Tuesday, October 20, 1942 DAILY NEBRASKAN Society... BY MARY LOUISE GOODWIN. While the Betas put their asy lum inmates back into straight jackets, the Pi Phis pull down the cobwebs and sweep out the gory figures, the Gamma Phis pull down their silvery moon, and the Sig Alphs and Farm House men pull the furniture out of closets . and roll the rugs back down, we'll . look at the prospects for this week. From here it looks like the usual first of the week slump . . . Among those who rounded out the week in a big way Sunday night were Chi O Dorothy Black and Ed Copple, Phi Cam, and Polly Parmcle and Laird Fischer, Phi Delt. Have yovi talked to Harold Han son, FH lately? Don't try 'cause ' he won't talk. His jaw is all wired up and they call it touch foot ball. No More Steady . . . DU Bert 3rown was among the first to find out that Theta Marian Lynch isn't going steady any more and he wasted no time fixing up a big deal last Saturday night at the "Pike" ... On the steady list, however, are Norm Hahn, Sammy and Deona Lsgman from Omaha . . . Another couple seen more and more places in each others company are SAE "Boggie" Bennett and Dee Gee pledge Madeline Haecker . . . Virginia Mutz and High Stuart are an other pair who are frequently two soming of late. ATO's Picnic. We hear that the ATO's had a novel picnic Sunday night at Penn Woods with food and all the other comforts of home. John Mason saw to it that no one went astray by improvising a trail, similar to that of Hansel and Gretel, only via the TeePee. John Mason, Jim Van Landingham. and Don James were there with "Sadie" Hawkins, Alpha Phi, "Cluckie" Rosborough, Theta, and Mary Mason, Alpha Chi, respectively. That special smile that Pi Phi personality gal, Susan Shaw was wearing this week-end was due to the fact that pinmate Bernie Buell was back in town. Monday is the usual night for candy passing but the Pi Phis had theirs Saturday. Marie Hossack and Ann Vogal decided to come across with the sweets. Ann with Theta Xi Burt Peters and Marie with Iowa Fiji, Ray Pressman. Rumor has it that Barbara Reh berg and Ralph Fox are going steady these days but they don't talk about that. Allen Zikmund hereby gives no tice that he'll stand for no more competition when it conies to Pat Green. They're going steady again. If you want to argue boys, you'll find Zik over at the Sig Alph hut waiting for you. AUcart STATE The Rfal Lift Slorv of an All-Airurinn Orid Star "SMITH OF N MINNESOTA" with BRUCE SMITH All-Amr rican Half-Bark and ARI.INE Jl lM.t I'hrster Morris -rU1 "Alias Boston Blackie" HELD OVER! ROARING ADVENTURE OVER THE BURMA ROAD! John WAYNE Anna LEE John CARROLL Plus "CAIIJNQ II Latent ALL GIRLS" (I RKO NEWS TODAY First Show 1:M V. M. SLAP THE JAP WITH TOUR SCRAP Former ChiO Takes Vows :::::: : - i l MM liilP' J:. . . . r Mrs. William liicluirdson wns Miss Lynn Dale ltoforo her marriage this nionlli. While alt ci nl i 1 1 Nol)raska, slic was af filiated with (.'hi Om'a sorority. Mrs. Kirhardson was also ono of the Cornhusker beauty queens of 1!4'2. Next Saturday . . . Hundred Models Demonstrate New Coiffure Styles at Show There will be 100 beautiful mod els on hand to show milady what her hair will be doing this year at a coiffure style show Saturday Students ... (Continued from Page 1). certify to the commissioner the eligibility of each applicant for a loan, but loans are not dependent upon prior approval of the com missioner. Determine Eligibility. Eligibility for the loans to full time students is determined by the following: (a) Whose technical and pro fessional education can be com pleted within two years or 24 months after the first loan; (b) Who attain and continue to maintain scholarship standards satisfactory to the institution in which they are enroled; (c) Who are in need of assist ance to enable them to remain in college; (d) Who agree in writing to participate, until otherwise di rected by said chairman, in accel erated programs of study, in any of the fields authorized hereunder, and, (e) Who agree in writing to en gage, for the duration of the wars in which the United States is now engaged, in such employment or service as may be assigned by officers or agencies designated by the chairman of the war man power commission- Students who enlist in the armed forces of the United States are eligible for loans on the same terms as other stu dents. Standards Are Fixed. Institutions taking part in the accelerated program are forbidden by government law to prescribe any other conditions or standards. Students who already have re ceived other aid are still eligible to secure these government loans. The present program is limited by a congressional act to cover the For Your Coking Rendcsvous "on Campus" BUCK'S COFFEE SHOP 1131 R Street Cour'c.i;' Lincoln Journal. ... In Hotel Ballroom at the Cornhusker hotel ballroom. The style show will be the fea ture of a meeting of Lincoln Unit No. 3, National and State Hair dressers association at 9 p. m. Sat urday. Following this, the au dience will dance to the music of Dave Haun in the ballroom. The models' which include some of the UN campus figures will be escorted by soldiers. Admission to the event will be 55 cents with the tax included. The tickets ad mit one, both to the style show and the dance. period July 1, 1942. to June 30, 1943. Objective of the program is to assist students in accelerating their programs for the rapid com pletion of courses in engineering, chemistry, medicine (including veterinary) and pharmacy. The fact that this is an accelerated program means the academic schedule provides within the 12 month year beginning July 1 1942, at least the equivalent of one and one-third academic years of nine months without adding materially to the normal academic load exported to be carried by stu dents. Definitions of the accelerated fields as released by the govern ment are as follows: (a) "Engineering" means a cur riculum in engineering leading to at least a bachelor's degree in engineering. (b) "Chemistry" means a cur ricuium leading to at least a bachelor's degree with a major in chemistry. (c) "Medicine" means a curric ulum leading to at least a degree of doctor of medicine or of doctor of veterinary medicine, or equiva lent degrees. (d) "Pharmacy" means any cur riculum in pharmacy leading to at least a bachelor s degree in phar macy. Nebraska is not participating in the accelerated schedules for dentistry and physics. M. L. Sperling Senator Asks Prohibition For Draftees To protect new draftees Senator Josh Lee of Oklahoma stated yes terday that he would present a bill to the senate urging the amending of the 18 and 19 year old draft bill to impose prohibition in areas around all militafy and naval posts. This bill, he said, would prohibit the sale, possession or use or gift of all alcoholic beverages, includ ing beer, in army and navy posts and within surrounding areas to be designated by the secretary of war. in the case or navai stations the secretary of war would be able to act the same as in army camps. Supporting his bill, Lee de clared, "When our sons of 18 and 19 are needed for military service, it seems to me it is not asking too much that thev be given the pro tection this amendment woul af ford." "A training camp is a school teaching the most serious business in the world," he continued. "Liquor is not allowed to be sold in or near the schools these boys would be attending if they were not needd in the effort. "I shall press for adoption of this amendment with every power at my command." Military com mittee had previously rejected the plan. Theta Sigs Hold Tea Theta Sigma Phi, honorary jour nalism sorority, will have a rush tea today at the Delta Gamma house from 4 to 6 p. m. Phi Chi Theta Rushes Phi Chi Theta, honorary busi ness organization, will hold a rush party Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. at the Union. Re vue . . . (Continued from Page 1). tic pation. Laughlin voiced regret that ranneuenic had taken such a move, but expressed a hope that the show live up to the shows of last year. Fraternities will submit their skits by tonight at 5 p. m. IOTTIEO UNOEI AUTHORITY OF LINCOLN COCA-COLA 2120 G St- Ml rm.ji,m r", - 1 I 1 Dr. Ginsburg Leads Panel Discussion A panel discussion on the Rus sian situation will be led by Dr. Michael S. Ginsburg, professor of the classics, at today's meeting1 of the International Relations club, Dr. M. S. Ginsburg. scheduled for 7:30 p. m. in the faculty lounge of the Union. Stu dent members of the panel will be Hazel Stearn, Bob Dewey and Em ily Griffing. With discussion open to the au dience as well as the panel, the formal topic: "The changes in Rus sia caused by the war, along the lines of human relations, govern ment politics and religion." Open to Students. According to an announcement made yesterday by Mary Eileen Dalton, president of the club, this meeting is open to all students who are inerested in international politics, and is not restricted to members of the club. The panel discussion will be followed by a short business meet ing. Norman L. Hill, professor of political science, is faculty sponsor of the club. Wv been 'goln' steady a long time, you and I. You tee, a symbol of the life and parkl of Coca-Cola. There fore, I speak for Coke. I like your company. I offer some- ng more than a thirst quenching drink. It's re fraining. Yet tiree...H't got that extra something you can't get this side of Coca-Cola itself. Let's get together. Make it a Coke date." THE COCA-COLA COMPANY IY BOTTLING COMPANY Th. 2-5357 '-:--x;::V-M;:, ;:; .-. :;v:;':::: yyy-j. '"'.'..',''.. . ejAA(fceW .... Ml P