The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 20, 1942, Page 12, Image 11

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    Friday, March 20, 1942
Pink Jk
By Jean Baker and Betty Hohf.
Today is the first day of spring
officially and what could start
this spring season off better than
a wedding?. .. .Hitting one of the
ninny ruts on the bumpy romance
road, Tecdec Talbot and Ky Stcin
rr antedated previous marital
plans by solemnizing their mar
riage at the bride's home at 4:00
yesterday afternoon. Seems that
Uncle Sam has had his gaze on
the male part of this combination
and so the Mortar Board DG de
cided to tag along instead of dy
ing of a broken heart. . . .
Tired of the drab experience of
scrapin' the plate alone, the Thetas
and Pi Phis are having exchange
dinners with the Phi Psis and Phi
Dolts respectively come this Fri
day. . .The Kappas still don't have
their yellow vase and one and only
trophy back from the Sig Alphs
who returned their call last night.
The Kappa initiates will have to
make another trip to the Sig Alph
house, no doubt . . . .
Army Gets Him, Too.
Another romance soon to hit the
main rut is that of Margaret Mead
and Bob Bailey, DU, as scon as
his Uncle Sam will let him come
to Lincoln. They hope the big
ceremony will be April 14.... The
Thetas will really splurge this
Saturday night when they enter
tain the soldier boys from 8 to 11
Ht a prolonged hour dance.... Va
rious and sundry dates to T. Dor
jscy this Friday at the Pike include
Pi Phi Bell Cochran and Kenny
Simmons, who will start the eve
ning off at the University Club.
Wolf" Van Norman. Delt, has
chosen Virginia Trowbridge, DG,
for this special occasion and
"Hook" Laurr, ATO, will be seen
there with Kit Carson, brunette
An Item to worry the ATO
brothers and one In special is the
fact that Kappa Annie Craft was
accompanied to Omaha by Chris
Petersen, not-to-be trusted Kappa
Sig.... Some quern is coming all
the way from Wahoo to attend the
Dorsey brawl with Darrel Ludl,
Sig Alph, but It seems the Bow
ery ball the following night will
see him with an NU coed, whose
name he refused to reveal for the
struggling cause of news. . . .
She's Off to California.
Betty Newman, well-known DG.
Ix off to California Saturday on a
flying visit to a certain Jack, part
ner in a last summer's romance.
We wonder what George Black
tit one, ATO, thinks about it all
The DU'a are beginning the
spring house party season Satur
day night, with Barbara Hahn,
DC, and Dick Luther planning on
attending together. ... Alpha Chi,
I'ailene Hohenscc is viewing the
world through rose colored glasses
these days since receiving an Invi
tation to June Week at Annapolis,
which really means something in
these dayrf military glory....
Tune's a fleet in' no will end this
fiee-for-all wlh a word to th
wise give those Victory Books
Saturday or else.
Bail) Groups
Hear Lecture
About Defense
Following regular business a
joint meeting of the. Barn Activi
ties Board for Women and Inter
house Council last night heard
Miss Miriam Syford, Lincoln de
fense worker, speak on Civilian
Defense and possible participation
n the future.
Plans for a dance, tentatively
set for April 11 with Janice H ige
lin chairman and plans for in
stallation of new officers Mon
day were made.
New BABW officers include
Bonnie Wennesten, president; Pat
Sand, vice president; Eleanor
Jacka, secretary; and Jean Cars-
ten, treasurer. Others members
lected at the all women's elec
tion last week were Janice Hage
lin and Evelyn Mcnke, senior;
Dorothy Anderson, Mary Ellen
Sim, and Gwen Row, juniors; and
Ann Wodder, Phyllis Holbrook, and
Laura Lee Mundil, sophomores.
With but few exceptions Michi
gan's constitution is outmoded and
needs a thorough revision, asserts
John A. Perkins of th? University
of Michigan political science department.
Union To Hold
Defense Dance
Next Saturday
Dance for defense! Sponsored by
the Union, a defense dance will be
held In the ballroom Saturday,
March 21, from 3:30 to 5 p. m.
Admission is after the idea fol
lowed on many campuses over the
country, when tho 10 cert fee is
changed to a defense and headed
back to the student for his book. If
the student wishes, he may pay
25 cents for a 25 cent stamp.
Got the $niffle?
Get your favorite nose drops
and couth medicine here.
128 No. 14th & P 2-10G8
Tivo Geography
Grad Assistants
Receive War Jobs
Miss Margaret Dale and J.
Herdford, graduate assistants in
the geography department at the
university have left for positions
in war work, according to an
nouncement by Dr. Nel.s A. Bengs
ton, department chairman.
Miss Dale left last week for
Washington, D. C, where she will
be employed in the' economic war
fare service. She will live in the
capital with Mrs. Ruth Sutherland
who left the university last fall
under similar circumstances.
Herdford left Wednesday for
Randolph Field, Tex.t where he
will serve as an instructor in
Pres. Homer P. Rainel of the
University of Texas is touring
cancer hospitals of the east and
midwest to obtain information for
a state cancer rcsearcn project.
Of 80 seniors in tha Louisiana
State university school of medicine
who are eligible for commission in
the army, navy or public health
service, 05 have applied for their
Color to Run
Wild in New
Dress Suits
By Edith Laslo.
Comes the season for colors to
run rampant and run riot they
shall with the new dress suits.
Duffy pinks, kelly greens and but
tercup yellow-all are to be found
in the classic shirtwaists, sweat
ers and accessories used to enliven
spring suit wardrobes.
According to the masculine eye"
nothing looks better than a good
looking tailored suit, stockings and
heels. Trim, neat and shipshape
is their comment.
Neat little business numbers in
the glen plaid line, with trim la
pels and long torso line also dou
ble for date duty. Smart lapel pins
to attract attention are the added
touch to complete the smart suit
picture. Alligator shoes and gloves
complete the ensemble that can
take dictation in an office, curry
favor on campus, and receive the
plaudits of the boyfriend when
dancing at the Turnpike.
Lightweight Wool Popular.
Box pleated lightweight wool
suits step in for considerable ac-
claim. Nice work, if you can get
them, what with the wool short
age and all. But they are certain
ly worth doling out the shekels
for, as they last and last and are
always good. The best investment
in wools this season is in a con
servative color since wool is in
creasingly hard to get and the suit
must last for more than one sea
son. However, conservative suits
are the background for any fash
ion frivolity that strikes your eye
in the accessory line. Man-tailored
wool suits are the best bets 'cause
that masculine influence in wom
en's clothes is here to stay.
Strictly speaking, one does not
ordinarily think of silk suits when
confronted with the word suits.
But there they are and glad are
the women because of them. The
dream of date dresses, silk suits
hit the acme of feminine fashion
fads. They lack only the versatil
ity of the wool suit, but more than
make up for this seeming fault in
their utter femininity. Also, unlike
wool and gabardine, silk suits can
be had in gay prints.
TLfilitorV OII1TQ T A mflTpn Thp lYIAn
is a good policy to follow. Defi
nitely it makes the men feel good
to see a spick and span nwliUiy
gal, in fact, they probably hope
they'll draft them. But be it mili
tary modes or frilly sheer silks,
whatever they're made of, we
want suits, suits and more suits.
A) I I , T . V7 ,
I ebraiha s fashion denier
Important sportswear fashions for your
every occasion-on the campus-with your
date-a steak fry-a tennis match-all for
your selection Saturday on our main floor!
5 wmj i
100rc Wool
Ice Cream Sweaters
3'5 t0 650
100 rc W ool
Matching Skirts
395 ,0 795
A' I'M' I'astt'l
Plaid Skirts
650 to 795
Clever Blouses
m UP
Turk your rurh in a new
Print Scarf
59 ,0 loo
Popular Shetland
Wool Jackets
One Vieee Defense
Jumper Slacks
Importdnt Slack Suits
395',; 1650
New Anklets
29 39' 49
Separate Slacks
In pluln or pUId wool and rayon
495 ,a 795
"k tAt "At "k Four Star Campus Outfit!
Separate Slack, Jackets, and khlrls to mix
or mutch, to fit your fancy. Each
I W f ftaf 1 11 Ml WVI f