The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 19, 1942, Page 4, Image 8

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Thursday, February 19, 1942
Qkhhu (psdsiAAsuv
We dip deep into the dregs of
doings and come forth with that
which is dripping and gripping.
That which is dripping The
best laid plans of SAE Fred
Gruesel, who is among the most
timid of timid souls, for a mate
date with B Lou Waechter of the
Dee Gee hut. Imagine or picture,
if you can her lips before the
goodnight, and his after the ses
sion. . . . That which is. gripping
Marty Palmer's wrath and rage
at Wednesday lunch in which she
informed mess mates that she was
letting her finger-nails grow so
she could etch her "tell-off" to
Beta Robin Munson all over his
prize pan. . . .
We'll scratch around for more
details later. ... We practically
jumped out of our jodphurs when
we stumbled across that smooth--as-glass
Delta Gam Bette Rath
burn tea dance dating mashing,
flashing Handsome Hanson of
Farm House and Corncob fame.
You're a readin' the right dope
Phi Delt Tom Davies. . . . DDD
Mariah predla putted off to
Wentworth last week end to visit
two military men there and ex
plained the sojourn as a visit to
her cousin. We take it for granted
that cousin was buzzin'. , . .
Then there's KAT Pat Cham
berlain and Rita Burgess who en
tertain themselves during lectures
by writing backwards. We've been
accused of doing that here. Ah,
well . . . You can bet your bot
tom dollar that when autos get
scarce, the DU's will be the first
house on the campus to build a
stable. . . . Thetas treated Inno
. cents to a dinner fit for a king
last eve. It makes one feel like a
Sultan in a harem to take on fine
food in the company of a bevy
of beauteous lassies. For proof,
ask food and ego inflated Friar
Tuck Rundin in one of your spare
moments. . . .
By the shades of old Sweden,
the Johnsons are combining. Dee
Gee Helen will partner with Fiji
Bud for his hut's formal come this
Sattiday. . . . Anti-socialist of
the DU riUlel, Jackson Nelson
noted the long wool stockings of
Pi Phi Gay Gaden in the Grill
yesterday aft to remark, "It's
things like that that make men
want to fight the Japs." . . . This
is the end of our imperfect day.
We're done now.
Evverbuddy knows how the
gels all go lor a young medico
butcha oughta see 'em go for
young Jimmy Kildare in DR.
JIoal UV JJtSL (DjCVlL . . .
White Wardrobe Sets Pace
jln Spring Fashion Parade
At stndrata will daaee to tttr rMs.rdtnjt
( trading orchestras today al p. m.
during the regular Tharsday matinee
danr Iwld la the at SM-tivitira biiildinc.
Admlttanrr In by idrntlliratloa rard.
Cora Cob activities and pledge will
mrrt tonlgbl al ?:! p. m. al mm SI A
nt the Dnloa. It. Donald Steele, presi
dent, ask everyone tn be there n time.
$1.00 Wildroot
79c Pro-Phy-Loc-Tic
Hair Brush
Both For
Milk Shakes
Thick and Delicious
Pa I mo live
Shave Cream
2 For 33c
Stuart Theatre Bldg.
By Jean Baker.
A flashlight in a blackout is
spectacular white, new this win
ter and even newer for spring.
From a perch atop feather curls
down to white monogrammed
anklets and soft white Grecian
sandals, the color that isn't a color
has taken over the lead in fashion
Coeds this year can look cold
like the weather yet keep warm
In a white knitted Dutch cap
matched by long ribbed cotton
hose and white string gloves to
replace the slightly worn fur
mittens; plus a luscious, soft,
white fuzzy swagger coat but
toneu clear to the neck. In tune
with all this purity would be one
of the long white sweaters, whose
Council, Union
Sponsor Coffee
Hour Today
All students, and particularly
those interested in the department
of psychology, are invited to the
first student-faculty coffee hour
to be held today from 5 to 6 p. m.
in the faculty lounge of the
Planned to improve student-faculty
relations and sponsored by
the Student Council and the Stu
dent Union, the coffee hour is to
be a regular feature at the Union
every other Thursday. Each time
a different department of the Uni
versity is to be honored, the de
partment of psychology being
first. Faculty members of the par
ticular department, majors, and
graduate students will be present
at each hour.
popularity is already proven.
For your more daring moods,
try one of the very newest white
tweed skirts made dirndl style
with one huge patch pocket. Worn
with a black sweater, this last
constitutes the tops in Vogue
sponsored outfits. If it rains just
as you are starting for that coke
date, throw on a white rayon voile
tain cape with hood attached and
a pure white umbrella as a topper.
For Courage.
To bolster your courage to face
six weeks of Lent, try a draped
white silk turban that frames
j'our face completely falling in all
encompassing folds in the back.
Further items in present fashion's
collection of stark white hats are
broad-brimmed, ruffled bonnets
and flat little sailors worn
straight on your head.
BDOC . . .
(Continued from Page 1.)
petition signed by 25 enrolled stu
dents to the committee. Petitions
may be presented from Friday un
til Monday.
BDOC Climax.
The BDOC contest, sponsored by
the Daily Nebraskan and Esquire
will be climaxed with the presen
tation of the BDOC at the Junior
Senior Prom. March 6. At this
time the fashion editor of Esquire
will present the winner with a gold
Members of the committee
will meet at 5 p. m. this after
noon in room 316 of the Union
to draw up the first list of
watch. He will also receive a com
plete outfit from Harvey's, Ma
gee's, Simon's and Gold's valued
at $150.
Goddess .
(Continued from Page 1.)
quirements: An average of 80 or
above, active participation in col
lege activities, and leadership
The following list of girls which
has Beeta approved by club spon
sore, meets all the requirements
and therefore constitutes the list
of candidates for this honor:
Rose Bernfet Anderson, Rosemary At
kinson, Dorothy Bun. .lean Burr, Norma
Jean Campbell. Patricia Clinton, Max
Ina Copaev, Pearle Damkroger. Ruth
Suiber Dann. Gladys DavU, Ben Allot
Day, Retha Kdeal. Helen Krtckson,
Klleen Key, Kthelyn Klndlav, Alice Kolda,
Ruth Gates. Lorraine Grant, Kdna Oum
mert, Adri'h Hackman, Miriam Hack
man. Florence Hamer. Ruth Harvey,
Mary Bell Haumont, Alice Hoegemeyer,
Ruth Hult. Marie lngalls, Uioile Jack,
Kunice Jenny, Marjorie Knoll, Rosemaiie
Kotas, Margaret Iambrecht, Elaine Lud
den. Betty Mcr'arland. June McMeen,
Dorothy MaUley, Ruth Millar, Ruth
Myers. Monehtu Newman. Helen Nova
cek, Margaret Ohtt, Rosella Olsan. Uerda
Petersen, Lola Peterson, Magdalene
Plisler. Virginia Phillips, Patricia Pres
ton, Mvrtle Quimby. Mytanwy Rees.
Velma ReiRle, Lois Riggs. Helen
Schultr.. Dorothy Sic. Frances Simon,
Jay Rloneckjr, Belty Spalding. Jean
Marie Stewart, Maria.i Swanson, Mary
Ulrich, Beiyl Weaver, Vivian Wester
hoff (lausman. Dorothy White and
Kiln Wilkins. Louise Frolich and Xenia
Llndbeig tie also eligible, but they
are attending the Merrill-Palmer school
this smes'er. so could not be here for
the event.
Identity of Home
w M M at M F
ic urncers ire s
Announced Today
The new officers of the Home
Economics association, elected in
January, will be presented to the
club members at the installation
tea, to be held this afternoon,
from 4 to 5:30 p. m. in the home
economics parlors, ag campus.
Identity of the new officers will
be kept secret until the moment
of presentation. Both old and new
cabinet members will serve; sym
bols in the form of lapel gadgets
will designate which are old, and
which new, cabinet members.
Betty " Ann Tisthammer is chair
man in charge of the affair.
Your Drug Store
Buy Your Tobacco and
Confectioneries at the
148 No. 14th Si P
! 04 v
Dept. of Speech School of Fine Arts
Febr. 18, 19, 20 Curtain 8:00 P. M.
. A dm.
7 I
i-th a it t.
fiawr tlUne M. UJ.
;nirfl S iap(illsiy:
Klnrks. slacks, slacks
...IIIOVVO lllfk lolllfcS VOI1 I4IV4"
1msI ... fiiii4'liiial.
Mimiii. f mi lo vckar ...
vou'vo taken l llikin liko 111 4
provorliial lnk in wnlrr...
and Simon's (basking in your
rofl4k4lions) arc jnsl 10 slops
ali4katl of you . lr. gals furor
for slacks ... Simon's give you
slacks of every imporlanl version
. . . cvkn I lie new fly-fronl,
peg-lrouser sensalions ...
see lliese a I Simon's.