The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 18, 1942, Page 3, Image 4

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    .Wednesday, March 18, 1942
Caustic Reply!
Caustic comment of the week
appeared in the Kansas State Col
legian in reply to Phog Allen's
withering "money-grabbing
scheme" evaluation orthe.N. C.
A. A. play-offs.
Come On, Phog I Quit your
mouthing off and play ball. In a
recent game one of your boy
had a technical foul called on him
for doing the same thing. Sure,
this is just the opinion of an ama
teur, but we know of plenty cf
amateurs who wish the beef would
stop coming from a school that
despises farming: (Wouldn't it be
dull to go to a school with no
state rival).
jutss&m WW
mmm ft
w If
1 1 m 1 j I
pi cfftA
Write for chart picturing
13 beautiful styles.
It describes advantages of
Wm. Demuth A Co Inc., N.i.C.
Kovacs Battles With Pros
A SfiOfdA, tVJlUiL
By Bob Miller
4 Sjr ' i
v iv- :' .
"h fill li - - - J
ftuo.Nii atuvj u ciovviiiiii; r iuijkiu vOuia, pro leiiliiS star, huvdis
is the number one pro in the tennis troupe now on a tour of the United
States. At least so he is in the eyes of the crowd. Down at the Uni
versity of Texas last week. Kovacs downed diminutive Bobby Riggs
accompanied by the Kovac humor. While the two were stroking back
handed and fore-handed shots with the crowd hushed in anticipation,
Kovacs called out to Riggs between shots, "Whadda you hear from
the folks at home, Bobby?" The tennis troupe with Kovacs, Riggs.
Don Budge and Fred Perry appeared in the coliseum during exam
week. Budge and Perry at that time were in the toils of a great feud
which when last reported was going strong.
Coeds Reduce
To Dance Music
Most persons dance .c the musi
of Glenn MUler and his band, bui
at Moulton hall, Kent state uni
versity women's dormitory, the
girls do reducing exert ises.
Each night from 10:30 to 11
o'clock, the girls take off pounds
in time to Miller's dance music.
1m 6?
For s prt tUAi fH Clamour Cirri dale book wlili
buay activity, reH earh ew day Spie and Spsn Uilored
uiti w itenuine ool broo
triC hilc pearl bllsn
mirth in a iiriigw rw
dow Ibe front of
Uilorrd iuit with the "hit
pious collar.
Sirss 1 11
I " , v.......j. i ' ' ml
m U ' mmmmmmmmmmmM ii
IPM Kiie pique rollir and
ruff en this long jarVet
uiL, will Iwp you looking
nral a your bed lau'i
Ginn Will Run
In Mile Race
Nebraska Dilanre Star
Tests Nation's Mile Elite
One Huskcr wearing the block
N' on his sweater will have a lot
of work cut out for him on Satur
Bobby Ginn, 1Z8 pounds or un
tiring muscle,
is the one con
cerned. Ginn,
b e spectacled
short and like
able, will go to
his mark, get
set and go
when the start
er sets him on
his way in the
Banker's mile
at Chicago.
Record Times.
He has per
formances that
match the best
0,cm', that any col-
Lincoin journn lege runner JS
turning out these days in his spe
cialty. Last spring he poured it
on to break the tape in 4:10.1
giving him an undisputed plarc
among the nation's leading milers,
Last Saturday hack at the iiul
ler Relay's, Ginn- contributed
1 :.r6 6 half to prove that he could
turn in record time at half the
diHtance. But this Saturday h
will be in the front line along with
the best in the college industry.
Kane Leads.
Among his competition will
Campbell Kane, Indiana bean
j)lt; John Horican, New York ne
gro distance man and Walter Mehl
of Wisconsin. It should bring out
the best in Ginn who has not had
any competition thiH indoor wen son
in his p t event.
He set his own pace all the way
this year in Big Six indoor trials
and now that he will have pome
one to push him, Huskcr track
fans can expect things to pop.
On Intestinal Fortitude.
This trio of stars will push the
time to a near record time. Kane
was timed at 4:15 in a mile relay
race at the Butler get-together
and that came after he had turne"d
in a l:f5 half. Kane is tall and
has the stride advantage over
Ginn who runs half on intestinal
fortitude and the other half on his
own merits as a pacer.
Harold Hunt, pole vault ace and
Red Littler, sprint rhamp, may
attend the meet in Chicago along
with Ginn and Coach Kd Weir.
Seven members of last fall's
University of Texas football squad
were maiTid.
DEMAND for an increased amount of rubber due to the war
effort has caused considerable speculation in regard to the possible
effect on sports... The query concerns the fact that most athletic
equipment uses a great amount of rubber. . .Footballs, basketballs,
tennis balls, handballs etc., are only a few of the pieces of equipment,
needing rubber in its makeup. . .The consensus of opinion is that while
there will have to be some conservation in these various sports, there
will not have to be wholesale curtailment of the sports.
FOR most universities came the announcement that there will be
no rationing in the intramural spring program. . .This is due to the
fact that the government, recognizing the mcra!e-bui!ding ability of
sports, has demanded a high priority rating for sports materials...
Another factor has been the farsightedness of officials in ordering
advance supplies of sports materials. .. Many coileQes have supplies
of footballs and basehan bats have been stored up in sufficient quan
tity to insure the preservation of that sport.
Tennis and Golf
WHILE there is some speculation as to tennis and golf balls due
to the limited life of these objects. . .However, this is unfounded since
the government realizes the vaiue of these two sports. ..One of Amer
ica's foremost women's tennis stars has been r.amtd director of the
women's division of the physical fitness campaign as a further testi
monial of the place which tennis holds in buihmig Americans. . .She is
Alice Marble. . .There will, of course, be a fewer number of new talls
available but at least there will be some on hand.
New Type of Basketballs
AS another outcome of the rubber shortage, basketballs have been
reconditioned. . .The old-type is out for the duration and probably
forever. . .The new type ball is built upon the principle of the cord
tire and it's appearance has saved basketball. .. It takes as much of
precious rubber as the old style needed but the government has experi
mented and rounc? t?iat tne new one can pass the priority board since
it has four-times greater wearing power... It has several advantages
in addition to the wearing quality... It retains its shape for a longer
period and seems to have more bounce... By eliminating the hand
lacing, it is harder to repair a puncture but it can be done... For that
reason it will probably outlast the old type... At least the cage sport
has been spared for a while at least.
Those Swimming Pools
VITAL as a sport is swimming and here comes a problem. . .Since
chlorine that is needed to keep the swimming tanks free from germs
has been called into action for munitions production, there is the
chance that pools will have to be closed until a new purifier can be
discovered. . .To date this has become the largest problem with which
to cope ... Something will be found more than likely and even this
problem will be removed.
Queer Shortage
BADMINTON birdies give sport officials their biggest problem
The rubber tip on the birdie has to be procured in first place
...In the second place, the feathers that are needed for each birdie
come from the best feathers of grease that are found in only central
and southern Europe ... Synthetic feathers will have to be manu
factured in their stead.
A Brightness Lurks
NO matter if there is a shortage in these things, there is still a
government in power cognizant of the fact that sports are the pri
mary essentials for a physical minded nation and they are going to
protect what helps to protect them...Everv dark cloud stems to
have its silver lining.
Bowling Pins
Bang as I-M
Teams Scrap
Ed Dosek's 211 game started
the current intramural bowling
season off Monday night, with a
bang. Iosek and teammate Fay
Paiker, who had the high series
of 337, paced the Delts to a iT.Oh
1304 victory over the IVlta Sigs.
Kmil Spilker with a series of 274
was the losers best man. The other
match in League 2 resulted in a
DU victory over the Farm House.
The Beta Sigs registered a
1423-1339 victory over the ATOs.
to open the competition in League
I. Floyd Walter's series of 331
was the main factor in the Beta
Sig triumph. The Alpha Sigs
joined the Beta Sigs in a tie for
first place by nipping the AGRe
llSf-llf(0. High man lor th3 win
ners with a total of 277 pins was
The SAEs and the Thl Gams
took the opening wins in League
3. The SAK representatives beat
the strong Thi Fsi outfit 1474
1344. The Phi Gam quintet knock
ed over 130 pins, compared to the
Thi Dells' 13G0. Hartman Goetze
rolled games of 210 and 190 for
the losers.
The United States has some 600
junior col)egs.
New undcrarm
Cream Deodorant
Stops Persperaticn
1. Does lint rot dmsrt or men'
thirci. Poet not irrittte ikin.
2. No uniting to dry On be
used richi sftei thaving.
X. Iruuntljr itopi penpmiion
for 1 to i itft. Removei obr
from perspiration.
4. A pure, white, greasclesi,
stainless vanishing cream.
t. Arrid has been awarJrd rhe
A pproval Seal of the A roe ru an
Institute of Laundering for
being harmlcsi to Ubrtfi.
DEODORANT. Try a Jar today
Al all Mam wUIfl -iirt
(bIm la tor a S9f )w)