t x tt v rr"rm 7V nv X t Vo, ' hto. . 11 r - y .. ... r "wfc'',. , ."iaWw(ir. Tha Greatest Air Army in ths World Heeds Flight and &Klfeflfficc.i, ; vfaMAxvMiNri,i;A. ... . ft 1 W:Hs&&fafl i-Wft r n m n ft r i r--v xv y-v n n rra ""s rra u ij ivi it nun m U XaVy U U rsaU VyUU V 1,51 -SL.nU ! L 1.1 Si. lS ESi? r,y.,.,. ,M .gj iyiriruiwai mow do Wo iv Deferred Service Plan Allows You to Continue Your Education In the skies over America the mightiest ir fleet in the history of the world is mobilizing for victory! So fast is it growing that there is a place here an urgent need here for every col lege man in America who can qualify for Officer's Training. The U. S. Army Air Forces need Flying Officers and Ground Crew Officers. And many of them must come from the ranks of today college students men who make their plana now for the necessary Aviation Cadet training. Thanks to a newly created Air Force Re serve plan, men of all classes aged 18 to 26, inclusive can enlist for immediate service or continue the scholastic work required for graduation before being called to active duty. You must meet the requirements for phys ical fitness, of course. In addition, you take a new simplified test to determine your ability to grasp the training. A college man should pass it easily. $75 A MONTH DURING TRAINING Those accepted who wish immediate duty will go into training as rapidly as facilities permit. As an Aviation Cadet, you are paid f75 a month, with subsistence, quarters, medical care, uniforms, equipment, traveling expenses. In 8 months you can win an officer's com mission as a bombardier, navigator or pilot and be well started on your way to serve America and advance yourself in aviation. MANY BRANCHES OF SERVICE There are also commissions awarded in ground crew service. College men particularly THREE EHLISTMEHT PLANS FOR COLLEGE MEN Jalort-Sokoors-rrelie) May Cottiaaa TWIr Eoacatioa 1. A new plan sHovt Juniors, Sophomores and Freshmen, aged 18 to 26, induaive, to enliat in the Air Force Enliated Re eerve and continue their schooling, pro Tided they maintain satiafactory scbolaatic undine. All C.tWoa Mrs May Eattsf far laawdiat Sarvlca 2. AH college atudents mar enliat as pri vate in the A rear Air Force (unaligned) and aenre there until their turn come for Aviation Cadet training. 3. All college atudentt mar enliat in tha Air Force Enliated Reaerve and wait until they are ordered to report for Aviation Cadet training. Upon graduation or withdrawal from college, men will be ataigned to active duty at a training center a facilities become available. If the neceeiity of war demand, the de ferred autu in the Army Reaerve may be terminated at any time by the Secretary of War. rte mr Armf Air tlx MM eere ffae (f part er aver-oN Army CaHffea' CeMrve Cera era" eearffr te cae'. Tai prefreai will arevl4 epacrtaaMM far ceHat e f la orfcar aroacSa af Me Army aa 4tttm4 aerii mm4 re ceaflaa faelr edacelea feeaaffc freeWee If a eetfifectary t4m4 af wort I atelatola'. la cat ef aecrufry the Secretary ef War aha M erarfae wfcea ffcay awy fc canee' fa acfva a'rfy. If li eeey-faa Haf m aa aWIcfae wM have fft epaarfvalry af yWaf far rocaaclo la car' i aaaOrfafe caal. rUi fim Mt ear' la fie Mlaf Maf caaMaaeace ef a4acNaa N 4avla eeaadH far laaaWtala. f letarv aWltfiaaf wM aaf afar rWaM rafertfaf faMiaWa' I.O.T.C will be interested in the requirements lot. Armaments, Communications, Engineering Meteorology, Photography. If you have engi neering experience your chances of getting a commission are excellent. This past year about 80. of all Aviation Cadets were commissioned as Second Lieutenants about 67 as flying officers. Those who do not qualify remain in the Air Forces on an enlisted status and have further, opportunities. As a Second Lieutenant on active duty with! the Army Air Forces, your pay ranges from f?183 to j(245 a month. ACT AT ONCE If you want to fight for America, this is where your blows will count. If you want the best training in the world, and years of solid achievement in aviation the great career field of the future this is where you belong. Your place is here in the Army Air Forces. If you plan to enlist immediately, start get ting your necessary papers ready for the Avia tion Cadet Examining Board when it meets in your locality. For complete information see your Faculty Air Force Advisor. You can take your mental and physical examinations the same day you apply. Get further inform, tionnor. NOTE: you wish to enlht tnd art under 21, yon will nerd your parent? or guarJian'i content. Birth certificates and three letters of recont $1 menJation will be required of all ap 2T wS-V plicanlt. Obtain the formt and tend them home today yon can then complete your enlistment before any Aviation Cadet Examining Board. f SEE YOUR FACULTY AIR FORCE ADVISOR FOR FULL INFORMATION (Or Appfy to Your Locsf Recruiting and Induction Station) Oiher Army Keermitlng and Induction Stations Are In th Following Cities t OMAHA GRAND ISLAND McCOOK NORFOLK CHEYENNE, WYO. SHERIDAN, WYO. Aviation Cadet Examining Boards Are Located in th Following Cities: OMAHA FORT FRANCIS E. WARREN THE SPECIAL EXAMINING BOARD WILL VISIT UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA SOON U. S. ARMY RECRUITING AND INDUCTION STATION: POST OFFICE BUILDING, LINCOLN, NEBR. ?.3 i