.Thursday, January 15, 1942 DAILY NEBRASKAN Huskers Turn Attention to Next Big Six Foe m Big Contest Is on Tap This Week Saturday Game With KU Ranks Along Mizzou Tilt As Potential Fan Pleaser By Bob Miller. Two conference victories under their belts, Nebraska's Cornhusk ers have turned their collective minds toward the next obstacle In the way of an undisputed Big Six cape championship. That ob stacle is Kansas U. "Just another game equally as tough as the first two that we won from conference foes," was Coach Ad Lewandowski's opinion concerning the game that will be played on Saturday evening at the coliseum. ft Schedule Gets Attention. The conference schedule is new one-third over and the Huskers by virtue of their wins over Kan sas State and Missouri are lead ing the Big Six race. Ten games on the slate that calls for 30 con tests before a winner is decided, have been played. "Every game from her on out is going to require us to show everything that we possess," Lew commented, "For example, we play Kansas next and that will be a bis: one. then comes Iowa State, Kansas State on their own floor and so on." Every Game Is Tough. By looking over what is in store for the Husker basketeers, it is plainly evident that no one game will be of more importance than another for the remainder of the season. The visiting team is coached by Dr. Phojr Allen, an institution in the cage game. The veteran coach. who recently was in the midst of the argument concerning the standing of an Oklahoma sopho more, is in his 56th year. This season marks his 25th on the bench as a coach. Should Old Acquaintance? Nebraska is acquainted with the Doctor since they have fallen to his cage teams the biggest per centage of the time since the two schools have met on the maples. This year the Huskers are plotting to defeat the obstacle that looms before them. Tuesday night following the Missouri conquest, the cagers were given a comparatively rest ful session. But last night things were different as Lew experiment ed with various combinations, giv ing everyone a chance to scrim mage. The main job that confronts the coaches at this point is building an adequate defense against Charley Black, sophomore Jay hawk forward who has scored 43 points in three games this season. Black was the one who scored 25 points against Oklahoma when the two met in the conference opener. Every Saturday during the fall, New Haven's open street cars, otherwise unused, are wheeled ou of the barns to handle Yale football crowds. JhiL I SfiOhJtA. ma I By Bob Miller j At Kansas U Allen Has 'Unpredictable Team' for Title Pursuit The Handball Courts The secret to the success en joyed by membrs of the Nebraska coaching staff came to light yes terday as we were snooping around the inner sanctum of the basement of the coliseum in search of the elusive Adolph Lewandow- ski...Well, we found not only Lew but his associates going to it on the handball courts. Getting Around in Fine Style- In one court a doubles match was raging with LwanaowsKi teaming with Chili Armstrong, freshman coach playing Paul Amen and Glenn Presnell. . .The sight of the four coaches cooped ud in the narrow confines of a handball court was impressive. Amen had a demon of a servo while Lew's returns would win his team many points... The fact that they nearly filled the court took nothing from the glamor of the game. Iowa Cagers Fear Kansas Last Year's Co-Winners In Big Six Due to Meet AMES, la., Jan. 14. Powerful, undefeated University of Kansas invades Ames Monday night to give the unbeaten Iowa State col lege team the toughest job of its 1941-1942 basketball season. Both teams are in the top spot according to Dr. F. C. Allen him With victories over Oklahoma and Missouri, and undefeated in non-conference competition, Kan- sans will come to the coliseum on Saturday night with a team which, -r HOT LUNCHES 30c $1.00 Wildroot 79c Pro-Phy-Loc-Tic Hair Brush Both For 89c Milk Shakes Thick and Delicious 10c PalmoliYC Shave Cream 2 For 33c BOYDEN'S Stuart Theatre Bldg. Givina a Lesson- It seems that since there is not much opportunity for them to run around the football field, the hand ball court gives them the needed exercise ... In the next court for mer line coach, Link Lyman, was giving a pair of his stalwarts of the past season a lesson in the small ball game... The two were Herbie Von Goetze and Phil Bordy ...Link was moving his weight around with surprising aginty while giving the two a good lesson The Secret Is Out At least it might do some good reted out and so our opinion that to become a recognized coach, one must become proficient in the handball sport is pormulated . . . At least it might due some good from purely the exercise angle. Sooner Team Is Preparing for Nebraska ... on Indoor Track NORMAN. Okal., Jan. 14 Anx iously awaiting the return of Plato Andros. their Oklahoma A.A.U. shot put champion, the Oklahoma indor track and field squad is busily practicing for its dual meet Feb. 21 against power ful Nebraska at Lincoln. Andros, a 215 pound Greek boy, last June pushed the shot 47 feet 7 Va inches as a freshman to win the state A.A.II. title. However, he reported back from the Christ mas holidays with a flattened knuckle on his throwing hand and can't start practice for a few days yet. To Lead With His Right. "I'm teaching him now to load with his right and swing with his left," CoachJohn Jacobs laughs. Andros injured the digit while in the Big Six, just as they were when the final gun sounded on the basketball campaign a year ago. Kansas, tho, will meet two other loop foes before facing the Cyclones, playing the University of Missouri Wednesday and the University of Nebraska Saturday night. 'Phog's' Boys Touted Coach Forrest C. Allen, whose teams always are title contenders, is rated as having the greatest team in Kansas history in the un defeated 1942 combination. Only one regular is back from the team which shared loop honors with the Cyclones, but the wily Dr. Allen has assembled a new team built around the offensive genius of Ralph Miller, Charlie Black, and John Buescher. Marvin Sollen berger, guard, is the only starter who rated regular honors last year. Miller, one of the two greatest high school players ever developed in Kansas, led the Kansas team in scoring two years ago. Bothered self, "is as unpredictable a team as I have ever faced a season with.". That was at the beginning of the season, and since then the Kansans have rocketed by Denver, Bethel, Oklahoma and last night Mis souri. In doing so, the Jayhawks have averaged almost50 points per game offensively, settling for an average of approximately 31 points defensively in each of the four games. With one regular returning from the 1940 team with seven wins and three losses to tie with Iowa State for the Big Six championship, Allen has had to find suitable play ers to take the places of such standouts as Howard Engleman and Bob Allen, who placed first and third among leading Big Six scorers with 16.5 and 10 points- per- game average Sole returning regular is Junior Guard Marvin Sollenburger, while other lettermen back this season include Ralph Miller, lanky for . . In Conference Play years took over tne spot lett vacant by Bob Allen. Miller, Evans, and Sollenberger will probably start against Ne braska, with 'etterman John Beuscher likely to hold down the starting forward berth. Charley Black will complete the lineup. While Nebraska downed the Kansas State squad 44-38 earlier this season, the Kansans tramped on an Oklahoma team 54-32 after the Sooner five had run over the Wildcats 47-40. After the Husk ers' filiowinc against the Tigers last Monday, it looks like Satur day night's battle looms as one of tthe season's bests. And what fan who saw the game will ever forget last year's coli seum battle between the Jayhawks and the Huskers which ended with the Kansans on top 55-52? v in both his sophomore and junior ward who Plavs iust as &ood a SHORTHAND DICKINSON IN 30 DAYS Individual I ntt ruction Grace Shorthand and oniplrte Mrrrrtarlal Training DICKINSON SECRETARIAL SCHOOL 102-tlH Lincoln I .ID !.!( Bid, t-llfil years with bad legs, the sharp- shooting forward did not play last year. Black One of Two. Black is one of two sophomores to earn a starting post on the team this year. Featuring a sweeping pivot snot that is ercnerally re garded aa unstoppable, Black has been leading the Kansas team in scoring all season. working :n the oil fields during tne nonaays. Six Sooner lettermen are busily running and jumping. They are Bill Lyda, Big Six indoor 880-yard cnampion and record-holder; Dick Smethers, Big Six two-mile in door champion and record-holder; Orv Mathews, Big Six outdoor 100 yards champion; Donald Benson, 440yards; Ray Mullins, high jumper and Archie Walker, low hurdler. Plenty Sophomores. Sophomores now reporting in clude Hurdlers John Sharpe, Car thage, Mo.; Son Wright, Waurika; Bob Hodges, Enid; Half-miler Hoyt Bums, Washington, Okla.; Two miler Bill "Chigger" Pruett, Nor man; and Weight-heaver Andros, who lives at Oklahoma City. Sprinter Dale Mitchell, Cloud Chief sophomore; Hurdler Bob Lunsford, squad man; Shot-putter Homer Simmons, sauad man and Ken Farris, a transfer from the Tahle- quah.O kla., Teachers' college, are also out. The Oklahoma schedule: INDOORS Feb. 21: Nebraska at Lincoln (S). Feb. 28: Big Six meet at Kansas City (S). Music Faculty Members Attend National Conclave Dr. Arthur E. Westbrook, direc tor of the School of Fine Arts, attended meetings of the National Association of Schools of Music curricula commission in Minneap olis, Dec. 27 to 29. Other members of the music faculty attending the national convention of the Associa tion Dec. 30 and 31 were Miss Elizabeth M. Tierney, Miss Marian Wolfe. Professors Emanuel Wish- now. Mvron Roberts and Ward Moore. game on the court as he does on the football field, Forwards Vance Hall and John Buescher; and guards Charles Walker and Bob Johnson, Up from last year's outstanding freshman team is Ray Evans, guard who broke into the starting lineup this season. Evans, who. according to Allen, "is the finest Jayhawk court prospect in recent Players . . (Continued from Page 1.) ber of actors which the play de mands during the final exam period. "Ladies in Retirement" took second plaee among mysteries in student voting this fall and was selected because "Arsenic and Old Lace," the first place winner, could not be obtained. The play, an English drama, enjoyed a six months run on Broadway in 1940. It was selected by the National Theatre Conference as one of the professional plays best suited for amateur use. The cast will include four eld erly ladies, a Catholic sister, a maid, and one slightly abnormal young man. 3332S3BS FOR SAQ.il The did rule you would ordinarily buy (hit form Hal been drafted for National Defense. Sorry, it can't ba fialpad. Although wo hava increased our produc tion tremendous ly tho Defense Program still absorbs more rules than we can matte right now. But we are till increasing production. Within four months, your lido rule will be ready fo ou . but we'll limb tjoii cm Meanwhile, we have found a way out. To meet this temporary emergency we have made quantity of mass production slide rules that will tide you over until your standard rules are ready. These rules are not for sale. We will l nd you one upon the deposit of One Dollar... and give you full trade-in allow ance when your standard rule is ready. No charge for wear and tear. Use this special rule with our compliments as long as the emergency lasts! Your campus bookstore has K&E "loened-on-deposit" slide rules in stock for Immediate delivery. KEUFFEL & ESSER CO. POUND! D Her 9 O CORSAGES FOR HER PARTY -Si Danielson Floral Co. The official agency for Kuefet & Esser Slide Rules in Lincoln NITS I T t D V. Student Supplies DODK 5TDnE I 1 iijiii ;;t s::::::