Rosenlof, registrar
and niirectoi of admissions, to
whom the request was made, has
stated that there will be no uni
versity credit given for the courses
at the present time, but added
that credit hours may be given in
the future according to the action
of various college faculties.
. . . Of VN Goods
Women enlisting for the .pro
gram take a three-week course of
pre-clinic study of two hours a
week and a three-week course of
practice in one of the local hospi
tals. They must also promise to
volunteer 150 hours of work dur
ing the year.
"I recognize the need," Dr. Ros
enlof said, ''of supplementing the
nurses training program in the
present emergency."
Women interested in the nurses
aid program should fcpply at Mrs.
Gardner's office in the Cornhuskcr
Switch to 3uvnk
I J : t " ' ' '
v. I v J
Sf 1 ti I ' . 1 v m
ftmm riLTCRS roii
ljH ed t iuci ioy
66 Baffis niter
Thrills Smokers
New York The mentific.
absorbent filter hns contributen
mightily to the smoking
pleasure of millions of men and
women who have fwitched
to Medico Filtered Smoking.1
Actually, the smoke must travel
through 66 "baffles" before
reaching the moulh. Hakes and
slugs are trapped; and the
smoke is whirl-eonled as it w indb
it way through the titer.
- 1- ' r- t.-H Mm