Friday, March 20, 1942 DAILY NEBRASKA V Have you seen these brand new spring styles, they're the smartest things we've seen in a long time. Just the kind of things "he" likes to see you wear . . . soft and becoming colors, simple and neat lines and fine tailoring. Shown ore just a few of the many successful spring styles. See them ... today! -Si 4T Printed Jerseys . . Utterly soft and lovely to wear on Easter morn. Draped skirts and the printed patterns in the most luscious spring shades. And they look as though they cost far more than their modest price! 7 95 Classic Sweaters . , , Colorful sweaters lead the fashion parade this spring on any campus . . . perhaps it's because their casualness is so important. In the group are pullovers and cardigans in such flattering shades as yellow, red, blue and natural. 50 You'll see them wherever college gals gather. The new colors and the new man tailoring. Select several pair to wear on those picnics coming up! In rayon gabar dine, 100 wool flannel and strutter cloth. SI "little" Suit Dresses , , , Smartly tailored dresses that look like Kuits. Sheer loveliness for dates and in formal afternoon gatherings. You'll find a grand selection of fabrics and colors. And you'll want at least two! 7 95 COI U S Thir lltir. g " $ mm 0 it oir tti :i V . ;"u.W3m; ?? O n '"oyy hint V t iaf Mojito) i'liiif- 9