The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 10, 1942, Page 2, Image 2

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Tuesday, February 10, 1942
The Daily Nckaskan
Subscription Rates are $1.00 Tc-r Semester or $1.50 for
the College Year. $2.50 Mailed. Single copy, 6 Cents.
Entered ad second-class matter at tho postoffioe in Lin
coin, Nebraska, under Act of Congress March 3, lf79,
and at special rate of posture provided for in Section 1103,
Act of October 3. 1917. Authorized September 30, 19-'2.
Published Dolly diirinR the school year except Mondays and
Saturdays, vacations and examinations periods by Students of
the 1'niversily of Nebraska under the supervision of the Pub
lications Board.
Offices I'nion Building
Dny 2-71M. Nijjht - 2-7193. Journal 2-3330.
Editor Paul E. Svoboda
Business Manager Ben Novicoff
ManaKinR Kditors Marjorie Brunlnn, Bob Schlaler
News Kditors Georpe Abbott, Alan Jacobs,
June .lamieson, Helen Kclley, Art Klvin.
Rjiorts Kditor Bob Miller
Member Nebraska Press Association, 11)41-42
Assistant Bus Mnnatieis Betty Dixon, Phil Kantor
ClrculMlon Mnniiser Stuart Muskln
All onsliiiiid editorial are the opinions of the editor and
should not be mnstrueted to reflect the views et the ad
ministration or of the university.
Student Council
Tackles a Big Job
Filings for chairman of the newly created
jNebraska Student Foundation open tomorrow
under the sponsorship of the Student Council.
The first chairman of the federation, who will
be chosen by the Council from among the names
of those filing before Saturday, will act as the
head of the entire organization consisting of
approximately 100 members.
The Nebraska Federation will act in effect
as n "student lobby" for the University of Ne
braska. Under the chairman of the Federation
will be six district captains each representing
an electoral district of the board of regents.
These districts in turn will be broken down
into counties with a leader or captain in each
The primary duty of the individual members
of the federation will be to publicize the uni
versity. They will attempt to acquaint the
citizens of Nebraska with the purpose, and at
tainments of the university through personal
contact with the various members of the com
munities and to see that all the country news
papers are given adequate and intelligent in
formation concerning the university.
The federation is a large undertaking and
after its installment as a "lobbying agency"
for the university it will bear a considerable
share of the responsibility for the publicity,
good and bad, which the university receives
throughout the state.
If the proposed plan is to achieve any meas
ure of success the Student Council must choose
wisely from the list of those students filing for
the position.
The inertia which besets the initial functions
f any organization can be overcome only by
wise and whole-hearted leadership.
Faction, class, affiliation or non-affiliation
must be set aside by the Student Council when
it selects the chairman of Nebraska Student
.My Dear Mr. Editor:
For some time, 1 have been quite content
with my subscription to your paper. On the
whole, 1 have found your standards of journal
ism praiseworthy and incomparable. Your
news copy has been properly tedious and in
significant; your gossip column, inane and in
accurate; your editorials sophomoric enough to
be unintelligible. Jn short, you have been ad
mirably performing the honorable functions of
a good newspaper. The illiterate are' happy,
because you have made them think they can
read; and the intelligent feel superior, because
you have made them certain of what they
should not read. Hut now, despite your credit
able record, I find you slipping from your for
mer excellence, and exhibiting a social con
sciousness. You have become concerned about "student
affairs." Your agents report that there is no
barb party, and that the greeks, for want of
competition, are becoming indolent. At this
point you forget that you are a newspaperman,
and your social consciousness leads you to rabble-rousing,
to inciting the barbs to organize.
1 hasten this letter to you, to remind you of
your paper's glorious past, and to beg you to
cast off this crusading spirit, this tribune-of-the-people
makeup. May 1 tell you your ex
citement over the organization of a barb party
may leave serious consequences. A barb party
might be organized. No end of trouble might
be caused. The greeks would have no excuse
for their indolence, the greeks who want to
prove their innocence by holding political of
fice might have difficulties being elected. The
Student Council might be reformed. (You
know that the good work of your paper pre
vented one barb attempt to reform the Stu
dent Council, but another time even your in
fluential hand might be of no avail.) There
might even be a widespread interest in student
affairs. Who knows, perhaps sonwone and
may we be spared this may presume to
change the Daily Nebraskan. Even worse,
someone might make an audible objection to
the kind of education being served up in this
"University." Let not your words, even if
they are spoken in jest, create a situation as
serious as this.
I hope that, this short note may inform you
of the eommendableness of your former con
duct, and remind you of the condemnableness
of your present stand. For your paper's sake,
yea for the University community's sake, can
not you return to your former path of illit
eracy and social unconcern.
Earnestly yours,
Arts and Science Freshman.
The Editor Says . . .
Hat's off to the freshman mature and wise.
Nothing escapes him from ground to skies
He knows the answers from A to Z
What else to say? Excuse me!
The editor
(Continued from Page 1.)
ample, Japan must pay much more
for her armaments. She has had
to pay extra for battleships, but
tshe has the battleships now."
On-the-spot Arms.
With labor the key factor be
hind her army and her whole in
dustrial set-up, the Japanese mili
tarists have been able to furnish
Japan with more "on the spot"
arms at the present time than the
United State9 can right now. As
a result, the Japanese have had a
tremendous advantage, especially
with the great victory she won by
her surprise attacks at the begin
ning of the war.
The cultural differences between
Western and Oriental are demon
strated, according to the UN prof
essor, by the little iegard for
scarcity of life held by the Japs,
because of the nation's overpopu
lation and also because of her
cultural history. Nationalism and
religion are also so related than
the Japs have no qualms in dy
ing in battle.
"America's problems of supply
for the East Indies are more dif
ficult than those of Hitler in Rus
sia." the speaker pointed, out
"Not only is the fighting far
away but it is spread across a tre
mendous theatre difficult to vis
ualize on a small-scale map.
"Manilla is about the same dis
tance from San Francisco as Tibet
is from New York. Even Honolulu
is as far from Manila as is Baku,
Russia from New York. From
northwestern Sumatra to eastern
New Guinea is as far from Juneau,
Alaska to Miami, Fla."
Circular Route.
Because of Japanese control of
strategic islands, America's fleet
You'll Split Your Sides
"IKIflGIKl JINKSyv Variety Show
A Red Cross War Fund Benefit
Weaver fir Metz
Ballroom Artists
Direct from Ong
Prof. Swortz &
Lucky Don A meeting
of Master Minds
3:00 and 8:00 P. M. Sat., Feb. 14
Union Ballroom See o Tassel or Corn Cob
Dental Dean
Hooper Talks
At Convention
Dr. Bert L. Hooper, dean of the
dental college, will exhibit motion
pictures depicting advanced dental
techniques at the Chicago Dental
Society's 78th annual midwinter
meeting, Feb. 23 to 26 in Chicago.
Dr. Hooper will make his presen
tation at one of the limited attend
ance clinics of the meeting.
This dentistry meeting is ex
pected to draw 7,000 dentists from
all parts of the United States,
Canada, and South America. One
of the features of the society's
meeting will be the use of scien
tific motion pictures, similar to
Dr. Hooper's, to illustrate new
dental processes.
Frosh Invited
To Book, Review
Freshmen women are especially
invited to the Coed Counselor Book
Review club which will meet Tues
day night at 7 p. m. in the Union
bookroom. Miss Margaret Rut
ledge of the university library will
review Lin Yutang's present best
seller "Leaves in the Storm." The
meeting is open to the public.
Courses . . .
(Continued from Page 1.)
jury cases. Maxillo-facial urgery,
combat and hospital treatment will
be given emphasis. Because of this
course, the department of oral
surgery, of which Dr. F. W. Web
ster is chairman, has been aug
mented by staff physicians of
Bryan Memorial, Lincoln General
and St. Elizabeth hospitals.
In connection with this course,
each of the senior students will be
assigned an internship for a pe
riod of two weeks at one of the
hospitals during the year. The stu
dent will live at the hospital and
wil be given the opportunity to see
emergency operations which will
aid in his acquiring practical ex
perience. Herlzlor Writes Essay
"Jews in Gentile World"'
Prof. J. O. Hertzler, chairman of
the sociology department, is a con
tributing author to "Jews in the
Gentile World: The Problem of
Anti-Semitism," just published
by the MacMillan Co. Dr. Hertz
ler's essay is entitled "The Sociol
ogy of Anti-Semitism Through
must go near Australia to get to
Manila, he said. On the map, the
shortest distance from San Fran
cisco to Manila is a path up to the
Aleutian islands, then to Tokio,
and down the coast to Manila- ap
pears as a semi-circular route.
"Why then doesn't the U. S. at
tack Tokio and get the war over
fast without paying much atten
tion to the Philippines? The an
swer is lack of bases," Prof. Harris
asked, then answered. "We have
no bases in the south Pacific and
it will be two or three years be
fore possibility of excellent bases
in the north Pacific can be de
veloped. Vladivostock is inaccessible to
American ships, and you can't fly
a warship there."
Careful Organization.
The Japanese thrust has shown
careful organization and able ex
ecution, said Prof. Harris. With
a fight she acquired enough rice
in French Indo-China and Thai
and enough tin and rubber to fill
the needs for any conceivable con
tinuance of the war.
In the Philippines, Malaya and
Netherlands Indies she is acquir
ing hemp, sugar cane, quinine and
other tropical products, blockading
western supplies of tin and rubber
and is securing outposts for the
defense of Japan itself.
A U. S. blockade won't work,
he predicted, except for oil, and
Japan has undoubtedly a large
quantity stored away.
Penning Rifle.
Ther will I a r-M-Uon at 5:00 to.
night In Ntbrnvka hull. Complete uniform
U inquired.
. . I'hamwry dob will hold Ha mralftr
mertlnn tonight at 1:110 to room SIS nf
th 1 ftloa. All BManbera are arged te
lit tend.
. Two timely film, "Cd, Coaat to
Coaat" and "Alaaaa and the Yukon" will
be boa daring the Strata Film Hour In
the mala lobby of the Union at 4:SO tote
Play for Fitness,
YWCA Sponsors
Recreation Nite
Sponsored by the city Y. W.
C. A. in keeping with their "play
for physical fitness" program, a
Play Nite open to university stu
dents will be held Saturday, Feb.
14, from 7:30 to 10:30 p. m. at the
Y. W., with recreation ranging
from badminton to square dancing
on the schedule.
In addition to the square danc
ing, which was included on the
evening's program by request,
table tennis, shuffleboard, volley
ball, swimming and roller skating
facilities will be available. Univer
sity medicals are acceptable from
those who desire to swim.
Play Nitcs will be held regu
larly every other Saturday night
alternating with the weeks of city
Y. M. C. A. mixers.
Inquirer . .
(Continued from Page 1.)
"didn't notice any difference just
a little less sleep. I'm not mad
about it."
Campus Lit Up.
When ftsked how the time
change fiffi-eted him, Charles Bol
us, a custodian in social science,
replied: "It didn't mother me.
When I came to school the campus
was lit up like a Christmas tree.
One student came up and asked
me what time it was and when I
told him it was 8 o'clock, he just
looked kind of rtazed."
A junior in teachers college,
Peggy Jones answered the report
er's question with "I've been
sleepy all day. Yes, I am mad
about it."
I've Been Yawoin.'"
"I didn't mind it so much, just
kind of tired today," was the reply
of Don Dobry, arts freshman as
he entered the bookstore. "I've
been yawnin' all day, but then
maybe I'll feel better next week."
A senior in teachers college high
school, Lillian Sehwindt, looking
just a little frightened, replied, "I
just went to bed earlier last night,
and it doesn't seem like I'm get
ting out of school an hour earlier
by the clock."
Charles Bingham, a junior in the
high school replied, "Oh it didn't
bother me. It stems like I'm get
ting out of school an hour earlier."
All In all, it looks like the new
time didn't seriously interrupt the
normal lives of the university's
students, but boy, ain't it dark in
the morning!
Carl Sandburg is the most popu
lar of living American poets, ac
cording to a survey of University
Of Kentucky English students.
The original brick walls of
Bent)ey hall, Allegheny college
administration building erected in
the 18208, tue 18 inches thick.
Starts THl'RSDAY! !
Mare Rip Kt faring
(,.. V Fun . Than all their
' hUarumi hit in ant-!
V 'iuaon dstbio
Tai Inrl. I '" I
t I Aane(wrnn
8art light
Make Her Valentine "Flowers"
Only 4 Days Till Valentine's Day
Feb. 14
1306 N 2-2234