The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, July 10, 1942, Page 4, Image 4

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Friday; July 10, 1942
Janet faggarf
Navy Bound.
is Union Director Bill Marsh,
who left this week to enter the
navy program at Notre Dame, but
his Beta pin stayed behind in the
safekeeping of Maribel Hitchcock.
Yes, the little romance that was a
breakup-makeup affair his win
ter has finully reached the pin
And this means they are con
templating married life. A hand
some host, a lovely hostess, and
exquistive silver are the musts
for a successful table array. The
King Edward pattern displayed
exclusively at Gardner's, 1220 "O,"
is disturbing in its loveliness. It
is ornamented with rich, swirling
scrolls, richly suggestive of the
English Renaissance period. Well
proportioned in all its contours,
the King Richard pattern is one
which would be a fine addition to
any home. Other patterns, such
as the King Christian, are equal
ly lovely and are displayed at
Gardner's. The sterling ia priced
to fit every purse.
Big Deal.
this week end ia the celebration
get-together of Pi Phi's Betty
Heinie and Mary Huffman, who
are coming down from Fremont
and Falls City to see Ronny Metz
and Sam Bud Swartz, who will
be here from Omaha. This four
some will be joined by Gamma
Phi Helen Kiesselbach and Phi
Delt "Hank" Green, and "May
Jay" Schmere Pi Phi with Sigma
Chi Bob Black. They plan to go
out to dinner, then to the latest
University Players' play, "Out
ward Bound," and from there to
Woody Herman. Sunday Betty,
Ronny, Mary and Bud are driving
up to Fremont to help Betty cele
brate her birthday. Great week
end, what ho!
A Diamond.
sparkles on the third finger left
hand of Lew Esther Henderson,
AOPi, who received it recently
from Hugh Renard, formerly of
UN but now working at the air
are Marilyn Johnson, AOPi, and
Don Wenzlaff, a Sinfonia pin, at
that. Speaking of pins, the news
of the recent pinning of Alpha
Phi Lois Christie and Alpha Sig
Bob Hyde comes as a surprise, to
climax the mad corresponding that
has been going on between these
two. Wedding plans are for next
Delta Gamma
Jean Gruenig was down from
Omaha last week end to see DU
Jerry White, who is spending his
summer working at the bomber
plant near Mead.
Definitely Off
is the little steady deal between
Anne Hastings, Theta, and Mark
Hargreaves, ATO. Also the short
time steady deal between Alpha
Last Dance
of the Season
Johnny Cox's
Thl Ruth Westover and Stan
Wentz is on the rocks.
Staying at Beta House
this summer is BUI Weingarten
from Omaha, who plans to be in
school this fall. Anyway, he is
seen about town these days with
Marsha Woodruff, little sister of
Having Fun
in Omaha last week end were
Theta Marge Jones and Beta Tom
Woods; Kappa Eloise Rogers and
Dick Agee, Beta; Barbara Scrib
ner of Mills college and Beta Lowe
Folsom; Theta Shirley Woods and
Milton Peterson of the University
of Pennsylvania; and Mary Ann
Donnahue of Northwestern and
Beta Dick Peters. Big event of
the week end was the dinner-dance
given at the Omaha Country club
by Milton Peterson.
Formerly of UN.
Eunice "Ken" Kcnsinger was
down this week from University
hospital, where she is studying to
be a nurse, about Lincoln with
Sigma Nu Don Albln. Jane Cum
mins Jones, who also used to be
about this campus and the Alpha
Phi hut, is here visiting from Cali
fornia. Her husband, John Jones,
former Sigma Chi here, is in the
army now.
Homer Sheridan spent a very
memorable Fourth, fifth and sixth
of July in Omaha with Peggy
Miles of Lincoln, who plans to be
on this campus this fall.
Alec Ann Arthaud
Pi Phi, will march down the isle
this Friday to be married to Cliff
Randol of St. Louis, who is a for
mer Sigma Chi of Washington
university. He is now in the army
air corps and they plan to live in
Going Steady
are Jean Porter and Jack Spitt-
ler, Delt, after one of those whirl
wind affairs starting this .spring.
They plan to celebrate this Satur
day at the Turnpike. Also out at
Woody Herman will be Maxine
Lynn and Sam Bale, who is work
ing at the air base now.
Another diamond
is in the possession of Alice Mae
Booth, who received it only re
cently from Robert Gingerly, a
grad of this spring.
The Ak-Sar-Ben
ball for 1942 is cancelled. George
Brandeis, chairman of the ball
committee, said that the Ak-Sar-Ben
coronation ball will not be
held this year. Woe is me.
Also at The Pike.
This week end will be Theta
Betty Jo Byllesby with A. D. Ott,
who is a Phys Ed instructor out
at the Air Base. And Shirley Rus
sel again with Beta Lee Taylor.
This seems to be a couple that
are about much lately. "Ditts"
Jordan, of the Theta domicile will
be there with a tall dark secret
who is coming way from Chicago
to see her for the week end. All
we can learn is that he goes to
At Colo Bros. Circus.
Last Monday night were Mary
Ellen Berger and Bob Hill, and
Chi O Ellen Nares with Russell
Brehm, Sig Chi.
Dick Hunier was dancing at
King's last week end with Jean
Johnson. Also helping to make
the party a merry one were Alpha
Chis Wilma Schacht and "Aggie"
Fox with ATO s Carl Petty and
Bill Harse.
Wearing Wings.
Is Joy Farrens who has those
of Ed Feer of the Army Air Corps,
who left for Santa Anna, Calif.,
July 3.
Pi Phi
Sayre Webster is really plan
ning a summer of hitting the old
books. Just as soon as the short
Women Register
For Lincolncltes
A limited number of univer
sity women will still be ad
mitted to Division 1 of the Lin
colnettes, local organization for
entertaining service men, it
was announced yesterday. The
personnel of this division is
made up entirely of university
coeds. Those interested may
place their applications with
Mrs. Verna Boyles, Dean of
Women, who is Colonel of this
(Continued from Page 1.)
for the quadrangle are the audi
torium, to go immediately north
of social sciences; a drama, mu
sic and ar building to occupy
the site of the tennis courts and
a big classroom building to ad
join 14th street at the east end
of the present quadrangle.
Already drawn, the plans for
the auditorium and music, drama
and arts buildings are placed next
on the list of buildings to be built.
Only new buildings to be lo
cated on sites outside the main
campus area are low-cost co
operative men's dormitories to
go on land already owned by
the state on U street southeast
of the old Bancroft school build
ing and a women's gymnasium
to occupy the northeast corner
of the intersection of 14th and
vine, a site also owned by the
Will Be Near Coliseum.
The proposed new armory is
projected immediately east of the
coliseum, and a training school for
teachers college is assigned a Bite
Immediately south of the teachers
college building, and a large engi
neering building is planned for a
site embracing the locations of
the former museum and Nebraska
In commenting on the new
plan, Professor Smith offered the
"Logically, the campus divides
itself into four use areas. The old
campus, of accidental but charm
ing arrangement, becomes the sci
entific area. The new campus,
with buildings grouped about the
library, contains the largest class
groups, consolidates the liberal
arts studies. The coliseum and
stadium area furnish ample phys
ical education space, while the
campus east of 14th street is be
coming the residential center.
New Library Center.
"The Don L. Love Memorial
.Library becomes the dominant
architectural and intellectual
feature of the new campus, while
giving to 13th street a splendid
terminal feature. The other
structures of this area are so
reasonably related to the library
that the objects of university life
are more nearly realized. When
the landscaping, trees, shrubs
frame these buildings and lead
the eye along new and restricted
vistas, we hope to achieve a cool,
quiet and peaceful atmosphere."
Students making the big wash
drawing of the campus plan were
all studying architecture and in
clude Mary Rokahr, David Wink,
Millard Carlson and William Ed
wards. session of NU summer school is
over Sayre is off to Boulder for
a quarter of summer school there.
Oh; for such ambition.
Diamonds, Diamonds Everywhere
Another one on the third finger
left hand of Joan Cherny, Alpha
Xi Delt from Bob Hall, Delta Sig.
And still over Alpha Xi Delt way,
Lois Chipman was married re
cently to Bob Wanek formerly of
UN. The wedding took place in
A will boloncid
dlil improvii
thi piolth
of thi
Olaf . . .
(Continued from Page l.f
Recitative Sl.tert, ataf jr av Mw
Boll a4 Cbarat tHfrld H kl ker high
KeeltaMva Harkt the flic from WmiI
tend. THYRI
Chorus (ballad) A llttU bird In the air.
Choral Recitative After queen Oun
hlld'i death.
(horim King Olaf'i dratoni (alt the
Noll and Chorui In the Convent of
Overture to the Bartered tlrlrte Ametana
Hymphnnjr In tl Minor Allium Mnlto,
Andante, Allegretto (Minuet), Allegr
aimal, Mntart.
Eat in the Air-Cooled Comfort of the
Just South of the Temple
Itffllly sallies
fiD wnmmcim!
fine group of dresses
Jorsoy, mash, spun rayons, chiffons f1
. . Juniors, rogulars, half sites . . 11 mm
REG. 10.9S to 35.00 ... til A-N Oil
now 5.40 to 17.50
. . . small groups . . . reg.
, . , NOW . . . 9.97 to 16.67
entire stock
spring coats
oil dross and casual coats . . . navy, black, plaid, pasts!
. . fittod. box stylos
rcg. 10.95 to 39.05, now
13 '15
entire stock
washable su
175 washable dresses
all seorsuckors, linons, piquss, ginghams . , 1st roduo
Mon on wash suits ... all sisos.
rcg. 3.95 to 10.95, now
2.05 3.95 5.05 7.05
37 slack suits
ngm iot vacation ...
f-t . .,
spuns, gabardinss , . , RCG. 5.95 I I
.010.95... iyo off
now 4.GI to 7.30
Perpetual Motion Htraua.
Ruulan Bailor'. DaJire Ollere.
(JaacaatM Hkethe la M MewitaUt
Paai, In the Village, PraeeMioa t th
ardar IppaUtow-IvaMw.
Nebraska's Defense corporation,
operators of the Nebraska Ord
nance plant, will open an office kt
Individual Initra.tUa
Oreff Shorthand and Bplal
. Short Counei
A2-;m l ine. Mb. I If e Bldi. -MI
y 7
lor rictory
buy stamp
ad bonds.
fl .
14.9S to 25.00 A off
Ler suits
j .