The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 08, 1942, Page 8, Image 8

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Thursday, October 8, 1942
Pink Rag Fuppi
yjuch -JJo 4 Lout I fie (Campus,
read this and you'll even hear the gore In the
girl's skirt. Big shindigs on the campus this
weekend with the Corn Cob-Tassel Home
coming dance where the new pep queen will
beN selected, all the old grads back for home
coming and the Indiana game and oh, my
back, that scrap is heavy isn't it! Gather the
brethern and cistern around and old man Mose
will preach the sermon on what the good folk
of the congregation have been up to. But first
let us sing that old hymn, "She was only a
conductor's daughter, but she gave me a wide
"Porch" Douglas, Kappa transfer from
William and Mary college, will be dancing in
the coliseum Saturday night with Sig Alph
Bob Fast. The other night when they were
together "Dorch" told him what the she snail
told the he snail, "You're a nice "guy but a
little too Fast for nie."
-Pink Rag Puppy-
-Ani So Dhy Were Warn!
a njU-critf loveliest gift they received was a Ret
t King Richard sterling shown exclusively in
Lincoln at Gardner's, 1220 "O." Sterling it
self is lovely and the King Richard pattern is
one of the loveliest of all with its rich, swirl
ing scrolled design, well proportioned, lending
an aura of old-world charm with its stately
air, a carry-over from the English renaissance.
Why not begin buying pieces for your set
-Pink Rag Puppy-
and both pedal exrtemilies will attract pleas
ing compliments when you buy your footwear
at Ben Simon & Sons' shoe department. Pic
tured is Betty Krause, Pi Phi, who is a
member of Simon's shoe department. The
tii i)ps she is
wearing are
Har-ly Gurdy
Connie Sandals.
The latest thing
for all around
wear, the san
dals have plat
form soles and
are in the new
cinnamon color
to be worn
with brown or
black or any
other color.
Kappa Alpha
Theta Helen
Goodwin is rav
ing about a
new pair of
black specta
tors from Si
mon's. "Dinny"
Ford, Kappa,
wears a new
pair of campus
right saddle
shoes from Si
mon', as she
burrie about
in the midst of
college activities.
Large selection of spectators, casuals,
sport shoe and many other styles of dressy
ihH are available in the complete and fashion-right
shoe department at Simon V
Pink Rag Puppy;
JJ,, Ibon't Walk
to the nearest Tassel or Corn Cob and buy
your ticket for the first big campus party of
the year, the annual Homecoming party. It's
thi Saturday night in the coliseum with mu
sic by Jobwiy Cox and his band- Tickets are.
only 75 cents a couple if you buy beforehand
from a pep club Member, but are 9) cents a
couple at the door. Who do you think will be
pep queen T
: : ! : i H
: ; ; ; ! r U
' i i i : i i
r m 1 1 r. : ,
t it ' J I
l ,
fern a I Drianqfe PicltS 11 p -A Jourlli,
but not for bridge. UU Frank M crony dated
Jan Babcock, Gamma Phi, all last year and
still kept in good with the home town girl.
This year he juggled dates as home town girl,
Dolly Clinton, is now a Kappa pledge on the
campus. The hoax was off and ears were red
last weekend as Jan walked into the DU
houseparty with Bill Larson, ATO, to greet
Frank and Doll v.
-Pink Rag Puppy-
JJe'f Quicli, Cjet Ijour PtC
or iii other words it's time to have your C.rn
husker photographs taken. Drop into the
modern, well equipped studio on the fourth
floor of Miller and Paine's and cooperate with
the yearbook staff by getting your photo
taken early and avoiding any rush on the
deadline date. If you have a dozen extra prints
made you'll have enough to give to each one
of your "steady deals" during the year. Seri
ously, though, Miller's offers fine portraits
with a choice of several poses at reasonable
-Pink Rag Puppy-
leprtien!inq jo and
are twenty-six university students working at
Ben Simon and Sons.' A cross-section of the
campus, the college staff at Simon's is trained
to give pleasant, efficient service and especial
attention to the needs, styles and fashions for
university students. Ively Peggy Imon, the
sweet Theta with the sour name, is a Simon's
clerk as are IG Pat Cole, who is pinned to
Kappa Sig Union director, Bob Sinkey, and
Pat Catlin. Kappa, who writes fashions for the
Barbara Sch later, Theta pledge who is a
Simon salesgirl, will be at the coliseum come
Saturday p. m. with JMa Hugh Atkinson al
though Bill Gist, formerly of Weritworth, has
1mm occupying much, of her dating time
Joy-e Jerdon, Delta Gamrna, who works at
Simon's, is being called "Eileen Bomb" by the
DG's these days to the wonderment of every
one else. Other coeds on Simon's staff are
Martha Whitehead, Katherine Smith, and
Mary Bird.
In the men's clothing and furnishing de
partment is Bud Nelson, Kappa Sig pledge
who is dating Carol Robinson, the same girl
who was pinned to another KS boy last year.
Ted Greene is a six feet and more smooth
dressing York lad in the men's clothing de
partment and Dave Webb of Simon's i an
ATO pledge from North PJatte. Phi Gam Bud
Johnson. wh dates Theta Iois Wright, is an
other Simon employee.
Other salesmen at Simon's are Kevee Kish
enbaum, Duane Murder, Iuis Worden, Iv
elle. I'figer, John Kdgecornl, ! Farmer,
Jerry AlU-nbouse, John Jones, Don Sen,
Clarion Buethe and Alvin Margolin.
-Pink Rag Puppy-
Xre JU HXff.
between a bird fancier and a college student
ine a bird fancier loves bis pets, too. Reviv
al of old combinations are prevalent as Betty
Moore, Alpha Chi, and Phi Gam "Squash"
Campbell revive that old flame of freshman
years; and Pi Phi Hellen Kelly, who wore and
returned Kappa Sig Harold Hopkins' diamond,
is dating him again. SAE Bob (Joss has a date
Friday night with XO pledge Lois Metalf but
he is very perturbed because he can't have
more of her time. "New Jove in my life," de
clares Phi Delt Hank Green, U Betty fichu!,
the broadcasting Chi Omega.
JoJj QJ Wd lie JJal
is Mary liouise Campbell, Kappa, who'll be at
the Homecoming party with Sig Nu Jack
Young. The
c h a p e a u
"Sweets" is
wearing is one
of Ben Simon
& Son s' fea
tured campus
hats, a beret.
0 t h e r calots,
pill box num
bers, and John
ny Jeep styles
are among the
hats for cam
pus wear fea
tured at Si
m o n 's priced
from $1.25 to
$"2.49. Simon's
mill inery de
partment also 5 Jf
has a wide selection in the latest styles of
hats for town, casual,, sports and date wear.
-Pink Rag Puppy-
' ' A
"Call lL 3re Ibepa
cried DG pledges Kappy Kellogg and Janet
Crouse as they were accidentally locked in
their room Tuesday night. But the Delta
Gamma's who had had their "wheaties" broke
the lock before the hook and ladder men ar
rived. My solicitations to the expectant flame
eaters. Two Kappa dates this weekend are Phi
Gam Duane Born and Gould Flagg of the Tau
house who will be seen with Jean Gnenzel and
Marsh ia Craft respectively.
-Pink Rag Puppy-
ejCavelj doeli loJel
at the dance and style show to be given at the
Cornhusker hotel ballroom by Iiincoln Unit
No. 3. National and State Hairdressers Asvxri
atiou Saturday night, Oct. 24 at 9 p. m. Dave
Haun and his orchestra will play and more
than one hundred beautiful girls will model,
among thern such campus queens as Myra Col
Iwrg, KKG. Each girl modeling will be accom
panied by a soldier. The association hairdress
ers are sponsoring a contest with one free
ticket or a shampoo and fingerwave for every
sorority girl who sells ten tickets to the dance.
Tickets. are 55c cents each. For information
concerning the contest or tickets, drop in at
anv beaut v salon.
-Pink Rag Puppy-
W.II, J-m Off
to do literary work, that is; I'm going to give
coed authors exiKrieiice for confession stories,
lief ore I go you should know that Jean Mars
den, Alpha Chi who has been dating Phi Gam
Larry Cook, will he dancing at homecoming
with another Phi Gam, Warren Killian. Since
this is the puppy of the Pink rag you reader
are entitled Ut know that the reason the dog
in Siberia can run faster than any others in
the world is that the trees are a lot farther
-Pink Rag Puppy-
e Jlal frilaij e
squire the lovely one to the first big Union
party of the year. You'll be dancing on Lin
coln's smoothest ballroom floor to the spark
ling rhythm of Henry Mattison and his or
chestra. During intermission drop into the
grill for coking in the heart of the eampu.
Don't forget it, the first weekly Union dance
this Friday niglt, Oct. 9, from 9 until 12 in
the Student Union ballroom, and admission w
only 25 cent per person.