The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 06, 1942, Page 4, Image 4

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Friday, February ,6, 1942 !
CfolLiu (p&hAAsuv
Life is h cauldron, a mad niass
of tribulations with befuddled
youth vainly attempting- to stag
ger out some sort of a cynicnl so
lution. They tread in the clouds
only far enough to tumble into an
abyss of pessimism. Then comes
the pause to wonder why in the
Hades we constantly pursue this
thing called pleasure when the ul
timate satisfaction found there is
ao incidental. So what?
People say Foo Psi Harold
Hickey and Alpha Fee Marge Riv
ett have called a peace pow wow
and are patching1 up their broken
down affair. . .SAE Ajax Mills has
priority ratings in the Dee Gee
Ginny Noyes league nowadays.
Noyes is the social butterfly what
flits from male blossom to male
blossom robbing: each of its nec
tar. . .Betas are hellweaking. Look
at any active for half dead evi
dence... A posy to Towne Club
members for the swell entertain
ment they're giving- Flying School
boys this eve. . . ATO's will church
and dine dates come the Sabbath.
Couplings include such twosomes
as Jean York, Theta, with Donald
James, Helen Goodwin on the arm
of Sam Seifert. And there will be
others with others...
Brushing Up.
Tab the toothpaste smile and
brushed locks of Spence Porter
who is trying to blitzkrieg that
Kappa salient, Annie Craft. His
attitude is purely blase when
brothers make mention of the time
she keeps with ATO Tom Miller
and Fooji Norris Anderson...
Pledges silently curse the mystery
man who keeps them running
after Alpha Xi Lois Bridenbaugh
so she can catch the all too many
long distance telewacky calls he
tongues her way... And what of
the sophisticate who didn't go to
the opera the other eve but decided
impressions that he was there
would conlribuate towards the
apex in suaveness. To give said
impression he public-ally congratu
lated a fern lead on her perform
ance in the third act. There was
no third section!. . .
Just in Case.
If you get tired of enteitaining
your date yourself, sit in on a
session of "Hellsapoppin" which
closely parallels the stage version
in context. . .Pat Cole's Bob Sin
key spending a couple of days in
the horscpital for a minor opera
tion on the nose and Pat Cole there
almost enough to be charged room
rent... Theta Mileno Hansen
spending much time in the com
pany of the steady old Delt Art
Lincoln now that heartbeat
Mickey of the Sig Nu house is
keepin' 'em from flying. .. Sun
day will bring one of the most
racous revelations of the year on
He: Hi.
She: H'lo.
He: Uh
She: Yes.
He: I hear there's a dance at
the Student Union Friday
night the Oth.
She: Oh?
He: Uh huh.
She: Who's playing,
He: Johnny Cox.
She: Oh?
He: Uh huh.
She: OH! Johnny Cox.
He: Yeah. Wanna go?
Sihe: OH! I'd just love to go.
He: Okay. It's hell-week at
the house
and I'll
have one
of the
In Step . . .
Union Starts
Dancing Class
At Ag Campus
To keep Nebraska students up to
ihe minute with the folk dance
craze storming university cam
puses over the country, the Stu
dent Union is sponsoring a square
dancing class on Ag campus in
the activities building. The class
will begin Tuesday, Feb. 10, at
6:45 and will last until 8 p. m.,
continuing every Tuesday night for
six lessons. Students may enroll
that night and at the Feb. 17
session only, after which registra
tion will be closed. There is no
charge for instruction.
Square-dancing proved its popu
larity on this campus last semester
when the Union sponsored a simi
lar series of lessons held in the
Union ballroom. The popular
leaders of that class. Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Danielson, will again in
struct. a Beta boy and his sundry infatua
tions which is torrid enough to
blow the lid from .this campus'
canned social conglomerate...
Watch for it... We're done how.
Funnier, crazier, tunier and
loonier than the stage show is
Hellzapoppin' at the Stuart the
atre NOW! Adv.
"Boxing Match" Stage Set
For Comedy "Bird In Hand"
. . . Sunday in Union
The department of speech will
present John Drinkwater's uproar
ious three-act comedy, "Bud in
Hand," Sunday afternoon, Feb. 8.
at 4 o'clock in the Union ballroom.
This is the second in a series of
plays presented by students in the
department and sponsored by the
Union. Identification cards are
good for admittance.
A story of modern times, the
play concerns class distinctions in
England and their coming aboli
tion. The innkeeper of the "Bird
in Hand" refuses to allow his
daughter to marry the son of the
lord of the neighboring manor be
cause he believes an heir to a
manor is too good for his daugh
California Casuals....
Masterfully tailored of Strooeh Chuntla a
new fabric that's soft and lipht. Suit and top
coat match a costume complete in itself
and backlog of your wardrobe. Jf'j unnrt
these day$ to buy quality pure wools of
classic cut that iccar well and hutk well for
days to come.
Suits 29.95 Coats $35
Council Outlines Ambitiousj
Altho the war has caused a cur
tailment in the scope of the Ne
braska Foundation, now being or
ganized by the Student Council,
Burton Thiel, Council president,
declared yes
terday that
there is an im
portant place
for such a serv
ice institution
on the campus.
With ground
w o r k having
been laid all
last- semester,
evolution of the
f o u n d a t i on
would be ac
cepted from
Wednesday to
Saturday next
week at John
Selleck's office
in the coliseum.
Hurlua Thirl.
C'miriy Journal.
With no requirements in regard
to affiliation, sex, or class, candi
dates for chairman must file a
platform and an outline of quali
fication when applying for the of
fice. The Council will then choose
from the candidates.
Plans Changed.
Under the original plans, the
federation was to consist of a
ter. The ardent suitor finally con
vinces papa and all ends well.
The characters and action of
"Bird in Hand'' will be seen by the
audience as at a boxing match, the
regular stage being extended into
the middle of the ballroom and
spectators seated around three
sides of it.
Robert Hyde will play the inn
keeper, Carlene Hohensee. his
daughter; and Ronald Metz will be
seen as the suitor. The cast also
includes Robert Aldiich, William
Reece, Clarence Flick, Josephine
Weaver, and Bernard Schwartz.
Clarence Flick is also acting as
student director of the produc
tion. Rady - I - War SrM4 Flwtr.
for Uni Foundation
number of committees including
one for a Foundation Ball, Col
lege Days, Student Statewide Ac
tivities committee and several
other minor committees. Entrance
of the U. S. in war resulted in
dropping of all committees except
the statewide activities committee
which this year, according to Thiel
will-be synonymous to tire f6unda
tion. Altho not pointed this year, the
chairman will probably be heavily
pointed next year. He will choose,
with the approval of the Council,
a six man board, each man repre
senting a Regents district.
Promote Good Will.
Acting as a central governing
body the board will carry out a
campaign planned by the Student
Council which has as its purpose,
"To serve as a medium for the
promotion of good will towards
the university on the part of the
public; to promote school spirit
among the student body; to re
lieve the strain of the limited fi
nancial budgets; to maintain the
present high status of the univer-
I-F Ball
(Continued from Page 1.)
out," and those who tire of danc
ing but still want entertainment
will find the game rooms and the
ping pong parlor open for their
Because of the limitation of the
ball to 500 couples, of which one
member of the couple must be a
Greek, a ticket rationing will go
into effect. Tickets will sell for
$1.50 a couple, and may be ob
tained from the fraternity presi
dents or the interfraternity
I'or Sivpoihoart - Family - Fripnd
1221 'iV
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s :
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sity, while, at the same time, fos
tering greater progress by the in
stitution in the field of education."
Once the foundation gets or
ganized, the board will cooperate
with alumni association, the pub
licity service, in the dissemination
of information concerning the uni
versity thru the respective Re
gents districts.
These board members will have
under them representatives from
each county in their district. These
county representatives will serve
as direct links between UN and
their counties.
Thiel asked yesterday that stu
dents interested in filing for the
foundation post see him at the
Council office for all available information.
Johnston's Chocolates
always make a hit
148 No. 14th &. P 2-1068
I'.elter start saving
yours for Cupid's
hiiT clay
Febr. 14th
St. - Unrolii
v. J
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