Tuesday, December 2, 1941 DAILY NEBRASKAN mm By Bob Miller Congratulations Huskers. Congratulations are definitely in order for the Husker team that wouldn't stay down. It's been a tough year on both players and fans alike and especially for the players. . .Just ask any Husker ridder and they will tell you that it is no fun to be playing on a losing ball club. . .The Huskers de cided this several games ago and since then they have redeemed themselves in near full measure. There is an old axiom of some tort that says, "The good team is the team that wins the close ones." Against both Iowa U. and Oklahoma have the Scarlet clad gridders proven this one... Nebraska 14, Iowa 13 and Ne braska 7, Oklahoma 6... That one point spelled the difference between win and loss and it also left the Huskers on a perch right below Missouri, sharing second place with the Oklahoma Soon ers...Yes, five consecutive loss es were a bitter pill to take but when any team can rebound with as much force as did the Huskers in the last two contests, they deserve some praise... At any rate, Huskers, Nebraska fans are still proud of you. The Cage Sport. Now that the grid season is over, the coaching staff, Ed Lew-1 andowski in particular, is eyeing the approaching cage season with mors. ompSefte Grid increased zeal... This cage season is destined to get under way, right away with the South Dakota ag gregation invading for the first contest. . .Lew assures us that his basketballers are going to turn in an impressive season this year. With the South Dakota tilt, featuring Rube Hoy, the fidget ing coach for the Sodaks, on the slate for December 12, the 1941 42 season will b under way... The December schedule, in addi tion, has UCLA and Oregon at home and Indiana, Kentucky, Minnesota, Detroit !owa away. . .That is prett . 'i filled slate but should prov- m thing ..That one thing is ine strength of the Huskers in comparison with schools that boast of na tional reputations in the cage sport. Jottings. End Coach Paul Amen has added to his belt length. Paul con fided that he had gained a mere 20 pounds during the grid season. . .It appears that the string of five losses didn't cut down on his ap petite... The entire football squad will be adding weight now that the season is over. . .There was a din ner in their honor at Major Jones last night. . .Tonight will be the annual Quarterback's diner at the University club at which time the seniors will be honored... On Thursday evening, the Omaha N club will fete them to close out the list for the week. Look for the N letters to be blossoming forth on the campus within the next few weeks . . . Look for the announcement of the East West squads to be announced in the next week with several Husk ers on the West squad. . .Major Jones will be leaving the middle of this month for the west coast where he will coach the West team along with Babe Holingberry. They Played Last Contest Saturday Under the Biffer i $reatli-tabincj! Fragile ami lovely . . . exotic and alluring . . . that's a portrait of you in a sequin frosted gown from Alatfee's. Every day new boxes of fnrmals arrive at Alagee's for YOU. k-Wvi 7' -9 - ?vJ j y : 7t i I GEORGE ABEL HKD NCK.STON CLARENCE HERN DON " i VIKE JBANCIS t uMw vf r.J h. n I ' T a u n 0 I : J 1 raDMEO KENNETH SIMMONS i.M WJWl BOBLUDWICK Big Six Record FINAL BUI MX STANDINGS. 1 p plf OP Missouri 5 0 Nrl.rmskm 3 1 Oklahoma 3 2 Kansas 2 3 Kansas State 1 3 Iowa State 0 4 0 0 0 0 t 1 153 19 tt 24 115 35 3 131 40 89 25 133 Confrrenre Rrsult I-ant UVeU. Nebraska 7 Oklahoma 6 Non-Confrrnu-e RrsvltK Last Werk. Arizona 2S Kansas State M Marquette 28 Iowa State 13 Scoiinit leaders. Td. P.A.T. F.G. T P. SU'iiber, Misuurt 9 13 0 67 Wade, Missouri 9 0 0 54 Barb Basketball Entries Are Due on Thursday All barb clubs should have their basketball team entered either at the Intramural office in the coliseum or the Barb of fice in the Union by Thursday of this week. Barb basketball games will start sometime next week. Golrtlnp, Oklahoma ....8 Jacobs, Oklahoma ,...6 Habcrlrin, Oklahoma ..0 Ice. Missouri 5 Eokern, Missouri' 4 Mathews, Oklahoma . . .4 0 0 23 0 2 0 Evening Sparkles Dozens of twinkling accessories to make you shine at the Ball. Velvet evening bags $1.50, mirrored plastic bags $2.50. YOU appear J, . rffmm at tk Ball & MM v y Caireers 7-6 Verdict At Expense Of Sooners Huskers Climb lo Second Place in Big Six Ranking By Defeating Oklahonians Writing finis t " their separate collegiate gridiron careers, seven Husker gridders saw their alma mater humble a strong Oklahoma eleven, Saturday, by a 7-6 score before some 22,000 surprised spec tators. The seniors, George Abel, Vike Francis, Fred Preston, Clarence Herndon, Fred Meier, Bob Lud wick and Kenny Simmons, with one exception participated in the contest that produced thrills until the end. The one exception was Simmons, who was withheld due to a knee injury that has kept him out of the last four games. Two Juniors, Too. While the seniors were turning in standout ball playing, there were two juniors that stole the scoring spotlight. Wayne Blue, showing an inherent love of the wide open spaces, romped 68 yards with an intercepted pass to even the score. He headed down the east side lines with the pigskin after nipping off a pass from Jack Jacobs, Soon er Indian flash. The other junior that got a share of the scoring was Vic Schleich. He showed up the toutted Haberlein of the Okla homans by making good his at tempted placement, to send the Huskers into a one point iead which they never relinquished. The scoring of the game waa done in the first and second quar ters with the Sooners tallying first Coming into possession of Nebras ka's 42 yard line, the Sooners in nine plays were down oh the Husker three . . . From Vint MrAr Junior Golding cavorted over for ine miuai score. Jack Haberlein, a place kicker deluxe missed the attempted conversion. Haberlein Fails. A word about Haberlein. He has done all of the Oklahoma convert ing duties all season, and in 30 attempts prior to Saturday, had completed 23. He had also turned in three field goals and was given the title of best place kicker in the conference. Saturday was different as he missed his point after touchdown and also three field goals. The Oklahoma team as a whole showed an unusual amount of speed with Orville Mathews, speedy quarter back leading the way. Season Is Over. The season is over for the trnair. ers and four wins coupled with five losses nave been written on the record books. Hopes for next year's team are hiirh. hnwever with only seven seniors gone con trasted with the thirteen that left the ranks last season. A good beginning with a strong finish," was the way that Major Jones summed up a 1541 season. $14s lo 2500 J,, m i: No Cramming Necessary! For swell flavor and real chewing fun-the answer is delicious Wrigley's Spearmint Gum 1 k K-MWw.w.'.w.wA' ATTEND LINCOLN'S LEADING THEATRES! Now ShowinI William Mvrna POWELL LOY ia the "Shadow :L THIN MAN" EXTRA! Color Cartoon and News I ikirrti ki -we Tin ii Tax Incl. Now Showing! Joan Dnn BENNETT AMECIIE 'CONFIRM OR DENY' EXTRA! . . . Ted Lewis and News STUART Now Showing! S GRKAT HITS! Lynn John BARI SUTTON "MOON" OVER HER SHOULDER" PLUS Thlx 2n4 Bit Wm. Boyd HOPAI.ONG CASSISY "DOOMED CARAVAN" NEBRASKA ui