The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 17, 1942, Page 10, Image 9

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    Thursday, September 17, 1942'
Rarb Group ...
PalJadiaii Society Holds
all you newcomers. It's time to
settle down to some social life
now that the girls are over the
Fall Party Tuesday Night
. . . Magician Fealtireil
Palladian literary society begins 1 bv members, the annual essay.
horrors of rush week and the si Jtar " l"e campus una simi "") jhi -uy n-m..,,
fallow irt bennnin fter veir when it holds its an- ana me james. Hooper oraiori
.... mcM I nual "fall nartv" next Tuesday cal competition held once
everyone went out for a coke and night.
to show the new pledges the town. I The oldest organization at Ne
In spile of the armv. there are ! braska, and the only one where
many familiar faces back on the j men and women were allowed to
campus such as that familiar j t together in a meeting- when the
-,vini tv,t rtieen nd Inn event Al ; university was first started, the
Zikmund coking in the Union
was that of the Kappa Sig- Jim
Evinger And KKG Shirley Kyhn.
Rumors we-e iioating around all
sumnifr bi:t Jim denied them, al-thoug-h
re could never produce
his pm to prove it. Everything
was cleAii-i.: up when Shirley came
back wetiing it.
are over tht shock, sit down and
take two f.jpirin for here comes
Another big surprise. This sum
mer Lecurd Dunker made the
statement that he would never
hang his pin on anyone. But
his DU pin has gone the way of
all gooa pins. It is now worn by
PalUdian society has been dubbed
year. An SO average is required
for membership.
Students may become members
only upon invii-ation, having been
voted in by the active chapter.
No rush parties are held, tho
guests are invited to many of the
the "Four Hundred" of the tech- ! meetings so that the Palladians
mcally unaffiliated students at
IT. N though it is still consid
ered a "barb'" group.
Westgate Featured.
may become acquainted with them.
Customs Date "Way Back.
Many traditions mark Palla
dian's life on the campus. The
Tuesday's program will include I "slate, which is the backbone of
ft variety of numbers. Howard the society, the method by which
Westgste. who has appeared sev-jthe men decide who shall escort
eral times this summer on the i which food each Friday night;
campus, will present a show of 'the Pal-Daxe yearbook; and the
"Too Many Hands on a Watch,"
a short play, includes in its cast
Rob Veaeh-a member of the Uni
versity theater--Ruth Anderson.
two formal banquets and dances.
once 6y the men and one by the
women, which patriotically must
become informal this year. In past
years the fall party has been semi-
formal, but this year it will be
Dave Marvin, and Marjorie John
si on. Miss Johnston will direct I entirely informal,
the production. I Officers for the first term ol
. A irio ir-nmrxwd of Jean Erehm. 'the school vear were elected last
DG Je Moore who no longer j Dorrvthv Christian and Joan 1 spring: Ra'lph Xfarlette. engineer-
has the Bets pin. j Thomas have planned several jing senior and a member of the
UP FROM KU numbers, and Don Dobry and Glen "Ancient and Honorable Order of
to see DG Jove Jirdon is Jim Johnston are writing some humor- j Douzepers.." a strictly inside or-
M art in who took up much of j us SKCicnes ior me pany. ncuy : gamzauon wnicn once puDiisnc-a
New Daily
Plan Begins
Add More Distribution
Centers Deliver Blocks
Plans for circulation of the
i Dailv Nebraskan under the new
universal subscription system
voted in by students at last
spring's election have been for
mulated to include distribution
points not used in former years.
Because of the inci eased
number of papers to be dis
tributed, the following places,
according to Jim Vanlanding
ham, circulation manager, will
have copies of the Nebraskan
for students who live in town
or in boarding houses; Main
floors of social science, teachers
co:ioge, Andrews hall. Avery
lab. mechanic aits. Student
Union and university hall. On
ag campus ag-engineering.
home ec hall and ag hall will
handle the papers.
Nebraskans wuJ be distrib
uted as usual to sorority and
12 4i?T Books
Go on Sale Todiiv,
Afler Convocation
Immediately following the fresh-
man convocation this morning, the
1942-43 edition of the "X'' book
will be placed on sale at ths
Temple building and Ellen Smith.
This handbook is issued an
nually bv the University Y.M.C.A.
and Y.YV. C. A. and this year was'
edited by Barbara Fairley. As
sistant editor was Marjorie Mengs
moll and the business manager
will be Vance Boileay with Glenn
Johnston acting- as assistant busi
ness manager,
"N" book cards and 10 cents
are charged for the book. They
may be secured by men students
at the Temple; women may gei j
them at Ellen Smith.
11 in
Chan- 1
es. a
them at Ellen Smith.
Contents from the book wi
elude a greeting from the cha
cellor. marts of the campuses.
nas devoted to each major or
ganization, a list of university
pastors, calendar of the university
year, yells and songs, and a list
of the organized houses. -
fraternity houses and will also
be available at dormitories on
both campuses and the Y.M.C.A.
It Pays to Be Beautiful
Joyce's t.rne at Boulder summer Toothaker has charge of music
school. Coale Plans Party.
NEW STEADY DEALS j Charles Coale is chairman and j
are those of Lee White of the I Ruth Anderson, secretary for the j
SlU -hl .(.ru-1 TVvrolhv Coins SDT ! affair, whkh will be held m the:
of last year who isn't coming back ! Palladian hall of the Temple build-
but Lec savs he is going to be ! iT1S-
true. AOPi Dot McClintcxk and ! Now a unique organization on
Don AnCreson Phi Gam are 1 the campus as well as Hie oldest,
stesdvrr it loo. I Palladian is almost the only so-
me weckiy i-"ai.iaiian pa7er. was
named president for the ensuing
Agnes F. Schmitt
Telephones: 2-3122 2 6971
Lincoln, Nebraska j
Jo Dure is wearing a beautiful
I men and women in its member-
1 .-shin. Parties TiroETams and busi-
blue sapT'hi: these days with rows 1 nftSS meetings are held thmewt the
year for members and g-uests, and
the "literary" part of the name. ,
often left out as the society be- i
comes more social, applies to the '
progtams written and presented
0. R. Anderson
Is Navy Cadet
- i
Owen R. Anderson, former UN
student, is included among the
naval aviation cadets -'sprouting
wmgs" at the navy's "'Annapolis ,
of the Air" at Penscola. Fla. ;
Prior to entering the naval
service, Anderson studied at Ne
braska for two rears. He had two ,
f diar.foncls on each side of the
stone. It was a gift from Phi
Delt Euc Eoyden.
DU left last Sunday for St.
Mary's California, where he will i
enter pre-flight training for th
Tav8i air corps
Bill Bomgardner is back in
school th!S fall minus his heart
whic h he kft out in Alliance where
be worked this summer.
is sparkling on the third finger
left hnd of Marilyn Stribling.
Alpha Phi who received at rec-ent-Jy
from Jim Russel. More news
ahout d.trionds is that Eeldora
Cochran. Pi Phi of last year who rears training in the Reserve Of
is teachir.g this fall, has a beauty ; iic-ers' Training corps,
from a fellow back home. And j In mid-June. Cadet Anderson
George Cockle, Beta and Bar bara j V-gan preliminary flight training
Hahn IG have climaxed their I at the Naval Pvcserve Aviation
keen itle romance with a dia- in New Oilcans and suc
mond. En-thcr John Cockle also ! cessfully C'omjltted his course the
ga ve a c.cmond to Theta Bar bara
York ! r.tly.
last of July telore being trans
ferred to Pcnsacola for basic and
7rimary tiairimg.
combinfctC.r.s about this year j wrut n j,retty well sews up two
mong which are DG Kappy sm.i romances. Bob George re
Kellofc n.: Delt Jack Guenzel and ; c.enti.v wnt his Kappa Stg pin off
DG Mary Alice and Sig Nu i0 Bt-tty Be k who goes to In-ILe-
Fi.rr.fT. Kappa Anne Craft ' dia na U. And another Kafpa Sig
and A TO John Jay Douglass have j plT) v-ent to Jessie Gentry AOPi
been tix-vX frequently together from Leonard Folk.
lately, coking and dancing at the
between DC Ectty Simodvnes and
Boh Mizera ift buck from Wash
ington. D. C. which makes one
little girl over in the AOPi
Don Suv fcrt Beta neems to he ; Tretty 'happy - of .courtte, 1 eg
getting a hit cm the fierious side, j Capron.
3t ha? hcfi r-umcwed tfiat it will1
reach th pin stage soon. Jrn Vanlandrngliam ix plun-
PINNED i nirig to Fp-nd much of his time
are AGP. Phil Van Newt and around the AOPi houne the next
Wilms Mfircy and Delt Art Lin- 1 few months where Helen Freehcn
oln ani Kappa Anrne Shaurn. ' m a new pledge. It nays here.
Drive Etraig'bt to your joal Use rpare time in coHege
to ftl this practical training. time next year you can have a g-ood position.
223 JTo. Uli W. A. BOBBINS, Prea. 2 6774
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