The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, August 01, 1942, Page 8, Image 8

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Saturday. AugusT T, T942
4Y.W.' Offers
Study Groups,
Parties, Hikes
The YWCA is the largest vol
untary organization for women on
the campus with last fall mem
bership numbering over 600.
At a tea during the first week
of school, upperclassmen will sign
for staff interest groups, each
of which will include about 20
women. The members of each
group study together either the
New Testament, Prophets, differ
ences in denominations, how reli
gion works with democracy, reli
gion and the war, and a variety of
other subjects.
The groups not only study a
problem, they decide on a course
of action, if action can be taken,
broaden their interests and under
standing and profit by group
Kach group plans parties and
plans over-night "retreat" once
din ing the semester. The second
semester the groups are organized
ani many attend new staff meet
ings and discuss new subjects.
Because of the new regulations
concerning fresmen activities,
second "YW" tea will be held at
the end of the first six weeks
when freshmen will be given an
opportunity to join the "YW" and
sign for a freshmen commission
Officers of the YWCA are Hel
en Kelley, president; Jean Farm
er, vice president; Janet Curley,
secretary; and Sylvia Katzman
No More Formal
Parties at U.N.
Until War Over
Formal parties for University
of Nebraska students are out
for the duration of the war.
The social program for the
coming school year will list
no function requiring formal
dress, it has been announced by
Dr. T. J. Thompson, dean of
student affairs and chairman of
the faculty senate committee on
student organizations. The com
mittee's aim is not to reduce
necessarily the number of func
tions but to encourage students
to introduce inexpensive enter
tainment features, Dean Thomp
son explained. The policy is
looked upon as appropriate to
the times and is expected to
apply till the end of the war
Student organizations will be
encouraged to seek other ways
to reduce entertainment ex
penses, Dean Thompson said.
The faculty committee's action
is in line with requests that
hive come from several student
groups, he added.
The policy will apply to the
military ball, the junior-senior
prom and other all-university
functions M well as to smaller
Iowa State Has 683
Officers in Service
AMES, la. More than half of
the Iowa State college men in
the armed forces hold commis
sion as officers, it was announced
The list of Iowa State repre
sentatives in the armed forces in
cludes a total of 1,353 with 683
officers. The number of officers
includes one brigadier general,
two major generals, and two lieu
tenant commanders. Other offi
cers are 526 lieutenants, 92 cap
tains, 36 majors, 15 lieutenant
colonels, and 9 colonels.
In addition to the officers, the
list includes 335 non-commissioned
officers, and 91 cadets. The rest
of the Iowa State men on the list
include 172 privates and 301 who'
did not report their rank.
Minn Koerber Iteceives
Her Doctor' Degree
Miss Ruth Koerber, who took
lier master's degree at Nebraska,
recently received the doctor of
philosophy degree at Northwest
ern. Miss Koerber is head of the
department of foreign languages
at Huron college in South Dakota.
Individual lntrur(lon
lrff Shorthand and Special
fhori Courtm
W I.lno. Ml lllrtr. 2-flfll
Your college wardrobe winners are here for
the choosing . . . and you may trust our long
experience in planning smart costumes for
wear when days are crisply Fall-like! They
are Headliners, all . . . these new campus
casuals waiting for you in our up-to-the-minute
Kampus Korner. Skirts, sweaters,
suits, dresses, coats, all conspicuously low
priced! Ringing the bell in popularity are
the . . .
"Styled in California"
Jacket .... 19.95
Skirt 8.95
Slacks 10.95
Shirt 5.95
Coat 29.95
) lip
Sound investment for you who love fine tailoring,
clean lines, good fabric. Versatogs are casually
smart down to the last nicely tailored line and
stitch! They're cozily warm, too, and exactly right
for sports wear.
Choose yours in either a rayoa and wool or an all
wool fabric. The jackets are fitted to give a trim
look, the coats are boxy, the slacks impeccably
tailored ... all versatile pieces presented in hand
some new Autumn colors. You'll make an excellent
saving when you buy "Versatogs."
GOLD'S . . . Third Floor.
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