The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 29, 1942, Page 3, Image 3

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Intra-mural Race Enters
Crucial Stage This Week
U Ni By Bob Miller jj
PROPOSAL to change the national football rules code in
one specific part it the cry of Oklahoma coach, Dewey "Snorter"
Luster... Luster wants the optional goal rule written into the
books but the winter session of the national rules committee did
not pass it... By the optional goal rule is meant the team scored
upon gets the option of changing goals or of deciding whether
it will kick or receive. . .The Sooner mentor reports that while the
majority of coaches are In favor of it, it silll did not pass.
IN FACT the Oklahoman Is so much in favor of the plan that
he has been using it in all of his practice games during the spring
drill sessions, "just in case". . .In favor of the plan is that it will
equalize the elements, particularly wind. . .Consider one team getting
in possession of the ball with a strong wind blowing with them and
they have plenty of advantage for the period... By the first of the
next period, when the opposing team gets the chance at Uie wind.
it (the wind) may have gone down considerably.
BY THIS PLAN then after one team swept down the field to a
touchdown with the aid of the wind for a passing attack, the other
team could get the advantage if they so chose or else they could
state whether they wanted to kick or receive. . .From these stand
points, the plan seems very logical but if it is placed on the books
there will be a much greater amount of aspirin consumed in the
press box when the scribes try to think up some new ways to
explain who was going in what direction when something happened.
JOE LOUIS has raised the name of the fistic industry to a
height that has never been scaled before... It seems like the old
name was synonymous with poor sports, etc., but since the Brown
Bomber has been riding on the throne, the reputation has been
wiped clear... When he joined the army he showed his heart was In
the right place. . .When he fought two fights, placing his title
against... nothing but for the army and navy relief funds, he
n-AUi hi. hrt wa In the rioht olacV. . .After disposing of Abe
Simon on Friday night, he sent via the radio, his greetings to the
boys under General McArthur in Australia and wished them
-Godspeed"... You can't ask more of a man than Louis has shown.
KANSAS STATE and Oklahoma got the jump on their Big Six
mates when thev stared an outdoor dual track meet on Friday..
Following Uie meet which the Sooners won the two teams headed
for the Texas U. relays in Austin.. .The Oklahoma sprinters were the
reason for the 77-57 decision as they copped eight of the nine races
...Orv Mathews won the 100 and 220, Bill Lyda took the 440 and 880
and Dick Smethers broke the tape in the mile and two-mile eventa
...This will mean that the Huskers had better sit up and take notice,
THE COLD weather plus a little rain and gloom has been
enough to keep the Husker grid aggregation indoors a goodly part
tf the time of the spring drills. . .Yesterday, a big scrimmage ses
sion was planned but did not materialize due to the existing
position of the mercury In the thermometers. . .One of these days
there will be a warm atmosphere and then Coach Glenn Presnell
will settle a lot of doubts that have been cropping up in his mind.
As the intra mural battle for the Jack Best
trophy goes into the home stretched, fraterni
ties are eyeing anxiously the outcome of the
handball and bowling race and are preparing
for the two remaining sports, track and baseball.
Thursday night the Zeta Beta Tau table
tennis won their second straight intramural
ping pong championship as they defeated the
l)U's 4 to 1. The ZBT s victims in the semi
finals, the Betas, took extra points for third
place by trouncing the Kappa Sigs, eliminated
by the DU's in the consolations.
Ankeny Wins.
Harry Ankeny saved the DU's from a com
plete trouncing as he defeated the ZBT's ace
player, Buddy Goldstein. The winning play
ers were Theo Cohen, Stu Muskin, Norman
Kips and Morris Kirshenbaum.
The handball championship is still in the air
with the winner of the Phi Delt-DU game
going into the finals against the ZBT 'a. Hand
ball semifinal results slowed up the schedule
with ties in both games causing playoffs with
the two singles players combining in the de
ciding doubles game.
Yesterday afternoon, Irv Galvin and Stan
Feltman of the ZBT team defeated John D.
Wertz and Kurt Ralston of the Sigma Nus in
the tie-breaking game to put the Zetas in the
in the finals. Fred Meir and Harry Ankeny of
the DU's will play Phi Delta George Abel and
Jack K. Lee to decide the other finalist.
Bowling Close.
With several leagues tied up causing play-offs,
the bowling championship will probably
not be determined until late next week or early
the following week according to the intra
mural office.
Also making this week a busy one as far as
athletics is concerned, is the I-M track meet
which will be held Wednesday and Thursday
night. The defending champions are the
ATO's which plan to enter another strong team
to defend its crown.
Harold Hunt
Breaks Texas
Vault Record
Harold Hunt vaulted over the
14 foot mark yesterday in the
Texas relays at Austin to set a
new record. This was the 15th
annual meeting of the Texas re
National collegiate champion,
Hunt soared to the 14 feet inch
mark to beat the record of Beefus
Bryan, Texas, of 13 feet 10
inches, scored three years ago.
Large Crowds
Are Expected
At Oklahoma
NORMAN, Okla. Football
crowds at Oklahoma's 1942 home
contests will be big as ever if
some method can be figured out
to transport fans to the games,
believes Lawrence "Jap" Haskell,
Sooner athletic director.
The war is a tremendously se
rious proposition but President
Roosevelt's recent endorsement of
professional baseball and the plea
for more, instead of less, porticipa
tion in contact sports by heads of
various branches of the nation s
army, navy and air corps proves
that there is still a place for
sports even in time of war, Hask
ell holds.
Haskell believes the proximity
to Norman of several big war in
dustry plants is bound to help
football attendance this fall.
May . .
(Continued from Page 1)
18, 1939, after serving as dean of
the Chicago South Dearnery since
1935. He was ordained to priest
hood in 1919 and was rector of
Christ church In Douglas. Wyo..
until 1923 when he became rector
of St Bartholomew's church in
Chicago, 1923-35.
He received his bachelor of
acred theology degree in 1918
from the divinity school of the
University of Pennsylvania and a
doctor of divinity degree from
Nashotah House in Wisconsin last
year. In 1932 he was awarded the
diocesan distinguished service
cross in Chicago.
While in that city, he was a
member of diocesan council and
was president of the clergy's round
table from 1824 to 1931. He served
also as chairman of the publicity
department and as chairman of
the department of missions there.
Bethany college in Kansas has
a pep band known as the Blue
Sunday Evening
Snacks Are BEST at
0r Fountain,
141 N. 14th A r 1-1M
Tennis Hopefuls
Meet Tomorrow
Tomorrow afternoon at 4
o'clock, all vanity tennis hope
fuls will meet in the N club
room in the coliseum. AM those
Interested in playing varsity
tennis this teaton are asked to
be on hand at this time a
Coach Gregg McBrlde will out
line the activity for the season.
Since there are some matches
scheduled for April, those In
terested mutt get together with
Coach McBrlde at this time.
(Continued from Page 1)
Thm American Pieces: A
Rustic Scene: Butch.
Raitu Scene (from the Vic
tory Ball): Schelling.
Manhattan Beach March:
In tha Province of Lorraine:
Song af Songs Mr. Lorenson
Built on a Rock: Llndeman-
Football-Conscious . . .
Minnesota Begins Spring
Drills With New Coaches
. Bier man Is Cone
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.--March 30 will be a homecoming for the
football coaching staff at the University of Minnesota Dr. George
Hauser, newly-appointed head coach, will start spring practice with a
staff of assistants of whom all but one are former Minnesota football
Dr. Hauser, In every case, has rounded up just the men he wants
to help him successfully continue the football program at Minnesota.
They are Charles "Bud" Wilkinson, Lowell "Red" Dawson, and John
Roning. Bert Baston will continue
as end coach unless he goes into
Was Line Coach Before
Coach of the famous Minnesota
lines and assistant to Bernie Bier
man since 1932, Dr. Hauser is the
logical successor to Bierman. As
Crazy . . .
(Continued from Page 1.)
the hawker, and Romula bolde
villa, radio announcer.
Aldrich went into a trance one
niKht and came out with three
loonv trustees and three loonier
professors as comedy angles In
the nlav. Chosen trustees were
Leonard Luttbeg. Mr. Smith;
John Thiessen. Mr. Brown: and
Don Steele. Mr. Green.
The three professors will be Jim
Nicola, Prof. Smart; Gene Bradley,
Prof. Wise, and FA Faytinger,
Prof. BrighL
Rehearsals Begin Monday.
Rehearsals will begin immedi
atelv. according to Prof. Martin
who said that Monday at 7:30
p. m. all those in the first act
and also the pony chorus are to
meet at the Temple. The snow
will be given April 15, 16, 17 and
18 at the Temple.
Walt Rundin, president of the
Klub, Jubilant over "the best cast
that ever took part in a Kosmet
Klub show," announced that all
actives are to meet in the Klub's
offioe at 5 p. m. Monday. Work
era are to h:eet at 5 p- m. Tues
day. Song writers will also meet
in the Kosmet Klub office at o.
We Service All Makes
of Typewriters
228 No. lJth rhone 2-2668
lit Dr Narth ! T.M.C.A.
Gopher tackle in 1915-16-17 un
der Dr. Henry L. Williams, Hau
ser was one of the greatest tack
les ever to play in the west. After
serving in the navy in the first
World war, he returned to aid Dr.
Williams as assistant coach at
Minnesota and continued under
Bill Spaulding until 1923.
His coaching career from there
took him to Iowa State college
where he was line coach, then to
Colgate as head coach. He left
Colgate for Ohio State to take a
medical course and coach the
Buckeye line. Upon finishing his
medical studies, his internship
brought him back to Minnesota
Mixes Medicine
Dr. Hauser still finds time to
mix medicine and football, being
at present a physician in the stu
dent health service.
The new backfield coach will be
Lowell "Red" Dawson, formerly
head coach at Tulane. When Bier
man came to Minnesota from Tu
lane ten years ago. he brought his
Quarterback. Dawson, with him as
backfield coach. Dawson remained
with the Gopher staff until 1935
when he returned to Tulane
Wilkinson will be assistant line
and assistant backfield coach. He
played guard at Minnesota in 1934
35 and switched to quarterback In
Another Comet Back
The fact that he could move
from guard to quarterback as
player and stand out in both posi
Lions shows how versatile Wilkin
son is," Hauser aaid. Wilkinson
gave up his job as line coach at
Syracuse to return to Minnesota.
Ronning, Minnesota end in 1932-33-34,
has been selected to take
over the freshman coaching duties.
His coaching experience began at
Anoka and Red Wing high schools
and from there he stepped into the
position of head coach at Gustavus
Sir Harris will continue as re
serve coach. He has been connect
ed with Minnesota football as a
coach much of the time since
graduating from the university in
Copple Loses
In First Roimd
Of Tournament
Newt Copple, .Nebraska's 145 lb.
Big Six co-champion, was elim
inated in the first round or me
National Collegiate tourney by
David Arndt of Oklahoma A. and
M. Copple's conference colleague,
rotter of Kansas State, did not
wrestle in the first round.
Paul Chronlster, 175 lbs. of Kan-V
sas State and Iowa State's Cecil
Mott, 121, were the Big Six win
ners during the opening day of the
tourney. Jim Wilson, heavyweight
and Fred Weltz, 128 lbs., both of
Iowa State, were eliminated in the
first round.
Hiram Montgomery Brock, jr.,
24, a student at the University of
Kentucky, is also the youngest
member of that state's legislature.
Here's a good deal
See Next Week's Papers
for Details.
Text Bookt
Studonl SuppUM
mm 5Tcr.2
i -
Tenth Regiment March:
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow: