The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 21, 1941, Page 3, Image 3

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    Friday, November 21, 1941
Cornhuskers Destined to Have Hard Time
In Big Six . .
Final Rankings Are As Yet
Undecided; Tigers Favored
. Win Top Bunting
By George Abbott.
With only three games yet to be
played in the conference, the final
Big Six rankings are far from de
finitely established, but the out
come of tomorrow's games may
find five of the teams In new
positions; the outcome may or
may not find Missouri the title
Should Kansas university's Jay
hawks win over Missouri, Okla
homa would automatically move
up into a first place tie with the
Tigers. If, however, the Tigers
take the Kansans to a cleaning,
which they are more likely to do,
the boy from Missou' will be un
disputed champs in Big Six Land.
Always an 'If.'
If Kansas State beats the Cy
clones at Ames, and the Missouri
game goes as predicted, the
Iowars will have a cinch cellar
positkn, which means that the
standing at 5 o'clock Saturday
afternoon would read: first, Mis
souri; second, Oklahoma; third,
Nebraska; tied for fourth place,
Kansas State and K U; and sixth,
Iowa State.
And a week from Saturday, de
spite the fact that four teams will
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Oe LOVKLIINKSS itself nren you promenade al
the .Military Ball December 5. Cliooee a sparkling
gown that luuks as though it were flecked with
ilew drops with a beautiful wool or velvet wrap.
Lavish co(tume at little prices. Junior sizes
9 to 15.
Ii.9.7 to 29.0, 16.9r to 19J5
Millar's Janlnr Shop Strand Floor.
fTli LLE R 6 P A 0 E
have finished their conference
competition, at least two teams
will see their standings changed
if tomorrow's games go as pre
dicted. Should Nebraska beat the
Sooners in the Big Six finale that
Saturday, the Huskers would move
up to a second place with the
Oklahomans. If, however, Okla
homa beats Nebraska the Sooners
would gain an undisputed second
place position, while Kansas U and
Kansas State would automatically
move up into a three-way tie for
third place with Nebraska.
Still Not Final.
Which all boils down to the fact
that Big Six final rankings are
far from established. Which
means that this season's confer
ence standings may see, instead of
six rankings, only three.
How? Like this
If Missouri loses to KU, if Ne
braska beats Oklahoma, and Kan
sas State is defeated by the Cy
clones, Missouri on this basis
would have four wins and one
loss for first place; Nebraska, Ok
lahoma and Kansas U would each
have three wins and two losses
for a three-way second place tie;
Iowa State and Kansas, with one
win and four losses each, would
be tied in fifth place.
But we'll leave it like this a
prediction that the final standings
will read:
Team w
Missouri 5
Nebraska 3
Oklahoma 3
Kansas U 2
Kansas State 2
Iowa State 0
(Continued from Fage 1.)
Paul Svoboda will appoint an
editor from the editors of the var
ious high schools representated.
Conducting discussions in the
Union Friday afternoon are Daily
news editors Marjorie Bruning
and Helen Kelly. Miss Bruning
will preside over a panel discussion
concerning the problems of pub
lishing a high school paper, while
Miss Kelly is directing a group
discussion on writing of a society
Both individual and group
awards will be presented tonight
at a banquet In the Union ball
room. Val Peterson, secretary to
Governor Griswold and editor of
the Elgin, Nebraska paper will
address the group. Following the
banquet, students may dance in
the ballroom.
Tentative tours of the campus
and the state capitol have been
scheduled, and representatives
will end the two day activities by
attending the Nebraska-Iowa foot
ball game.
Curran Lost
As Iowa U
Hawkeyes Primed to End
Season Willi Win; Have
Chance for .500 Season
IOWA CITY, la., Nov. 20.
Loss of Guard Gene Curran thru
an attack of boils was the main
news here today as the Iowa
Hawkeyes continued preparations
for Saturday's joust with Ne
braska. Curran, a regular mainstay
since midway in the 1940 cam
paign, has been Mentor Eddie An
derson's starting left guard choice
in every game this fall. 205 pound
Del Dickerhoof will replace Cur
ran against the Huskers.
Green Injured.
Another injured Hawkeye was
Bill Green, offensive leader who
was instrumental in the scare
Iowa threw into the Rose Bowl
Huskers at Lincoln last year. A
hip injury kept Green from scrim
mage yesterday and forced him
to limit activity to a brisk jog
around the track. If the hard-running
Green is not ready by Satur
day, Bill Strauss will mann the
fullback position.
Defense was the keynote of
Thursday's workout. A scout
eleven, dubbed the "Hamburger"
team, tried Nebraska plays against
varsity with a minimum of suc
cess. Even Nile Kinnick, AH
American halfback of 1939, had
trouble penetrating the varsity
pass defense.
Intercepting or knocking Kin
nick's tosses down, the Hawkeye
secondary performers auguered
trouble for Nebraska's heavers,
Dale Bradley, Roy Long and How
ard Debus.
Reserves Checked.
Mentor Eddie Anderson devoted
considerable attention to reserve
line performers. Tackles John
Staak, a 225 pound sophomore
and Bob Knowlton were the cen
ter of attention, along with Guards
Joe Byrd, Al Urban, and Bob
Other line starters will be Jim
Walker and. Bob Otto, tackles;
Bill Diehal, center; Ross Ander
son at the other guard slot; and
Bill Parker and Bill Burkett. who
intercepted a pass and ran 77
yards for a touchdown against the
Huskers last year, at the ends.
Al Couppee wil open at quar
terback; Tom Farmer and Bus
Nov. 22
His Famous
"Music from the Heart"
No Advance in Price
Booths for 500
Nov. 26
Huskers Ready
To Stop Hawks
... At Top Slrenglh
The Huskers are all ready. They
are in top shape, the best of the
season thus far, and they are ach
ing to revenge all of the defeats
that thoy have suffered this sea
son. With Allen Zikmund, Herb von
Goetz and Vilte Francis back in
the fold, they arc all set to swamp
the Hawkeyes. Francis was de
clared eligible after passing the
necessary tests and the other two
have been declared fit by the team
Fred Preston and Fred Meier
have been named game captains
for the contest and as far as they
are concerned, Nebraska will come
out on top.
Mertes at the halfback posts; and
Green will start at fullback if his
hip rounds into condition.
(Continued from Page 1.)
Other outstanding skits were
those by Alpha Tau Omega, "Army
Harmony or Grin an' Barrick," a
take off on army life; Pi Beta's
Phi's "Wedding of Mr. and Mrs.
Swing;" and Kappa Konga, given
by Kappa Kappa Gamma.
Bill Marsh, union director, acted
as master of ceremonies in the
place of Karl Arndt, who was con
fined to his home because of ill
ness. The presentation of Nebraska
Sweetheart and Prince Kosmet
was broadcast over KFOR at 8:30.
Johnny Cox supplied the music for
many of the skits and between
Alway clean and
free from goo no
matter how often
you tmoke it. Chal-
lenging higher- '
priced pipe in briar
quality and value.
Voir Showing
Charles Margaret
Extra . .
'Mlnttrel Darn" ami Latet N-
Note Showing
Gene Raymond
Ian Hunter
PIum . . II
Cor Cartoon and Nr
MSa no coo
py CAN rM
A fftf in
i X ft XT0
Now Showing
"Small Town Deb"
PliM Thin fecoixl Hit
"Flying Bird"
Menard Jran
Dancing 9 till ?