The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 09, 1942, Page 4, Image 4

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    Fjriday, October 9, 1942
Despite War
Designers Achieve Victory
Over Formal9 Verdict
-. Standard Oil company has an-
" nounced two scholarships open to
; ' Venezuelan students for study of
-I I a medicine at Tulane university,
; . .
I ' ; - ' ' " i : '" -i
Season f, - - I I I
s' .. v- i i mi i
for dinner and a show as IVt.V- 't ! II I OUT LrUQ
for more elaborate occa- "1-V I I I
- Z . .... . ' s ' Tt
For Winter
What shall I wear? Sounds fa-1 as chic
miliar, doesn't it? it does
You'd think with a war eoinjr on I sions.
and all the I B has done to
regulate women's fashions that
everyone wouldn't have to worry
about what to wear. I3ut no - de
signers these days are just too
ttl'B hunted the yardage in length formal that is absolutely
ciwjis, ...j wo nave a .sum tiniioueuo guaranteed to make you look every
anyway, a silhouette. War work
ers don't time to change
their costumes after work, heme
the very versitile dressmaker Miit
which is not only a suit but mas
querades as a dress too. (Confusing-,
isn't it?) Then there is the
"alter five" dress that looks just
The designers weren't even
slumped when NIT issued the
edict "NO FORMALS." While
every coed on the campus mourned
her lost glamour, the designers
got to work. Results: a new street
bit as glamorous as any ankle
length one ever did. Besides all
that, the new formals are versatile
i as wen. Add a jacket ana you
I have a very super street outfit.
What more could you want?
Farmers Formal
Queen Candidates
File To morrow
All senior women enrolled in the
fig college and who are interested
in filing for fanners Formal
Queen must file by Friday noon.
The rules governing the election
of the Qneen specify that she must
have 89 credit hours with an av
erage of 80 percent; she must have
carried 27 hours the previous two
semesters and must be carrying
12 hours at the time of election;
ar.d she must be registered in the
ag college.
P. E. Department
Tells Swim Time
The physical education depart
ment for women announces the
fixing" of recreational swimming
hours. Th?y are:
MW 4:30-5:30
F 3:30-5:30
S 2:00-4:00
Faculty, administration officials
find employes as well as students
are invited to avail themselves of
the opportunity.
There is a charge of ten cents
per swim which includes towel and
suit. Swimmers will furnish their
cwn slippers and bathing caps.
Education Club
Elects Becky
Wait President
Betty Mario Wait was elected
president of the Klementary Ed
ucation club for the coming year
at a meeting held yesterday. An I
advisory board composed of Joyce
Junge, Darlene Wakeman, and
Marcia Woodruff was also chosen.
The club is a branch of the "As
sociation of Childhood Education,"
a large national organization com
posed of teachers in nursery,
kindergarten, primary, and elemen
tary work. According to national
rules, the slate contained three
nominees for each office.
The newly elected officers which
contain one senior, junior, sopho-
i more, and ireshman will meet next
j week to prepare plans for social
and professional events during the
coming year.
Mr. and Mrs. B
their daughter. Miss
G. Clark have
Oiurlcey I.Mlcnln Jcnnnnl.
announced h nnnoi
Dcrothv Hplpn in il c y.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Clarke. ' l"e SOn
. f l or we trim Indi
ana slop in at our
F o u ii t n i n for a
quick cool off.
The Owl
148 No. 14 Hi and P St.
Phone 2-1068
Student Church
Group Sponsors
Picnic Tonight
Presbyterian students at the
university are urged to attend
their annual get-acquainted picnic
tonight from 5:30 to 7:30 o'clock.
The students will meet at the
Presbyterian House, 333 No. 14.
Transportation to the picnic
grounds will be provided. There
no charge for the event.
For Your Coking Rcndcsvous
"on Campus"
1,31 RS,'l M.L. Sperling
Jo hohes Is Tri
Ta.ssel Member
j'our clothes!
Save them with
modern, scientific
'Studrnt crrT r
out So yt'iiih"'
333 No. 12
Filling a vacancy created by the
resignation of M;iry Helen Deit
rich, Mary Jo Kobes is the new
Tassel representative from Delta
Delta Delta sororitv.
(Continued from Page 1).
1 . Mil
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"U Mi
.1 r-,iii,iiika
i.. it CI!.-. rd
i:tu(c i'tnk
IHT! Pal:' kit
i',vne Pixn
John I(tw
Tnomas Pnim(n'nil
Murk Iitihn
fieri !1 h:hrcntrpT
William Kkhlbd
Olfn Kl
Will'am KhvipII
William Kft-likn
Ooipc "lfl(
ViOiui Fi rsifr
I .i t w in Ki tnc k!"in
Tluh'-it f'.arrivnn
I.nmunt 'W-iMi.t-r
Walter r;iiillitid
John Hardv
'i.ill H.,r1(V
'.rttrt.1' llnrfTK-r
.'arr." JinC!i
T if k Jorn'fl
I ilwaifl Jtirrtrn
fi'ilier Jiicirn
l-.flwarrl Kiii't-r
Wayne K irn
Warn-n Kill.:, n
I 'a ve K iti'-rna n
Kent Kiejikaut
j .:-
I! inn.: 1 K..ut..-,k
.l.i r"k K tj . r.fjc
l.f.M.-.H !.:. -,vitl
.ihiirl iiiir
'.ev i t l.a 'ere
l.flin jllil
Norm;, ii 1eier
l.v fn;.n l.ii r;s4.n
Hfftteri l.ue
ciilii-o! I..jrn1iea
''liar I. k y. jvtm
R'rfln Peter-pon
l.ei.r. Ii.nte
l.env Reams
l.enn Ilimi.vsky
Aithur Jlivin
liiilurt Hodman
Kw nf Saliw
Ralph Sr.anliauch
Iteati Skf.kun
R.'tiert ShariHh
Marvin Spilcnuclc
Rudy Sib
Klrtrnl Stake
Verhn Snanvrin
Kl'nn TeK'ilMe
Thomas Teyilv
Rot.ert Thalrher
Ted Thompson
"i arlf Tomek
I!u ii.iph Tumek
Kitiest Tr.imPle
Keilll Vineent
Notnan ita
i i. hi. an
'c i in.n Vol ..ka
Vull SiH.e.n
Ri.liunl V.nkehiim
Jiol.elt Wane
.lohn Weleh
Ri i.ard Weekly
Rooell Weekly
Iw tll Weln:ell
Kilwin V.'ei t (ail
R Pom, ij iVeiizlalf
''liailei tte
'I lioinix ''ori.a. k V.'J.ieim
J-.i -i Wihtii.i ri
IieWavne Wolfe
Ray Woot.'er
Saimul Wormm
Roi.eit Zeiiincir
Noithwestern university is one
of the most recent to adopt a pro
gram of compulsory physical edu
cation for all male undergrad
Agnes Schmitt
Hotel Cornhuskcr
Victory Bob . :
...All American Favorite
971 2-3122
SnuqqlsL (DowrL
Timmie Tuft
wonderfully thick, soft
pile with a rayon
White with red lining;
Pecan with brown lining
Gray with red lining
First fashion for smirt College
tirls . . . warm and fuzzy as or
childhood teddy bear. Deep-pile
all wool alpaca on cotton backinr.
The perfect topper for everything
. . . from casual to dressy clothe.
Si2es 9-15; 10-18.
GOLD'S... flirt FlMr.
! wm