The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, June 26, 1942, Page 3, Image 3

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    Friday, Tune 26, 1942
Ioiva State
Leads Big Six
Tennis Play
AMES. Ia. The "Bie Six Sum
mer Intramural Tennis confer
ence" is under way at Iowa State
College with "Iowa State" leading
tufter the first week of play.
"Iowa State" led by Fay Dunn,
Ireshman numerau winner, scored
a 4 to 2 victory over "Kansas
State" in the opening match of the
season. Dunn defeated Dick Young
the 1943 Cyclone tennis captain,
6-1, 6-1, and teamed with Dick
Bianco to defeat Young and Bob
3uigley in doubles, 6-2, 7-9, 6-2.
The meet between Oklahoma
i nd Nebraska ended in a 3-3 draw,
lee Burt, another freshman star.
1 d the winners with a hard fought
i -6, 7-5 win over Don Delehunt in
t ne singles. He teamed with Ron
J loss to defeat Delahunt and Bob
Campbell in the doubles, 6-4, 6-4.
Dream ...
(Continued from Page 1.)
mainder of girls and the boys
-pent the afternoon swimming and
kating. . . .
Sirens The Band!
"Incidentally, sirens blowing
Thursday afternoon will announce
ye all state high school band un
ier the direction of Mr. Olsen, and
headed by Sergeant Regler. This
is something you don't want to
miss. . . .
"Recordings are being made
of the band, .orchestra, chorus
and small ensembles today and
Monday. Students wishing to
make solo records may do so. . .
"The swing band that furnished
r msic for "open house" at the
Ithi Gam house Wednesday was
rtally OK. Sammy Kaye can have
is "swing and sway" music but
we'll take "Moan and Groan with
Walt Malone," the swing band's
"There's something new hap
pening every day around here,
tbut space limits us to mention
ling only a few of them."
In the small ensemble concert
last Sunday and at the student
recital Tuesday and Wednesday
tudents occasionally had trouble
Jetting to where they apparently
knew they were supposed to go
musically. They performed, on the
whole, however, quite acceptably.
Ensemble Good.
Outstanding on the' Sunday
concert was the mixed ensemble
under the direction of Mr. Foltz.
Their tone, harmony and preci
sion were of the highest caliber.
In ' the student recital Wednes
day night Ted Branson, in play-
ig Kreislers "Tambonne Chi
is" showed remarkable techni
cal skill and a real feeling for the
spirit of the piece. Frederick Tell
er, baritone, and John Dunkelber
ger. violinist, also gave praise
worthy performances.
Las; Friday evening Mr. Don
ald Glattly, tenor, and Earnest
Harrison, pianist, gave another
'faculty recital. Mr. Glattly, who
had had trouble with his throat
and voice during the week sang
despite this handicap. Except
for one or two occasions when
his voice weakened, Mr. Glattly
Jsang admirably.
He Lives Up to His Name.
v Mr. Harrison, the "little giant
df the piano," lived up to his name
vi superb style. Speaking of Har
ison, you should see him do his
Start at once! We are offering intensive counts
this summer in all types of secretarial and office
Many good jobs are awaiting mf-n and women who
have the necessary background requirement.
You don't have to wait for an opening class date.
Start today. Progress as rapidly as you desire. Drop
in or call for further particulars.
Make Your Odd Iloun Pay
I inrnln Sr.hnnl
MNoUth 2-6774
New Selection
CPT to Men Ages 18 to 37
Civilian pilot training Is now
open to men from 18 to 37 years
of age regardless of college train
ing, according to a new basis for
selection announced last week by
Dean O. J. Ferguson, coordina
tor of civilian pilot training at the
The university plans to begin
instruction in both preliminary
and secondary courses about
June 29 for eight weeks with
each program requiring 30 hours
per week in ground school
classes and several hours per
week in a flight training sched
ule. Tentative applications for the
courses are being received now.
Men will be selected both by army
and navy boards. Navy selections
will be made from men already en
listed or acceptable as seamen,
second class, V-5, U. S. naval re
serve. The army is extending its
age limits to include men 18 to
37 with men between 18 and 26
not to be selected unless they have
proved ineligible for army air
corps training.
For army trainee aninitiai
elimination test will take the
place of any formal schooling
duty by the city of Lincoln in the
mimirinal band. In its first con
cert last Sunday the band did a
fine job. Duane Harmon piayea
two trumpet solos that were ex
cellent and Joy McGrail, a young
singer with personality plus, can
sing in front of my band any ume
and give any audience a happier
That is, if the audience has
any heart at all. It's a quaint
custom to go to a band concert
on Sunday summer evenings, a
custom more people should en
joy. Evidently the orchestra mem
bers don't mind having a strict
taskmaster, in fact, they seem to
like it. or him. A delegation
headed by Gerry Kensey presented
Mr. Wishnow with a nice noisy
tie fthe loudest thev could find)
and the recording of Prokofieffs
"Peter and the Wolf" for his
birthday Thursday. Ah birthdays!
One means of measuring a
university's musical standing is
by the endeavor put forth by
both students and faculty be
yond the pedagogic demands of
school. On Sunday afternoons
one group gets together and
plays some fancy chamber mu
sic, such as Shostakovitch's
string quartet, a Beethoven
string quintet, the Mendelssohn
octet, Brahms' sextet No. 1 in
B flat opus 18 (The Spring Sex
tet) and Brahms' Sextet No. 2
in G major Opus 36 (The
Agatha Sextet so named for
Agatha Von Siebold, one of
Brahms' girl friends). Mr. Em
manuel Wishnow, Miss Marjorie
DeLange, Evelyn Merud, Vir
ginia Clarke, Paul Koenig,
Johnson Beam, Ernest Ulmer
and Deiter Kober are the happy
Evelvn Nerud. Dorothy Hend-
rirk and Virerinia Clarke have
been getting together for a little
trio music. (It must be noted in
passing, however, th-'t this was a
c ommercial undertaking.) A
string quartet composed of Eve
lyn Nerud, Virginia Mcrseei,
Eloise Fricke and Ruth Sibly will
also be doine some chamber
So the flame still flickers.
Not Consider a
nf Commerce
Basis Opens
requirements. Neither college or
high school work is required as
such, the general mental test
replacing both.
Students selected for the uni
versity's program will be given
subsistence and housing. Enrol
ment fees and accident insurance
will be paid by the government.
Enlistment in the army reserve
must not be made until the last
step in selection and assignment.
Only after the student is fully ac
cepted will he actually enlist.
First step toward enrolment
consists in making application
to Dean Ferguson, co-ordinator
of civilian pilot training.
(Continued from Page 1.)
mental effort a show for in
stance. "Wait till Dick sees this,"
she added. (Dick is the man in-
Girls To Wear Shorts.
Sidney Otto popped out with
thisi bright remark. "I like my
girls to be lots of fun, good
dancers, of medium height and
I wish they'd all wear shorts."
Helen Kelley, engaging little Irish
wench, chooses a man (Ha-Ha)
with enough intelligence with
whom to have fun without carry
ing it to the ridiculous. She likes
to dance at Kings, eat hamburgers
and ride the octopus in between.
We wonder too is the girl nor
We met Bob Schlater some
time in our wanders and popped
the question. (Oh don't we wish
we could?) Says Bob, 'S'omething
different in recreation as well
as girls. He likes to go slum
ming, play bridge and talk. (Are
the last two different?)
Green Pastures.
Edna May Harms, freshman
from Gooding, Idaho, prefers
'nice, intelligent tall, dark men
with brown sparkling eyes." She
can think of "a thousand ' things
to do. Doesn't she like her hand
some reporter brother, we wonder.
Why look for dark men when
such beautiful blondes are so close
at home?
John J. Douglass, one of the
smo-o-th lads on the campus
gives forth with "smooth dancer,
beautiful girl, and no small
talk." We have heard about such
men Mr. Douglass.
Jack Anderson, would-be singer.
and Truex Unchurch, combine to
inform the public. "The girl should
have auburn colored hair, be of
medium height, and of the passive
type. She should like tennis, roast
pigeons, and steak frys. Upchurch
an engineer for your informa
tion also added other juicy little
bits too juicy we refretfully con
clude. Good Date or Nightmare.
That cute blonde behind the
cashier's counter in the grill
who refused to divulge his name
just by the way endowed us
with one of our cleverest re
marks of the evening. (Well at
least we think so.) "A good
date is last night's dream come
true or is that a, nightmare."
Brother, after some of the peo
ple we have met, that bit is a
heavenly event.
Claresse Holtorf, a school-marm
from Alliance, who definitely
doesn't look athletic burst out with
well she didn't exactly burst but
you understand "I like any kind
of sport, tennis, bowling, roller-
skating, . Very interesting we
interrupt but what else do you
do. "Oh we sing, classic and pop
ular on dates too if he can
sing." Gee, fun, isn't it?
The dead-line, already? Oh,
ye gods. Dates are fun arent
During the past 24
years we have placed
thousands of teachers.
Perhaps we can place
yon. Come in and see
Coliseum Pool
Open 4:30 to 6
Daily: Women, 4:30-5:15;
men, 51:15-6.
Saturday: Women, 1:40-3.
The above swimming hours
were announced yesterday as
the hours at which all students
registered in the University
summer school may swim in
the coliseum pool.
Anyone registered for swim
ing may swim at any of these
times, and other students have
that privilege for 10 cents and
a health permit to be secured
from the Student Health of
fice. Students should furnish their
own cap and shoes, but towel
and suit will be furnished for
them. A life guard is on duty
at all time.
Word that Maj. Gen. Dwieht D.
Eisenhower has been named com
mander of the United States forces
in the European theater of op
erations ..Thursday stirred new
talk of a second front as axis
forces werl continuing their drive
into 'Egypt at a rapid pace.
Meanwhile, as British forces
were withdrawing before the
axis desert drive of Field Mar
shal Rommel, Prime Minister
Winston Churchill assurred con
gressional leaders the British
will win and that the axis threat
to Egypt is not as serious as
some observers believe.
But regardless of developments
on all fronts, there is still a feel
ing among American and British
observers that something definite,
something decisive will result from
the Churchill-Roosevelt confer
Upon the decisions of that
conference lie the hopes of the
United Nations. If the allies can
map a crushing campaign
against the axis, consolidate
their forces at vital ponits, keep
supplies moving to the China,
Australia, Russia and Brittain,
then developments will certainly
favor the United Nations but
not in 1942 as many believe.
One hundred and twenty engi
neering, science and management
defense training courses are now
underway in Texas.
At no higher prices
Agnes Beauty Shop
Hotel Cornhusker
Play tennis in
suit and then
l on
ifev 650
your skirt and trip off to
class . . . the ideal summer-school
ontfit! Cool
cottons ... in a variety
of colors.
Sizes 10 to 18.
ftprtwr Sortlna
(iean4 Finer.
Phys Ed Club
Holds Roller
Skating Party
Summer school students forgot
their studies for an hour last
night to go skating in Grant Me
morial hall from 7 to 8 p. m. Rent
ing skates for 15c.
Members of the physical educa
tion club sponsored it and gave
lessons to beginners. Victrola re
cordings furnished the music. No
tices will be posted if a similar
party is to be held next week.
Fewer major crimes are com
mitted in China than in other
countries, asserts Frank Ki Chun
Yee, graduate of the University
of California, in his dissertation
for his doctor of philosophy de
from 9 to 12
15c per person
Student Union
the shorts-
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