The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 01, 1942, Page 8, Image 8

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Friday, May 1, 1942
By John Bauermeister
Guest Writer
Oh boy, from pledge to president
in one easy year, that's the way
Jeanie Baker did it. JUaybe it's a
new system the Pi Phis have in
training their pledges, but we
think it's mostly Jean. Anyway
hats off, an orchid or two, and our
congratulations to the official
writer of this column for such an
outstanding feat.
While we're still on this sub
ject and feeling congenial congrats
go to Sam Carroll and Ed Fay
tinger for the Sigma Chi boys
just elected them president and
McGiester, respectively. . .But
back to the usual stuff, the Max
Whittacker, Nancy Haycock af
fair is the first to hit the ribbon
of this machine, for Max of the
Dolt ha use got his pin back and
placed Nancy of the Pi Phi domi
cile on probation we hear. . .pro
bation for what?. . .Lloyd London
also of the Delts liked the smooth
dancing of smooth Jerry Buller,
Alpha Chi, his pardner out at
Kings last weekend so well he
busily lined up some future dates
including the N club dance and is
currently raving about said girl. . .
What happens to the rest of the
fleet Lloyd . . .
Just Dropped In
One army boy who got to come
back to his affection was Milo
Teasar. exprexy of Farmhouse,
who stopped in today to see Mar
ion Hunt on his way to California
an.1 to the defense of our country
...Wonder when Bill Rist, ATO
will find himself a permanent seat
in that English 12 and take him
self off a lot of people's lists. .
Playboy Tommy Miller of the
ATOs is apparently once more in
the Toni McQuistan league, a re
minder of the little Journal inter
view way back when. . .Saturday
night will see picnics on a really
big scale with the DUs and Sig
Alpha leading the parade of woods
seekers. . .That same night will
also bring another formal to the
fore when the dormites of Carrie
Belle will swing out with their
annual spring whingding at the
Cornhusker. . . A date to remem
ber, also though far in the future,
is May 16, when the N boys will
present their own Queen of Queens
at their party of all parties....
All Fixed Up
The slight tiff between Betty
Krause, Pi Phi, and Jim Bell, Beta,
is a thing of the past and the two
pins are on their way to being
chained again. . .We feel the plight
of Dick Geesaman, DU of past
Ann Seacrest fame, should be aired
for it seems that a long eight
weeks has passed without Richard
honoring a single girl with his
company. Surely the torch should
be about burned down by this
time. . .Speaking of record, Helen
Johnson, DG, has broken a long
utanding one belonging to Jim
Weenner, Sig Alph; namely that
of having no more than two dates
with on ghl. Nice g"oing, Helen
...Back to the DUs for just one
'Starlight' Is
Banquet Them
Of Kappa Phi
Methodist University
Women HoM Meeting
To Install New Offieers
"Starlight" is the theme of the
annual spring banquet of Kappa
Phi, national Methodist university
women's organirtin to be held
this Saturday at 6 p. m. at the
Chamber of Commerce.
This banquet is the occasion for
an alumnae homecoming, initia
tion, and installation of. the new
officers for the coming year.
Awards are presented and high
scholarship among the members is
Officers for the coming year are
Carol Jean Griffing, president;
Doris Wood, vice-pres.; Ruth Riis
ness, program chairman; Lorraine
Grouse, treasurer; Lorn a Akcr,
membership chairman; Betty
Stover and Pauline Tingley, social
chairmen; historian, Elizabeth
Hite; recording secretary, Vir
ginia Dolan; Twila Bramwell, cor
responding secretary; Shir ley
Spalding, art chairman; steno
graphic chairman, Virginia Van
Patten; Janice Dudley, music, and
Lavaughn Nelson, chaplain.
To be initiated are Katherine
Jean Alberts, Irene Alpers, Twila
Bramwell, Margaret Iwata, Phyllis
Lyness. Dorothy Neff, Doris Neu
man, Mabell Osenbaugh, Patricia
Penton, Ruth Schubach and Eve
lyn Wissbaum.
The toastmistress for the ban
quet is Dorothy Anderson. Ruth
Gates, Ruth Riisness. Patricia
Penton, Helen Eighmy and Elaine
Jensen will give toasts. The tables
will be arranged in a star shape,
the chapter candle being placed in
the center. Spring flowers will
complete the decorations.
Sinfonia El eels
Pierson Prexy
At Meeting
Upsilon chapter of Phi Mu Al
pha Sinfonia elected new officers
at the regular Thursday noon
luncheon meeting in the Student
Thomas Pierson was elected
president; Richard Koupal. vice
president; Dieter Kober, supreme
councilman: Robert Thatcher,
treasurer; Ernest Ulmer, secre
tary; Cleve Genzlinger, warden;
Robert Krejczi, historian. Next
Monday's Harmony Hour will fea
ture a Sibelius program.
more item as we say a belated
farewell to Wally Munson, who
went home the other day and is
soon off to the army... and now
just a word to the girl, whoever
she may be, who loaned the Kos
met Klub cast a girdle. Tt is lost,
but never fear; Max Laughlin,
AGR, is planning on buying a new
one . . .
Just one word, in closing, about
birthday party of the student Un
ion tonight, where the boys will
dance with their dates to the rhy
thm of Lloyd Hunter, and spend
more money at the concessions
than they ever dreamed of... oh,
well, see you in the Union.
Brauer to Speak
At Dental Meet
Former Nebraska graduate, Dr.
John C. Brauer, '28, will be a
guest speaker on the program of
the Nebraska State Dental asso
ciation meeting during the week
of May 11. Dr. Brauer is now
chairman of the department of
children's dentistry of University
of Iowa.
Miss Burchenal
Leads Dance
Forum at Meet
Miss Elizabeth Burchenal, di
rector of the Folk Arts Center in
New York City, will conduct an
institute of American Country
Dancing as a feature of the Ne
braska State Physical Education
Association convention, May 1
and 2.
Miss Burchenal is an interna
tionally known teacher of folk
dancing and the author of several
books on the subject. The staff
of the physical education depart
ment are giving a tea from 4 to 5
Saturday in her honor.
Superintendent Lefler of the
Lincoln schools and Superintend
ent Coming of the Omaha schools
will be speakers at the convention
and Mr. James Morrison, presi
dent of the Central district of the
American Association of Health,
C A new important name at Hov-
V - land-Swanson's the name of our
P ' new EXCLUSIVE line of CLEVER
I junior dresses just arrived on our
f jM m ... r5
k ;;: Vo
k P few
l II a Popular Seersucker
1 A II I Stripe. Brown, red.
i i green, blue. Sizes 9
ml I
Bobby suit of ging
ham plaid. Green,
brown, blue. Sizes 9
to 17 7J
"Gay Gibson"--a famous
name in Junior fashions
backed by a complete
new staff of young
American designers of
fering you today, their
finest summer dress col
lection. $395 Sg95 $795
For your dancing pleasure cool summer cottons in
junior sizes 10 to 17.
R) 5 ".!
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n a
we kmmim
and Charity Carnival Tonight 75c per Couple
and 1942 Cornhusker Beauty Queens Sat. Eve. 75c per Couple
$1.10 per Couple Combination Nile Tickets Available 9til 8:30 p. m. Fri.
40c Single Admittisn . - It's Informal!
Are in Order"