Sunday, January 18, 1942 DAILY NEBRASKAN KflSg Duffy K I By Bob Miller J Doff Our Headgear Although it was his personal rather than his professional self speaking, President Roosevelt in urging the continuance of profes sional baseball did a great deal to strengthen a weakening sport . . . With the knowledge that the President stands behind this phase of sports, big league managers will give the "go-sign" to spring train ing schedules. Diamond Dust Along the baseball line for a change, there are several items of interest . . . Hank Greenberg, home run minded Detroit first baseman, announced that he would return to the army in a month . . . Lou Boudreau, 24 year old player-manager of the Cleveland Cry-Baby team, has added five pounds to his build . . . Says that he will have that to start worrying off next season. f Maple Shavings To stimulate more accurate free throw activity, Coach Lewamlow- DUs, SAEs Win Badminton, Water Polo Playoffs Winning chanmionshin in the badminton playoffs Thursday were the DUs who won over the SAE's 2-1. In the water doIo matches, the Sig Alphs took the championship from the Phi Delts 14-3 in the game last night. The ATOs won the consolation over the AlDha Sigs 14-8. Barb basketball results proved interesting to followers. Winners and scores: Palladian over ACBC II 14-2. Newman club over I FT 12-7. Brown Palace over Barb Points 12-6. CBC I over Tappa Nu Keg 29-4. War Mongers over Bruins 14-12. Student Union over Carrie Bell Boys 14-12. MDulp rasters NOW! POWEB DIVE ON YOUR HEART! with RALPH BELLAMY REGIS TOOMEY VI... "DO NT GET PERSONAL" HUGH HERBERT M1SC1IA AUER NEBRASKA 25c u t r.M ski has had his cagers stepping to tne.foul line every night and fir ing 25 free shots and recording their records . . . Thus far Johnny Thompson and Charley Vavanti have had the highest completion record 2Z-Z5 ... Sid Held, who missed six out of seven gratis tosses against Kansas State, had a 19-25 record followed by Harry Goetze and John Fitzgibbon, with 18-25. Reducing Experts Another interesting chart found in the dressing room besides the free throw record was the weight chart . . . The cagers are required to weigh in before and after the practice session each day . . .The average amount of weight lost during the work-out if four pounds . . . Sid Held is an interesting ex ception, he loses on the average of about 1 pound and a fourth at every session. Bugles, Tents, etc. Wavne Blue is the latest patri otic athlete on the Nebraska cam- dus ... He was accepted into the army air corps and will be unable to compete in conference iracx meets . . . Howard Kelly has taken his physical for the air division also . . . Marv Thompson, Harry (Continued from Page 1.) overhead shot and the margin be tween the two teams was 41-30. The End of the Trail John Buescher's swisher was soon nullified by Held's two gratis tosses at Black's expense and Ne braska was ready to check in their suits. But not Kansas. With the aforementioned minute and a fraction remaining, Miller, Buescher, Sollenberger and Black kept the nets hot with their dar ing shots to overpower the Husk- ers by the final 19 point margin. Nebraska Drops The loss dropped Nebraska down to a tie for third and fourth with Oklahoma who waj spilling Kan sas State, 26-25. Both teams have two wins and a single loss with both teams losing to the same Kansas aggregation. Kansas is in undisputed lead of the conference with three victories and no losses. Idle Iowa State comes next, having won one and lost none. As for personal sidelights of the game, there were many. Dr. For rest C. ' Phog Allen, outspoken Jayhawk mentor, was sitting on the bench with the satisfied look of a good job well done. The entire Kansas team had the same look after the last minute rampage had so thoroughly disheartened the Huskers. Play Underdog Role The Huskers fought hard throughout, being the decided un derdogs from the beginning. They January Sales! Tyrolean! Formol! Crew Neck! 9 Cardigan! Special Purchase of Women's Sweaters C&U Exhibits Powerhouse To verahellmniedl IKIaiisEseirs Hunt and Vic Schleich have all signed for naval reserve, preserv mg their last year of competition. Old Alums- Herb Grote, ex-Husker javelin champ, is in the army now . . . He wrote back saying that he was in New Orleans and is due to leave sometime in the near future for over-seas duty . . . Lieut. Don Fitz, 1940-41 cage wizard is on duty at Fort Sill and is pulling strong to see the Huskers cop a Big Six cage championship. Advance Notice The Great Lakes Training school quintet currently on a barnstorm ing tour in the midwest, will be on hand to aive the Huskers a big night on January 24 ... So far they have been making the Big Ten leaders knuckle down . . . Among their wins are Northwest ern and Indiana. Usually 2.9S-3.9S i l2 OFF Mills Students Enjoy Helping Defense Effort OAKLAND, Calif. (ACP). Girls of Mills college, oldest women's college west of the Mississippi, are doing their bit for defense by entertaining groups of soldiers from nearby army posts. The first group of 25 service men were entertained at tennis, bridge, badminton and swimming in the afternoon, served a buffet supper, and were guests at infor mal dancing in the evening. Kosemary Gnaedinger, chairman of student social activities, say3 that by the end of the year each girl student will have had at least one service man as her guest. --fx- j '? Ii iBiiiMMi h m i, hi m" ers have already turned their minds to the game next Saturday against the touring Great Lakes training school team. The box score: Miller f (GO A 2-3 3 12 Beuscher c 4 1-4 3 9 Evans g 2 2-2 2 0 Bollcnbcrger g 2 0-1 2 4 Hall f 1 1-1 1 3 Johnson c 0 0-0 0 0 Hunter g 0 0-0 3 0 Totals 22 7-14 17 51 Nebraska fe ft f Pts FltzKiblion t 0 0-1 0 Thompson 1 1 0-0 2 Held c GC) 1 5-7 1 Young g 1 4-4 Goetz g 1 0-1 0 Jrllilile I 0 0-0 0 Klson f o 0-0 0 Livingston ( 0 3-4 1 Bottorff g 1 King g 0 Lincoln Journal. CHARLEY BLACK. were cold, as the scanty number of baskets they made can testify, The total for the host club was nine while the invaders were pour Ing through 22 of the necessary ingredients for basketball success. For the Kansas team, Charley Black was the big noise. His adept ball handling and good basket eye contributed 17 points for his team's total. Ralph Miller got 12 points to rank next. Heinzelman Tops Hosts Bob Heinzelman was the scor ing leader for the Huskers as he put through four swishers and a free throw for 9 points. Sid Held got 7 points. The game is over and the Husk- m, v; r : mm wt vr ' :l .r f I, Pis 1 Lincoln Journal MARVIN SOLLENBERGER. Kansas fg incK I 8 ft f pts 1-3 3 17 1-2 0 0-0 2 Heinzelman g 4 1-1 3 Totals 9 14-20 13 32 Score at half: Kansas 25, Nebraska 17.' Officials: . C. Quigley. St. Marys: A. B. Hinshaw, Emporia. Netv Alumnus Article Features 'Nation at War9 Displaying the picture of the pharmacy building through ice covered trees on the cover, th first issue of the "Nebraska Alumnus" for the year of 1942 came out this week. The feature article for the monthly magazine is the editorial, "A Nation at War." The editorial reminds its readers that "we are a nation at war but we must hot forget to keep the foundation of America intact." A panorama of school events Is included in "The University." The Williams duo, Fred and AdeHoyd, in their column, "By the Way" write of their experiences in meet ing many former Nebraska nlums. The Alumni Paragraphs, telling of the various alumnus and their present work is in the magazine. Pictures of Regent President De- vor placing mortar under the cornerstone for the new Love Me morial library and of the war con vocation are featured. Rosenlof Writes Biology Article for Magazine Dr. G. V. Rosenlof, director of admissions, has an article on "A Functional Course in Biology" in the December Science Teachers magazine. Dr. Rosenlof is the au thor of material on Nebraska re cently accepted for the forthcom ing edition of The World ook, an encyclopedia. L. B. Orfield Helps Draft Rules for Supreme Court Prof. Lester B. Orfield of the college of law was in Washing ton, D. C, last week to participate in discussion of the second tenta tive draft of rules by the U. S. supreme court advisory committee cn rules of criminal procedure. SHORTHAND DICKINSON IS 30 DAYS individual instruction Gregg Hhorthand and Complete Nerrrtnrlnl Training DICKINSON SECRETARIAL SCHOOL 202-218 l.lnroln Mb l ife Bid. i-ZIHI I Juat arrived! Clearance of manufacturer's stock enables us to offer these fine sweaters at just one-half the usual prices. Long and short sleeves. Sizes 34 to 40. Choose yours early I GOLD'S ..Third Floor. I mm. i.. m V M t ,' - - ' - liS -.tua..- . .J Paid for Used Text Books aft njrara wmn STEM Wc Pay More!! Why? Because We Are Nationwide Book Dealers. Xx