The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 09, 1941, Page 4, Image 4

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    Tuesday, December 9, 1941
J wo. fa
disiatLbu iff)
We've always wanted to go to a
girls' school anyway, and now it
seems our wish is going to be
granted, what with the Betas
planning to flap "wings over the
Burma road" and people singing
old beaten up war songs... But to
the news of the moment and re
verberations of the week-end
Now on the steady list are Pi Phi
Jane Mover and SAE John Her
rington, as of Saturday night...
Alpha Phi Polly Petty dined with
Phi Psi Ben Clark and family
Yes, and Sigma Nu Piggie Din
ner was terrificwhat with an
elegant band and everyone having
fun need we say more! .. .Maybe
Ait Lincoln, Delt, needs a social
secretary, for it seems this week
end he completely over-looked his
Saturday night date with Pi Phi
Ruth Holland, who we might add
did not spend the evening at home
Ainha Tau Omega initiated
Harold Hunt, Jim Critchfield, Sam
Seifert and Ferdinand Braun to
whom, congratulations . . . Alpha
Chi Marty Reed is most happy be
cause Sigma Nu Bob Ford will be
rnmin? home from camp in two
uwiia Wft'rfl hearing all sorts
of renorts that the men are afraid
fiio fnr Kin? of Hearts have
no fears, we can't do more than
rush you off your feet... Phi Psi
Dick Harnsberger's losing little
time with Kappa Judy O'Conner
Coke dates, and all the rest... A
singing telegram from the D G's
thanking him for the use of his
rar was Kanna Siz Bill Flory's
Siinrtav mornim? nrescnt . . . One
way of showing appreciation, but
we can't Quite figure out how they
managed the greeting ...Alpha
Sig's Ed Lof and Bob Gritzfeld
rpreived leeal documents from
AOPi's Doris Marshall and Betty
Harmen formally inviting them to
be guests at the Mortar uoara
Advance dates for the Gamma
Phi formal Friday night: Nancy
Co and Sier Chi Harry Morehead;
Helen Jean Shornbergcr and ATO
:iaru rannell. . .Pledees of the
Palladians barred from the inia-
tion Fridav night, held their own
exclusive party, while Kieth Robin
son and Kutn Kusms were lur
meraly initiated. . .Hardly amusing
is the situation of Sie Ep Bob
Searle, who can't recall whether
Gamma Phi Jeannie Hofacre in
vited him to the Gamma Phi for
mal or the Mortar Board party...
This announcement should bring
some sort of results.
Congratulations to Alpha Phi
Marion Bremers now in Denver
wearing: the diamond of Phi Delt
Chick McGee. . .Steering clear of
predictions, but merely mention
ing the rather frequent dating of
Phi Mu Eleanor Veith ana tsa,ia
win Hall Ellis Ruby Washing
ton D. C. has claimed Sig Ep
Dick Jones for the federal bureau
of investigation. . .Who knows he
mie'ht run into a classmate some
day... Last night's Pi Phi theme
was "Sweet Sue" as Susan fcnaw
and Delt Bernie Buell doled out
candy to the sister? and cigars to
the Delta Taus. . . wen, au s wen
that prints well.
Committees Report
At Barb Meet Toniglit
Barbs will meet in room 307 of
the TInion tonieht. Various com
mittee heads will be expected to
Portraying the Youth of the Great Emancipator
Dept. of Speech, School of Fine Arts
Dec. 10, 11, 12th 8:00 P.M.
Reservations Made at Box Office Dec. 9-122-5 P.M.
Society bditors
A1EE Croup Holds
Annual Christmas
Parly Wednesday
Annual Christmas party of the
American Institute of Electrical
Engineers will be held at the Hi-Y
building, 2148 J St., Wednesday,
from 8 to 10 p. m.
George Swallow, a native Swiss,
will speak and will show sound
movies of the Swiss hydro system
in the wilm, "Winter mid Summer
in Switzerland." After the movies
singing by the whole audience will
be staged and eats will be served.
Journalism Prof
Holds Reception
For Students
Prof. R. P. Crawford of the
journalism department and his
mother. Mrs. N. A. Crawford, held
a reception Sunday evening from
4-6 p. m. at his home for ail tne
students in his journalism classes.
Approximately 55 were present
and were entertained by being
shown books written by former
Nebraska journalistic students.
Prof. Crawford said that due to
the war excitement many of the
boys entirely forgot the reception.
Mrs. Toft Visits
Alpha Xi Delta
Mrs. Victor Toft of Omaha, pres
ident of province 8 of Alpha Xi
Delta, arrived Sunday to spend two
days with the NeorasKa cnapier.
Phi Sigmia Iota '
Holds Meeting
Mildred Wolfe will speak on the
subject, "Chansons de Geste" at the
December meeting of rhi Delta
chanter of Phi Sigma Iota, honor
ary romance languages society,
Wednesday at the home of Dr
Willis H. Bowen, 2701 Arlington
St. at 7:30 p. m.
Hamil Will Judge
Picture Contest
Harold Hamil. director of the
school of journalism will judge the
entries in the news-picture con
test sponsored by the Associated
Press newspapers in Nebraska.
Results of the contest are to De
announced Thursday at the annual
meeting of these newspapers at
Grand Island.
Orfield 'Submits
Report to Court
Prof. Lester B. Orfield of the
college of law and secretary of
the Nebraska supreme court ad
visory committee on rules of civil
procedure has submitted a sepa
rate repqrt to the supreme court
urcinfi- adoption of tentative draft
number one instead of number two
because the former most closely
follows federal rules of civil pro
cedure. Professor Orfield is chair
man of the subcommittee on ap
pellate procedure.
Frankforter Speaks
To Ag Engineers
Col. C. J. Frankforter, associate
professor of chemistry, will speak
on the topic. "Manufacturing of
Motor Fuels," before the agricul
tural engineers Wednesday in the
Union at 7:30 p. m.
Students at Wayne university
now enrolled in curriculums and
special courses directly related to
the defense effort number i,o.
June Jamleson
Joann Emerson
Hair Stylist
Talks at Charm
School Tuesday
Combining a talk on "Hair
Styles for all Occusions" with a
demonstration of hair styling
using one or me cocas present,
Miss Agnes of the beauty salon
at the Hotel tjornnusKer win De
Kirsh to Select
Art Work for
Prof. Dwight Kirsch, chairman
of the university art department
and chairman of the exhibition
committee of the Nebraska Art
association, leaves Wednesday for
New x orK ana umcago to visit
several art exhibitions and gal
leries. He will select works of
prominent artists in the contempo
rary American rieia wnicn win te
considered as possible purchases
by the university for its hall col
One of Kii sen's water colors.
"The Last Road." is in the 39th
annual water color exhibition of
the Philadelphia water color club.
Other members of the university
art department faculty are also
erm xm
your old friend
This time I'm coming to you
With a timely shopping tip . . .
Drop in at your tobacco store
Take a look at the handsome way
Your Christmas Chesterfields are packed.
ou never saw the like
OF these swell gifts . . .
Big ten package cartons
Cartons holding four tins of 50
And brand pew this year
Special greeting cartons
Holding just three packs.
This year It's Chesterfield
For more pleasure than
Anything else you can buy
For the money.
Copyright IM1, Lkutt I Mrtu Tvauc C-
Under Westbrook Direction
University Singers Present
Successful Carol Concert
... In Union Sunday
By Dieter Kober.
Annual presentation of Christ
mas Carols by the University
Singers has not only become tra
ditional by its establishing a true
Christmas atmosphere and spirit,
but also thru an exhibition of a
guest at the meeting of the charm
school sponsored by the Coed
Counselors Tuesday night from
7 p. m. to 8 at Eljen Smith.
represented with works in current
art exhibitions over the country.
Sculpture Instructor Thealtus
Alberts' "Pegasus," a red terra
cotta figure, is in the tenth anni
versary exhibition of the Syracuse,
N. Y., museum of fine arts.
The recent National Art week
exhibition in Washington, D. C,
invited works from Nebraska
which included paintings and
prints by Miss Faulkner and Pro
fessor Kirsch.
J. Richard Sorby, Miss Faulkner,
and Kirsch have several pieces
each in the field of oil pointings,
water colors, prints and drawings
in the tenth anniversary six states
exhibit at Joslyn Memorial in
Tune in the Christmas Spirit
It's Chetterfield Pleosure Time
Enjoy th s music that everybody likes
N. B. C Stations
. this i
superior voice blending and gen
eral quality ot cnorai singing as
such. Sunday afternoon's concert
in the Union provod again that
under the able d rection of Dr.
Arthur E. Westbrook, director of
the school of fine arts, the group
of some fifty singers can offer a
musical achievement highly en- -joyable
to the most severe critic.
Of the twenty carols performed
each one had its particular attrac
tion or point of interest, as Dr.
Westbrook chose a wide variety
of Christmas songs from all over
the world. The effect of the pre
cision of the group under the per
fect control of the conductor was
indeed refreshing; this was par
ticularly apparent in the carols by
Palestrina and in the Bohemian
and French folk songs.
Extremely well done was the
better known English carol: "The
First Noel." Many of the carols
had solo parts which were very
well, sung by various members of
the choir. . The program closed
with a traditional melody from
Hayti, one of the most beautiful
numbers of the afternoon, ex
tremely adequate for the conclu
sion of the group.
Two brass quartets helped to
establish a Christmas mood by
introducing the concert with
Christmas chorals. Miss Lela
Lyne assisted as organist.