The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 18, 1941, Page 8, Image 7

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Thursday, December 18, 1941
Flans for an extra-special
Christmas vacation are shaping
up beautifully. . . . Alpha Phi
Jean Christie is making a repeat
trip to Denver and Leroy Farmer,
and Trl Delt Maxine Taylor are
travelling clear to Baltimore to
see Sig Chi of last year Don Marl
er, whose pin she's wearing in
spite of her frequent dates with
4 1
Fiji Dean Nutzman. . . . And Al
pha Phi Patty Paine left Tuesday
for Corpus Christ! to see Kady
Pine of the navy air corps. . . .
Kappa Sigs who will be in the
Omaha area have planned big
things for the 27th eve when
they'll hold their annual Christmas
banquet ... News of the day: Did
we say that as soon as Milt Roth
enbergef had that SAE pin he'd
hang it on Pi Phi Kay White
head? Even if we didn't, he did
last Tuesday night. . . . We're
spiking a rumor put out by a Min
nesota paper that Marv Athey,
DU, is the son of a Juanita Indian
chieftain Just saying that he's
looking forward to Christmas and
his girl back in Benkclman they
keep telling us. . . .
Big Break-up.
The big break-up of the week.
. . . That of Alpha Phi Marcy
Bauer and Phi Psl Bob Osborne.
. . . The thing is definitely on
the rocks. . . . Forsaking all otters
are Pi Phi Gay Gaden and Chi
Phi Ward Griffin. . . . Another
steady deal. . . . Cub bear Ki Eis
enhart over at the Fiji house is
coming out of hibernation long
enough to grab a few dates with
Alpha Phi Betty Winn. ... An
interesting combination seen cok
ing was Jean Buckley. Theta
pledge; Duke Eberhardt, Phi Gam,
and Dee DePutron, DU. We never
did figure out who had the honor
of paying for Jeannic's drink. . . .
Determined to make it three week
ends in a row, Lea Buckley, Phi
Delt, and Ruth Lund, Alpha Chi,
will take in the big Christmas
party given by said fraternity. . . .
Does He?
Art Lincoln still swears that he
loves the bachelor life despite his
nhvlmiu nlnvment of coking with
Barbara Morehouse, Alpha Phi. . .
And we hear the reason for Jack
Clarke, Kappa Sig's, trip to Wash
ington is an official inspection of
the navy's defense forces. . . .
Bunny Chapline, AOPi, has a
father that's an admiral, you
know. . . . Bob Irvin, Nebraska
King of Hearts, provides an addi
tional Christmas trip item as he
will meet an Alpha Phi from
Boulder in Chicago soon. . . . We
couldn't begin to name all the
dates to the Sig Alph formal Fri
day night so will simply say , . .
All's well that prints well
Dr. Harold J. Hoflich, assistant
professor of economics at Kent
State university is serving as eco
nomic analyst with the U. S. treas
ury department during a year's
leave of absence.
Siama Nus Give
Christmas Parly
For Orphans
Sigma Nu entertained children
from Tabltha Home at the chap
ter house last night. After a tur
key dinner the children received
toys from a huge tree and stayed
to play and enjoy for a short time
some of the luxuries they do not
often have.
Each year all the children from
this same orphanage have been in
vited to the Sigma Nu house for a
Christmas party and it has come
to be a tradition with the frater
nity and Home. About 35 children
attended the party.
Fraternities and sororities at
the University oT North Dakota
signed up 192 pledges.
ti i i ii i Miiai iillt:.-aM--3 ' s
Wish him a Merry Christmas with
We've planned for the greatest Christmas ever,
with our most complete selection of Arrow
white and patterned shirts. And you'll find spe
cially designed ties, handkerchiefs and shorts to
complete the special gift ensemble for those
special gifts.
with thousands of
eolorf ul rayon,
silk, wool and
knit tics . . . from
Resileo, McCur
rah, Wembley and
Arrow. $1 to $3.50
make wonderful lifts.
All wool for quality . . .
maroon and blue for
color . . . carefully
tailored for style. $6.50.
JAMAS with colorful
knit shirt and tailored
broadcloth slacks. Ideal
for lounging and dorm
itory wear. $2.50.
tfHnese aire itlfoe
tHney wawm'it Ifoirnmig Ibtaclk
let that old fear, "Will he like it?" dog you
Christmas. Come to his favorite store and
men who know his own likes assist you in
shopping. You'll find these but a few
he many thousands of "thoughtful gifts
w ill appreciate." See them soon I
Ci Jaw WlohsL of
Hickok Belts and Suspenders $1
Meyer's Leather Gloves $2.50 to $5
Samsonite Travel Luggage $7.50 up
All brands Electric Razors $7.50 up
Men's Silk and Wool Mufflers $1.50 to $5
S&curiigjulh jigl ItfMppsuL... (Randy, (jol Uul Jjuul
Let's, shop at
lor gifts for the entire family
ii I you
CATE lets him ehooiw
his favorite hat. The
clever rift box and
miniature hat elves him
lots of fun and fift
for the tree. $5 to $10.
with a real miniature
shoe ashtray (50o ex
tra). Give him the
shoes he's always
wanted . . . and he se
lects the style. Most
styles $10.