The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 17, 1941, Page 4, Image 4

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.Wednesday, December 17, 1941
Society Editors
June Jamieson I
Joann Emerson j
v U
Jam. fx
IP fw
The effect of the Christmas
spirit hit the ATO's Monday night
when they came thru with a
super serenade plus Christmas
carols and that Tau trio arrange
ment of "East of the Sim"... The
Beta pledges went war-panicky
and staged a Big Parade down
16th St. in pajamas and toting
guns. .. .They're prepared ... If
your tired of reading about the
effects of the Mortar Board party,
don't read this, but we think it
speaks well for interfraternity re
lations when five Kappas took
one ATO, on? Phi Gam, One Phi
Psi and two Sigma Nus to the
affair and they got along so
beautifully that they're planning
a big party in Omaha during vaca
tion to celebrate things in common.
Lucky Star.
Phi Gam Squash Campbell must
have a lucky star somewhere in
the sky: His one and only, from
out of town comes in Saturday to
take in the holiday parties and his
Lincoln love leaves town Friday
for places unknown. . .That leaves
Squash with about eight hours to
catch his breath . . . Remember
Theta Betty Jackson and Delt
Bud Rohde? They'll get married
in April if the army and Uncle
Sam agree... Back to chifdhood
occupations: ATO Bob Sandburg
taking pot shots at a minature
target all set up in the grill, and
the Alpha Phis blowing soap bub
bles filled with smoke....
The annual Beta Christmas din
ner tonight will see Kappa Pat
Catlin and John Edwards, and DG
Flo Scott and Lowe Folsom a
coming couple. . .What we're wait
ing for is to find out whether or
not Treva Munchmore and Frank
Matoon have patched up their dif
ferences. . .Bus Black at the Phi
Delt house waits till the night be
fore to get his dates so the
brothers are worrying about his
prospects for the Christmas party
Saturday night... But you will
see Howard Chapin with Pi Phi
Shirley McNeal and Laird Fisher
with Tri Delta Beep True....
Sig Chi't Dance.
And at the Sig Chi dinner dance
Saturday night: Chuck Mills and
Theta Sweetheart of Sigma Chi
Jeanie York, new prexy Dale
Harvey and AOPi Penny McBride
and Brooks Potter with Tri Delt
Helen Thompson. . .Alpha Xi Delts
will entertain their dates at a
dinner Wednesday night, and pre
sent, as they seem to be often now,
will be Fern Bergren and Phi Gam
Claude Wright. . .Also Delt Jerry
Kathol and Maryellen Beechner...
SAE's will hold their annual
wintvt formal Friday night . . .
Dates: Allen Zikmund and Pat
Green, Dick Rienhardt and Alpha
Phi Shirley Heldt, Louie Seybold
and Kappa Nancy Newbranch,
and Jack Wunderlick and Theta
Betty Mae Klopp. . . All s well that
prints well.. . .
Social Calendar
Beta Theta Pi Christmas
dinner, chapter house, 6 p. m.
Alpha Xi Delta dinner, chap
ter house, 6 p. m.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon winter
formal, Cornhusker hotel, 9 to
12 p. m.
Phi Delta Theta Christmas
party, chapter house, 7:30 p. m.
Sigma Chi Christmas dinner-dance,
L.icoln hotel, 7 to
12 p. m.
AWS Groups
Meet for Party
Freshman and upperclass
AWS will hold their annual
Christmas party tomorrow at 5
p. m. in Ellen Smith. All who
attend should bring five cents
and a pencil.
Lincoln Youths
Sloop ivith Plants,
End in Trouble
Two Lincoln youths found that
irregular registration for a Bot
any course leads to trouble.
As a matter of fact, they didn't
register; two lads, one 13, the
other 11 years of age, broke a
window in the UN greenhouse
Friday night and slept there until
awakened Saturday morning by
campus officer R. M. Stephens.
The boys were reported missing
since Thursday when they failed
to appear at Northeast high
school. When Officer Stephens
found them they were almost en
tirely concealed in a burlap bag
bed under a ledge.
They are now continuing their
study of plants at the county de
tention home.
Washington U
Prof Invents
Dust Process
University of Washington profes
sor's dust-elimination invention
literally has snatched a valuable
wood by-product out of thin air.
Professor Frederick K. Kirsten,
school of aeronautical engineering,
has disclosed how his application
of the principle of centrifugal force
to dust-laden air has resulted in a
process by which fine wood dust
"wood flour"-can be reclaimed
for use in plastics.
The machine takes dust out of
the air by setting it in whirling
motion at terrific speed. The dust
is thrown out by centrifugal force
while the clean air is taken off at
the center.
He said wood flour sells for
about $35 a ton.
Smaller units soon will be in pro
duction, he said, for use as dust
filters on automobile carburetors.
Kappa Delts Hold
Christmas Party,
Dinner Tonight
Members Kappa Delta will hold
their annual Christmas party to
night. Preceding the party will
be a formal dinner at which Mrs.
Walter J. Militzer, national presi
dent, will be present.
rer oh CHt Huy Drfentp Stamps
entire stock
of fall dresses reduced!
buy yourself a Xmas present
dramatic early price slashes:
253 street and afternoon dresses ... 41 this season
formals . . . juniors and sizes 12 to 44 . . . hand-picked, one of a kind selection . . .
light weight wools, elegant be-sequinned and be-jeweled
dressy frocks ... by our finest makers . . . hi-shades and ornate blacks . . .
Store Open 10:00 H. M. to 9 P. M. Beginning
Slale Director Says
Nonconfidential Information
Available on Selective Service
Nonconfidential information con
cerning Selective Service regis
trants is available to any person
making a legitimate inquiry, Brig
adier General Guy N. Henninger,
state director of Selective Service
stated today. The information de
sired must be obtained thru con-
Bengtson Speaks
At Ag Honors
Day Convocation
Dean Nels Bangtson, head of the
junior division office, will speak
at the honors convocation of the
college of agriculture Friday, Dec.
18, at 11 a. m. in the college activi
ties building on the ag campus. He
will consider the subject, "Prob
lems of Hemisphere Solidarity
Barb Meeting
Organizes New
Social Program
A joint meeting of the Inter
house Council and a general meet
ing of barbs last weekend elected
Dorothy Jean Bryan, representing
Towne club, to survey Lincoln
amusements places for barb winter
parties. Representatives at the
meeting were divided into three
groups to contact the social chair
men of all organized barb houses
on both the ag and city canipus.
Preceding the joint meeting, In
terhouse Council chose Mary El
len Sim to take over the duties
of Fern Wilterdink, current presi
dent, until the end of the semes
ter. In January a permanent presi
dent for the group will be chosen.
The next meeting will be the
first Tuesday after vacation. Per
manent organization of the social
program will be taken care of.
Farm House Holds
Formal Initiation
Farm House fraternity held
initiation Dec. 13 for Bob Pear
son, Don Mueller, Don Warner
and Curtis Johnson. Farm House
also announces the pledging of
Robert Ginn. .
. . . Despite War
sulfation with the custodian of the
records in the local board office.
"A registrant shall be entitled
to know of all entries on his own
record, including his questionnaire
and record of physical examina
tion," he disclosed. "Confidential
information will not be disclosed
to anyone without the registrant's
Termed as confidential under
the Selective Service regulations
are all records pertaining to the
physical condition of a registrant,
and all answers on his question
naire under the subject 'depend
ency," except names and addresses
of claimed dependents, and to the
questions on previous military
service. Claim for deferment made
on grounds of dependency or phys
ical unfitness and the classification
of a registrant are not confidential.
Ferguson, Hancy
Visit University
Of North Dakota
Dean O. J. Ferguson and Prof.
J. W. Haney of the College of En
gineering will visit the University
of North Dakota at Grand Forks
Monday to participate in a re
examination of engineering cur
ricula there.
The examining committee, of
which Dean Ferguson is chairman,
is sponsored by the Engineers'
Council for Professional Develop
ment, national engineering ac
crediting body. Other members are
from the Universities of Michigan
and Washington and Washington
State College.
The examination is part of a
program to ascertain instructional
changes and additions to equip
ment since engineering cirrcula
were accredited originally in 1939.
Werner Calls in Blanks
For Religious Welfare
AH students who have re
ligious welfare blanks are asked
to fill them in and return this
week to Dr. O. H. Werner in
room 309A of teachers college.
Postel quilted RQBES for Christmas . . .
Flower iprirs dance daintily over quilted xTTi
pastel rayon satin or crepe. Luxurious fJ)
and lovely a tift deluxe! J Bp
Millrr'i brt Thlr FUr.
ISen Simons
Iten Simons
Ben Simons