DAILY NEBRASKAN Friday, October 2, 1942, ; Sjnrts Organizations ; WCDMCEW . Fashions Society UN Coeds Solve Own Wartime Campus Fall Fashion Problems By Pat Chamberlin. Nowadays much attention is di rected on the campus toward "the seamy side of life." If you give frag-...iiM HHillMBtiB " 11'" liiiimi'i" "i I FV, jcoIoaa, v Wear an 'N' - ' v Feather! " III . Get your FREE N FEATHER Gold's rVom e Men, Saturday 9:30 to game time i, Girls. . .Kampus Korner 3rd Nr. Boys. . .Men's Store. TOE, & . the correct interpretation to these words, you will find that they refer, not to "playing," but to fashions. . . Since the war has so friarhtened the silkworms that they are no longer able to convert mulberry leaves to silk hose with their usual alncrity, women have turned to rayon ana coiton stockings, I'oor as tnese substitutes are, they are mor3 flattering to milady's leg than those wool, ribbed hose of your pig-tailed, horn-rimmed classes davs. and much more al luring to the manly eye than a dehaired, stretched skin effect. Cotton Wrinkle. Complaints against cotton hose are tnat they do not hold their shanp and rnuse the slonnv wrin kles about a dainty ankle or smooth knee that turn a mans appetite, not his head. Rayon stockings with seams are simiiariv oeniored. Kavon is an ex- trmely slippery article, and a woman's leer rather resembles a May pole on the eve of Mav dav aner a iew nours wear. Therefore and because of which. seamless rayon stockings have evolved. A rayon seamless can twist and be twisted, and still be an asset, but definitelv! Rayon hose are in the war time reacn or the coeds budget, too... $1.25 a pair will buy any of a range or swish fall colors. And Add Dresses Honorary Sets Up Student Loan Fund Established for the purpose of assisting students needing finan cial help for a short period of time, Another seam among the seams which it seems seemly to mention here is the case of the unseemly dress seams. Have all coeds for gotten the finer points of sewing over trie summer 7 When viewed from the front the typical coed's ensemble is a model Mademoiselle, but, there is always a but. (For which fashion writers thank their stars, else why fashion writers?) Milady's nether seams cap! Now a pink slip is an enticing ODjecc ror jaded eyes, and It does prove you wear one, but it just isn't the fundamental idea behind the wearing of clothes. for a limited time only and for a purpose .the editors of tho Daily's newly instiuted Women's page nave orrcred their services as instructors in sewing. The classes will be conducted every triaay afternoon and all dav Sun days at the ragged offices. Just try to una tnem in at that time! Cheerful Color Keynotes UN Coed's Clothes By Pat Catlin. Vivid color the kevnote of Minn Nebraska "Coed's" wardrobe this year. Victory red, Kelley green, purple, and splashes of white com bined in soft wools make un manv a smooth outfit Silk stockings are out, nut Alpaca wools, gabardines, and soft creeps are definitely in. .sweaters ana skirts lead the fashion parade aeain when ii-ia such as Peggy Lemon and Toni McQuistan, Thetas, can be seen on campus in sweaters of golden mist with matching cordurory skirts. Betty Dick, Tri Delt pledge, chooses a gray tweed skirt com bined with a white English wool tennis swesrter while Arda Allan of the Alpha Chi house proudly displays the peach hand knit sweater with socks to match. Slacks for play and study vary from conservative navy blue and brown to gaudy plaids. Tat Cole buries her head in a book t th Dee Gee house garbed in match ing gold and brown plaid slacks and Jacket. Transformation from slnrk tn the third piece of the suit a kirt readies Pat for her numerous trips to the drug. Kappa Jean Kerl stayed conservative and purchased navy flannel slacks made cuffless according to all rules and re cilia. tions. Suits will be especially good this fall and winter because of the' de- BY HELEN GOODWIN Hear ye! Hear ye! Sounds like the announcing of a tournament in a medieval stadium, but in re ality it is just calling your atten tion to the activities in sports by females on the if campus. You know, suppos edly the weak er sex. Mickey Mc Pherson from 'yfZCriffllJf. uraana excels if iSSJTrt&M in aI1 sports w I l LWrVW I.' tv-ith tannic oo her specialty. When a Junior in high school she picked up a racquet and has made a hobby of swinging it around, and in cidentally has flpiiiirfvl DAir. erai championship titles such as the women and iuninr o-irio , pion.-hip of Nebraska and Iowa ror Jim, Omaha City champion ship 1941 an( 1040 lsipKmoka'., bles for 1941 and 1942, runner-up ui uiKie cnampion in 1942, Mis souri v aney womens doubles in Well, did von p-et an rf ,. Makes your head swim, doesn't 11 ; uma lane nonet" Thin ia -. d a iranuc plea in behalf rf th wa a - va. w w f ni ior saies girls at the games. If you are interested, call the WAA offices. Final aoDliont inn fnr nn. pointments must be in hv fyihov Here is an oonortum'tv tn hm aii the games in the NehraoUa - dium free, earn some spending money, as well as heln n? tn rnrrv on the spirit of fun at the Husker games. A general meeting nf wa a sales girls will be held at Grant Memorial in the east gym, Friday at 5:30 p. m., for last minute instructions. mand that classroom temperatures should be considerably less due to a fuel shortage. Aiw T,,:u Becker, Cornhusker biggie, flashes around the Union in a stylish crea tion of predominately blue plaid. As an example of feminine sar torial splendor, Nina Scott, Delta Camma plebe, hits the peak with her white wool suit worn over a moss green blouse. The effect is most effective with tresses. Barbie Stuht nut en w lrf every Kappas heart when she comes forth in her numie eoiK hat that exactly matches her soft wooi areas and gabradine purse. Wilma Schacht sets the fashion the Student Loan Fund, sponsored by Mortar Board, is available to all women students of the univer sity. Application for a loan ia made to Mrs. Ada P. Westover, assist ant dean of women. Loans range from $2 to $50, no interest being charged unless the money is not paid back in five months. Interest at the rate of 5 percent a year be gins at the end of the fifth month. Started by the Mortar Board, the fund was first open to both men and women, but in 1940 was changed to apply only to women. Iast year the loan fund was much used by women students and proved of real value to those in need of short time loans to pay the unexpected cost of books, and ex penses that come just ahead of allowances. At the end of school no loans are made unless they can be paid by June 10, and there are no further loans until Sept. 1. Churches (Continued from page 3) ices: Young people's classes at 9:45 a. m. taught by Miss Laura Aspinwall and Mr. Fenner King. The sermon to be given at the 11 a. m. services by Kev. B. C. Bob bitt will be on "Eyes of God." World Communion Sunday will be observed. Many members of the church will entertain the students in their homes for Sunday dinner after the morning services. The Youth Fellowship for university students will meet at 4:30 p. m. Sunday. Fellowship around the fireside at 5:30, games from 5:30 to 6, and refreshments at 6 o'clock will be part of the Youth Fellowship meet ing. The worship service will be gin at 6:30 p. m. Rev. Mr. Bobbitt will conduct a series of studies for three Sundays on "What Does It Mean 10 ve a christian. Pike Presents Lewis Swing Presenting their first concert in swing, the Turnpike will feature Ted Lewis, his orchestra and com pany to play and perform at a matinee show Sunday afternoon. If this matinee is a success and if "name" bands can get transpor tation despite erasoline rationing and the tire shortage, Sunday's concert will be the first of a series to include such bands as Phil Rni. talny's all-girl orchestra, featured on the General Electric Hour of Gharm; Tommy Dorsey and Kay Kyser. according to Rwi pniv Turnpike manager. pace for the Alpha Chi's by set ting off her blonde beauty in a black silk with a draoed bodies trimmed with sequins. Red feath ers on the brim of her off the face black hat frame her face. v Shirley Anderson caused a mm. motion in the Pi Phi Pledge cla when she opened the box from England containing fur mittens to wear in the colder wenther Ac cording to the sisters a pilot in the -.j..t. was the donor. Rationing mav cut down nn fha amount of clothine a coed run procure, but cannot stop Miss Ne braska from belne her own amnnDi seif. For Your Coking Rcndcsvous "on Camnus' BUCtCS COFFEE SHOP 1131 R Street M. L. Sperling 1 V