Friday, April 10, 1942 DAILY NEBRASKAN Barbs Circulate Second Council Amendment Plan Members of the Barb party, who are organizing to form the Ne braska Independent Students' As sociation if their constitution is approved by the Student Council, are circulating the following peti tion for amendment of the Council constitution. The petition is simi lar to the one offered on last fall's ballots which was defeated by an overwhelming majority when it reached the polls. WE THE fNDERSIC.NF.n STIIENTS OK THE I-MVERSITY OF NEBRASKA PROPOSE TO ALTER THE XNST1TI' TION OF THE STIDENT COINC1L OF THE VNIVERSITY OK NEBRASKA BY AMENDING ARTICIJCS IV, V. VI AND X. STRIKING Ol'T ARTICLE VIII, RE M MBKKING ARTICLE IX AND X AND PROVIDING A NEW ARTICLE X, ALL TO READ AS FOLLOWS: ART1CI.E IV, SECTION 1: The Student Caanrll (hall Vr composed bjr twenty member, one-half elected rrh wnrttrr. I. The College af Arrlcultore 1U ke entitled to (oar members, twe l be chosen 4 each remlar election. t. The corteges ea the city Campos hall he entitled ta slxteea members, eight ta be chosen at ear rrralar eteettoa. S. If at aay time the rait betweea the arollmeat ( the College a( Arrlealtnre ad the City Camnam shall exceed 1:4 the 'atndeat roaaell shall hare power ta In crease the membership from the college of grlraltare ta provide for the proper aro portlea. SECTION t: The refalar stadeat roaaell leeiloa shall be aeM a Tarsda ( the eighth week f each semester aales the time la ranged by aetloa at the Valver Hy Senate. SECTION S: Ta he eHgibir far member ahlp la the stadeat coaactl. eah raadldate ahall be a boaa fide member of the college ar groap af collegea that he arefcs t rep meat, aad shaU have the ajaaltfkatioas repaired by the eligibility rate prescribed by the seaate committee. Regalar aatver atty rale shaU gavcra la determialac a candidate's college. . SECTION 4: Nomlaattoa for members af the stadeat eoaaril shaU be made by the flliag af the aame of the caadtdate aot later taaa p. ro. aa the eeoad Friday est prior to the day of election, at the stadeat activities office. The secretary of the stadeat eaaaca shaH aaaaaaee h the Daily Nebraska at least tea days prior thereto, the day aad boar whea . flliag SECTION (: Beetfaa af aiemaer ta the stadeat eoaaril shall a by the Hare (or iagte vote) system of proportloaal renre aeatattsa with traasfers by what I termed the evact method I. The ballot' (had Hat alphabetically the aame of the several eaadidate for olflre aad. la case af endorsement, shall Vaigaate the party ar groap ta which he t. Each a nail fled stadeat voter shaB he -entitled ta receive a separate ballot bear hag the aame af all the eaadidate per mitted t file. Each voter shall be prlv Urge ta destgaate hi first aad seeoad aad third aad other thaler far aay eaadtdale he h) williag ta have rrpreacat him. ARTICLE V. 8FCTION I: The aewty elected stadeat aaeH anembrrs shaH be b stalked at a Hold your Partner! Odorono Cream keeps Arthur Murray dancers 'Sweet" in a close-up Whether the music's sweet or swing, you' vegot to be "sweet." Use Odorono Cream choice of Arthur Murray dancers. Non greasy, non-gritty gentle Odorono Cream ends perspira tion annoyance for 1 to 3 days I Get a jar and hold that partner spellbound! 10f,39r, 59ze (plus tax). Tat Oooaowo Co.. lac. Niw Yoag, N.Y. .. PERSPIRATION 0rANCFORIT030AYS ervts you vioif rot youi money I FUU OZ. JAR Of T 1H ls Prize meeting called by the president of the stu dent council within a week after election day. At this meeting a president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer shall be elected, and the erganlsatioa of the coun cil perfected. SECTION I: Aa advisory board of aot lens than three member of the I'nlverslty faculty or administration shall be chosen by the council. SECTION S: The council may provide for committees which shall be responsible to It. All committees within the student council organisation and all committees or boards appointed by the council, which represent the stadeat body as a whole shall be chosen according to the party ratio established la the elect loa of mem ber to the stadent council. ARTICLE VI. The term of member shall be for oae year or until their successors are dnly elected. The complete election count ahall be preserved la the flies of the secretary of the student council for one year. Aay vacancy occurring during the college year betweea elections shall be filled for the remainder of the term by the candidate next la order after the last one declared elected. ARTICLE IX (RE-Nl'MBERED ARTICLE X) SECTION I: (Provisions for amendment of the student council constitution a stated ander the eoastltulloa bow la effect.) SECTION J: The role for atndeat clec tloas mayv be initialed or repealed by a two-thirds vote of the stadent council, or npoa the pelltloa f a majority of the tudea! body regard less of the eona"U's action. ARTICLE X. SECTION 1: Articles IV. V, VI. VIH aad X a heretobefore existing are hereby repealed, aad Articles IX and X shall be reaumbered a VIII aad IX respectively. SECTION Z: The ameaded Article V aad IX shall take ef'et Immediately apoa adopt too, but the ameaded Article IV aad VI hall aot take effect aotil the begta alng af the college year 1MI-1MS. SECTION S: The 19 college representa tives aad the foar sea lor members at large daly elected aa April SI. 142 aad those member seated by the system of propor tloaal represeatatloa shaU eoastllate the stadeat roaaell antll oae week after the regular first semester rtertioB of the school year IMi-lMS. at which time the tea new member fleeted aerordiag to the provl stoa af this amendment shall be added. No stadeat elected by the oatgetag eoaacll a a holdover member shaH be entitled t hold a seat aa the eoaacll. SECTION 4: Aay vacancies acenriag be fore the first semester elect loss af th school year IM2-IMJ shaH be filled with out regard to college, Haas ar sex. bat the new member shall be chosen from the aame party ar farttoa a the member whose vacancy he Is fHHag. A sales tax is bad at all times and never would be worse than now, in the opinion of Dr. Clarence K. Ayres, University of Texas professor of economics. A total of 457 University of Wis consin co-eds have enrolled in a defense first aid course. Ma) - Winning One-Act w At ski m Kurt Porjrftz "An Accident May Ilappf-n" Arthur RaileVs "CrofTrain' Richard Mahan't "Though Wmils Should Wo" 4:00 P. M. Sunday, April 12th Pree-nt-d by L'ni. Depart m-nt of Speeeh Union Identification Student Council Judiciary Limits Tactics Th following is the iudiciary committee's interpretation of Ar ticle IV of the Siuaeni uouncu i miQHtiitinn p-overnine student elections. This interpretation was a m At-. drawn up in preparation ior me general spring election April 21 and goes into effect at this time. Article IV of the constitution reads as follows: No vote shall be solicited at the polls or in the building in which an election is being held during election day. No money shall be spent in behalf of any candidate. No printed, mimeographed, typed, or otherwise published material in behalf of any candidate shall be permitted, except the impartial an nouncements of the candidates ap pearing in the press. Any candi date violating these rules either in person or thru his supporters shall thereby become ineligible. The interpretation as handed down by the judiciary committee is-written thus: The judiciary committee of the Student Council agrees on the fol lowing definitions and interpreta tions of Article IV of the rules for student elections. This is done at the request of the faculty com mittee on Student Organizations and Social Functions. Vote Solicitation Banned. "No vote shall be solicited" shall mean: No person eligible to vote for any candidate shall be influ enced in any way by means of the spoken or written word Os. any other means, to cast his or her vote for any particular candidate; nor shall any such person be in fluenced in any way to vote at all. "At the polls or within the building in which the election is being held" shall mean: Any place within said building or on the steps, walks or drives leading from the adjoining public streets or streets up to the buildirg. It shall also include the lawn adjoining the building. The phrase "at the polls" shall mean: at the place or places, where passing out of bal lots to voters, marking of bal lots by voters, and placing of bal lots in the ballot-boxes is taking place. "During the election day" shall mean: at any time from 12 o"clock midnight of the day preceding the election to the time that the polls are officially closed. "No money" shall mean: no cash, checks, mail order drafts, stamps, or credit. "Shall be spent" shall mean: shall be exchanged, traded, or given away in any manner. "In behalf of any candidate" " .-if" ' t Ci. BCHIMMEL Z C1RECTION : Tow lie? dub Spring Formal Friday yifht Alpha Camma Rho Sprint; Party Saturdmr Sight (!hi Omega Banquet Saturday Sifhl HOME OF THE TrstyPhstryHhde Plays For You! Ballroom Cards Requested 1 it&l' if r m turn 3 in Election shall mean: in any manner which' would in any way influence the roonita nf the election. This shall include any manner which would in any way influence a voier 10 oast his vote for any particular candidate, or candidates, whose name, or names, appear on tne ballots. The term candidate shall include both persons whose names appear on the ballots, and also the political parties with which they may be affiliated. This definition of "candidate" shall be followed wherever the term appears in this article. A person whose name is to appear on the ballot shall be considered a "candidate" anytime within the two week's period directly prior to the election and including the election day, irrespective of wheth er or not the person has been of ficially or unofficially announced as a nominee. No Handbills. "No printed, mimeographed, typed, or otherwise published ma terial" shall mean: no handbills, posters, papers, newspapers, or any other type of materials or ad vertising on which appears any other type of pictorial representa tion of thought which material is transmitted to any voter by any means whatever or is posted in any place except the inside of the private home, boarding house, or sorority house. Any such material posted in the university residence halls for women shall be con sidered "published material." "Shall be permitted" shall mean: shall be legal and in accord with this article. "Impartial announcements" shall mean: a list of all candidates for all offices to be filled by the eletcion. in which list the candi dates names must all appear cor rectly spelled, in the same kind of type, in the same color and shade of ink and with no extra markings of any sort beneath, over, around, or beside any particular names which marking does not appear in the same wav bv all names in the list. Such lists may contain the political affiliations of all candi dates but no other information about them unless such informa 1 o. xlt" Committee Campaign tion is officially authorized by the Student Council. Editors Responsible. The "press" shall mean: any publication which has the ap proval of the university publica tions board. In all cases the edi tors of such publications shall be held directly responsible for what appears in the publication. "Violating these rules" shall mean: in any way causing the rules of this article to be broken or infracted. "Either in person or thru his supporters" shall mean: either by a personal action or by the action of any one of his supporters or by any member of the political fac tion with which he is affiliated, no matter whether or not he knows such action will be taken, is be ing taken, or has been taken. In considering the definition of the term "candidate" the penalty of violation of a rule shall apply to the individual with whom the violation is concerned. If the vio lation is concerned with a political party, then the penalty shall ap ply to all nominees affiliated with that party. Ignorance No Excuse. Ignorance of this article and its interpretation shall not be con sidered a valid excuse for the vio lation of the rules of this article either by an individual, a group of individuals or a political fac tion. Regular news items appearing in the "Press" (as above defined) and concerning any candidate shall not be considered as viola tions of this article unless they contain editorial comment about the candidate or unless they are not impartial. 'Elijah' Will Be Given April 26 The Fine Arts school's pres entation of Mendelssohn's ora torio, "Elijah," will be April 26 instead of April 21 at wa' in advertently reported in yester day's Daily Nesbraskan. l 1 As ill