The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 27, 1942, Page 2, Image 2

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Friday, March 27, 1942
cORTY-HRiM SEAK- Kates are $1.P0 Per Semener or $1.50 for
the College Year. $2.50 Mailed. Single copy, 5 Cents.
Kntered as seeond-ohiss mutter at t he DO?:..:fice in Lin
coln. Nebraska, under Act of Congress Mai.'h 3. 1!79.
nt at rial rate of postace provided for in Settion 1103.
Act of October 3. 1917. A-.ilhorizcd September 30. 19:'.
FuDlisried Daily during the smool ear except Min.iavs and
Fe'urdnyt. vacations and examinations period? hy Student ct
the I'niverslty ot Nebraska under the supervision of Hie Pub
li. (Uu-ns Board.
Offices t'nion BuiMiriK
Day 2-7181. Nipht 2-7193. Journal 2-3330.
Editor Paul E. Svoboda
Business Manager ... Ben Novkoff
Vari.-igins klimr Mar.nrie Hnininc. Brb Siliaor
New Kditrrs Georse Aian jao I s,
June Jamicson, llflen Kciley. Marine May
Sports Editor Brh Miller
.Vorr.ter Nel.niska Pies Astriation. 1941-42
v.stnt Bus Xlanaeirs .....Betty Dixon. I hil Kamer
Circulation Macaper Sulney Sihm
All inslcm-d editnrlal are the opinion of the editor and
siimild not he runMrned la reflect the of lte 4-
wiia(lniittii ur of the annerviy.
India Remains
A Question Mark
India the hind if the Moslem. Hindu and
Mohammedan is rapidly approaching ;i show
down, and this lime th- showdoiuj will L- a
double diii' with Kh';j111 and .Japan.
For too I i i ?r Knglaiid and India have hesi
tated 1o come lit an understanding cvrr w
should W their relationship. Tim moihcr coun
try lias had its thumb over that mystic ana
of the Knst guarding it from olhers like a jeal
out child 'would at': and, coi.sotuenlly. the
lndiaus lave felt the squeeze of the lion's paw.
Hich inaw materials essentia! lid only to the
Hriiish war effort hut also to the economic
prosperity of England following ihe war. In
dia r -mains as The last large and wealthy area
under K'lglish domination which has not urad
ti.itid lo a dominion status.
The political leaders of India are suspic
ious of the Knglish and they have a right to
he. The English have made loo many empty
pfoini.vs about the future relationship of India
to the mother fouulry. They have bled Jjer of
nn s1 imalde amounts of raw materials an 1
Laic ridden roughshod over the suggesl ions of
mediation, made hy Indian lead( -rs. of ihe inng
Hut rfs the (i!ui" arm strtiches closer and
eh.Mf 1(, tic- heart: of India, lb- altitude 'of
Loth the Kii,'ii,b and Italians ha -)uiVj con
siderably. Mnsh-ms and Hindus Laic rcalicd
he l;("d to i:'l;'ile ill the face of d..lig( r. an'J
ihe British !.,ic realized the ntd t. p!ay f.iir
with the Indian's if lliey do i.ol i'a'1 new and
viddt nly jKcii rftil n-or;-j wiit-in ih ir o - n
gat s.
sir Si a 1'1'i.rd Oipps )r.. viue to lh'a for
Il;c -pr-ss iiji'osc .f off ring iK (.;.!- do
ic'iiinii 1;:1'is f.r full ii' a r snpjioi'l. l!"i;.i jII
j roliah1- avrec. 1 1 1 j 1 ihe ! iiL'ili of il.c !,goti.
alM'iis now iii progress Las In en d i n, n ( ly
tic jirei ions JCnglisii all i1 ud- (- :il Iti'ii.i.
l(e 1,- jieop!-s of l!i;,i to he ;,J
that J!i.glan(l i ill n.1 hck '.t .f '. pii.n.'x .
;i!lr the nar is .w-r ? 'ettaiidy t Kng i-ii
Lai e no f( f : eiic u itl, v. J,ich 1o k .ii the
!) i1 o I 1 !ieir a vi ' in lit s..
Ili((- Ii.'jW- h(( ii ! ;, rs m Ji di.., siii li ;.s
si i Ahmad, ith( 1. li'K-l lh.ii lh- :-4 a.J
jug of Jlnlisli e'liiw ii,i s ;.nd 1 1 J'.i'
v. ay of lif(- v as 1 ;e on , i long : or 1 1 i r cm,
If y s j'i'otM ss, and 1 he in; I i nc- of 1 1 i ..!
rs is -li!) fell, hu1 l'-s.s ihan r 1'ow-. A
new and 1 uLhoni JnJi.i is l ing Imt ii am no
one ivill (vcr he aide to hring h,;-i: :!: i;is
nl'll ihe Kav1 India 'on,'patiy h;.'l a ti'e hand
m a Lack ward and ' fen h--,s nal ion.
Lull support hy India will h
in 11.
Mar. and full domination slalus for In'h.i i!l
Le consistent niih ihe d-i;incr;)ii' i!-,j lor
nhieh ihe Allied Nations are j.glling. The
i s 1 v. k or month n ! -rave 1 1,, ,:. .1 i,,
ffiark Tiow sha((oiing a jMlj.n holds ihe
insi'tr for sijecevslU) in'A.Uny a-ii,n in 1 he
Kas1. Jf and when the dispute )s stllj 1 vi ill
Le to ihe lei j'il ;,i,d s,,1 jsf;ji-1 joii of M(V
Loly, except, jrhaps-, ihe dajiali'sc.
College Editors...
"The ti-ouhle with American cnlle ges is thai
there are too many crusading college editors."
That brought to mind a certain favorite
paragraph which I oecasionally read over when
the heft of the pen begins to feel inighticr
than the sword.
4-Ye have an increasing respect for un
dergraduate publications, callow as they arc.
They are the real'Iiberal journals of the coun
try, because their editors are t ciity-onc.
"At twenty-one an editor has the lovely
tart (piality of the unripe. Socially he is con
servative more conservative, prohahly than he
will ever be again; but editoi ially he is a rain
Low of radical thought, largely, we belieic.
Iiecause of the sudden oigiaslic pleasure ;'
litcrarv expression, lie has a ('istim-live liter-
Block and Bridle Elects
Eighteen New Members
rccogiiiai ie ; a
Active members of the Block
and Bridle Club met the other
night and selected 18 new mem
bers from the list of applications
for membership into the organiza
tion. Membeis were chosen for
their interest in animal husbandry
and the work that they had done
dnrin? their nledse period. Initia
tion for the following men will
j be held Tuesday at 5:30 p. m.
: in the Horse Barn: Merle Brini
1 gar. Jack Goodding, Sam Wig
igans. Willard Vesik. Dale Wolf,
(Don Tracy, Ivan Madsen. Vance
i I'uinphreyl Bob Oswald, Paul
j Kvcland. Keith King, Milton Olson,
; Calvin Dahlke. Don Warner, R.u
! dolph Tomek. Donald Jerauld.
Miles Caihvalladcr and Lee iiiggs.
Poultry ih'O members will es
cort their dates to a banquet and
dance Satin day veiling. Parlors
A B and C in the Student Union
arv stvle. instantiv
pedantic sarcasm.
"The first flush of printer's ink is liki
vine; that is why campus papers are so alive
and m hy they cause deans so mm ti acute dis
tress, worse than cramps of tic stomach.
To be sure. .1 am rather biased, but I dmi 1 i will te their destination,
tl ink that college editors are "the" "mailer To do thir j .at in the war ef
Milh American eollegrs. ifoit the Pouluy dub opened the
i-i parse strings of their treasury
A college editor who says what he Hiijik. j and bou;;hl a ,.(f(se tx.nd. This
and perhaps doesn't think as those t w eiili j should be an example for other
years his elders do. can do something better , clubs to follow if they have any
than cause clamps of the stomach.
A Til lie ''radical" thought in youth is some
thing of a heaithy sign. It is like leav nint.
in bread, it ma-ko the ho'e loaf more p.Jai-
The babv eh.tks and the lambs
A certain amount of sincere lilnral , are going to be on hand for a re
thought Ts definitHv necessarv. and if doesn't peat performance en Easter Sun-
r ,, " ...i,,,,,, ;v ii (iayafteiiKxin. K'.t the fifth year
e,.:no froiii rolleoe editors, tro n n here is ii . .
to come?
Calif. Daily Bruin
excess money lying around, isoi
long ago the Farnuis Fair board
bought about $400.00 worth of
bonds. . . tbats something to strive
drivers of muddy roads near tie
sheep bam.
The poultry exhibits will )r..
elude hundreds of baby chit lis
some turkey poults and iabbns
and a special bunch of colui.d
Easter chicks. Poultry production
and management exhibits will n,.
elude an incubator, an egg Cny.
play, battery brooding, scvet;l
types of brooder housts. ;,n!
dressed poultry. The poultiy t
hibits will fill eleven houses ai
pens on the farm, it was report..).
Alexander stated that c-veryt n
is invited to bring their youm .
sters. . . Time for open house
be 1 p. m. to 4:30 p. m.
Home Ec
r. ji
the sheep b?rn and the poultry
faini at ag college have opened
their doois to the public on
Ea.ster afternon.
By Marsa Lee Civin.
In a sujHr 'atriotie cri'li avor to
M. A. Alexandt-r. assistant pro
fessor of animal husbandry, said
that there wojl,i bo about 175 baby
lambs, inrludu g many sets of twins
on exhibition at the sheep barn.
They will in. l.uio five breeds
Cmdes will J f r.r. hand to answer
(Continued from P;i-i
tiring president, will I
at the meeting.
Presiding over the college etr
tion, which convents Friday noon,
will be Miss Rowan Elbtf. assist
ant professor of vocational du( ri
tion. Dr. Ruth Leverton. associate
professor of home economics is to
speak on "An Interest in Nutrition
for High School Students'1 before
the high school teachers' sect ion
meeting Friday afternoon.
The Saturday morning general
section will hear a tall: by Mis'
Margaret Liston, assistant profes
sor of home economics, on "Monty
Problems of Families in War
Also to appear before the home
economics clubs' section aie Miss
Carolyn Ruby, assistant piofessor
of home ec and Miss Sophie
Wakim, graduate student.
Wliile only 2 percent of the t t;l
I'nited States population is col)ge
trained, this group comprises
percent of listings in the H'40-41
"Who's Who in Amen a."
demands of the hour, students and i..cully
members joined in a ecbrat.uu to h lp si j..
ply the Nebraska university Has.- Hospital at
a carnival at the Armory. This ciiniva! mark
1 the last all university party in I'M- and
lias attended by the largest crowd.
TL re were various tipc of amu-' n.( Ms u,
vLidi those present con! rib. .led thir sbar
tmiard the fund for. raising money for m- i.
who left school lo join ti e . Liaska unit.
Seven Luinlred ijttendit!" witnessed lo-
.,iiiieS win ic r.r. nana io answer I t;i,.rn Wessels. notd artist a-,r?
jqutstions. and Alexander .stated I te;t her. has been appoint d awii-t-meet
1l,(-;that .m cas.- f rainy weather j ant professor of fine arts at Wa'h-
signs would be K.sted warning i ir.gton State college.
f( svi.r K. J. L I.'ossigno
many article: like untie
jM.unds and pounds of
Tick is to various n (.'. ,
by ( Lraska '((-. s.
Most j.ojnilar 1
ti..- fish ion at ''. 5 i- h
' ' 1-" i s i food." candy. .;i d
i-i.'i'.t .-t . froiu lh(c-e all i
i'ire of fic' l's of 1 I
c! ud ing the cad 1 I ogin.
a ' iojj s
s for live (!('
idl. ..nd S-le..
o;,v s v. tit r.. ;
; i n g
:! s
!" 'i
, : 1 1 - g(. 1 s e
hat :,
ill g .
s. -..or l.n'Jt
.. W..s
:. .gl :
( n. 1 - J !,t ICS r'-cog ni' J
1 i army. TI ' inform.;! on .
(( ml,lli'!c.'ilios j'j-f,;4 the .
'.!! I I i'oIk rl s. co 1 1 , 1 1 , , mb r
: .( ' r in
!i (Jlalled
made hl.e Ji
'! Ji.jr1la( 1 !
I! 1
B iV'X"ited (.. iej; ;.'e P-t
vr"T.T r-.-r.'
"')- Li'l .'.ar brought i.u,.ty the 1. Ln.g
of Ik ailh Mid phi si.-.l i du-;,1 iof: in ihe s,-j ,.;.
This war may brii g about a new ji.,iii n o:
pliisi'-al filij'ss tor all 'd' so.-j. i . J ,,- sLiiiiing
atld sHii 1 ilJIf S shocking liU'.',:;gs of ihe n.i-
i'.'d boar(Js. plus lb- fact 1L.1I many men 1mm
w i-i ion 'iilhout lacjiilics will be
con e aceus1om d 1o i'i gu'ar I-cre,-;1 joe.) 1 3a
cd;1is ill the army and on fut'ough. sloid
l-i.luli.i)ie our w hole a'1,lnde tow artj phi v
ie;,J fiiness." Dr. George M. Clo?s, associate
prtfesor of health and physical education at
Louisiana State univeriity, foresees a Lew
national empha.-;i on phyncal litces.
Holy Week
(CfntinuecJ from Page 3)
j.rorr.ptJy it 6 a. rn. and ( )' fct
7:4 V
I1n for Ihe d ily f-n j' '-s re
under the direction of 4-njrrjjttee
al'-d by Dons Sand'-rn. Ktudent
V-adirig the w-rvic-s will be Dar
rell Peters. Kenneth Miller. Mar-
Jean Kni-iUe and J-Kie Lou 1
Tyler. A mixed quartet voJJ jmt
yitie Uie music eath day.
f"ontiriu'.-J from T'nt 1.)
atteno'!, but cabled that be had
bt-en btl'J up arid rouM r.t get a
prane- tit Vet. On the day .f
the isurnUy be yi-r, ud that hut
tit Vet i,b'i n protu.'ed and be
as f-n hi way.
He mx "In many waj Etiroy
is ttxiny IKt AniY. continent- But
against a tragic background ivtidentft, thioajvh ibe
Vf'.F bar 'Tgamz'-d 2.' "urivr
Mtis of caftivity' awing prjv.n
r?. Ve are f-ndinj book, t-cra-tiwal
eujpinfnt. rr.U';"! mtru-t.i-T,X..
tc. to 1jI tuM
"What v.e are iUAt) j saving
hit and rr.iri'lB, but evn ;i.or,
it tit giving hope and a r.- sen?
of fliCtnty an Uie 1 udeit
realise Uiat Uiey are not forgot
ten, that Arneriran Mu dents rel)y
rare alxt them arid about th
Easy to Follow
this Arthur Murray Step
to Daintiness!
i!0 (iM r 1:30 t, fjard
your weetnei. ar.d chrm the
Wiy Arthur I.turray dir.trri
do with Odorono Cream.
Non-greaty, nofj-critty,
gtritle, no VvjV,c to u
Odorono Creim cr.ds r;jert7ia
tion annoyance T.t 1 to 3 day I
Follow thi? ,-y Arthur
Murray tp to dsintir.r
fet Odorono Cfeain today!
JOf1, 2'ti, 5V i-f,l,j tai).
Tax Odcowo Co , Jc.
t WS.
i ruu ex. jAi-oHiT tH vm ,