The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 18, 1941, Page 4, Image 4

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    Tuesday, November 18, 1941
Society Editors
June Jamieson
Joann Emerson
lassel Group
Presents Two
New Sponsors
Dwight Kirsh Announces . . .
Series of Speeches Features
National Art Week Program
Hard, isn't it, to settle back into
the ole' groove and forget the friv
olous activities of the week-end. . .
The DUs have settled down in their
usual surroundings, minus the glit
ter and sparkle of a Hollywood
studio set, which comprised the
theme of their houseparty of Sat
urday night. . .Leonard Dunker,
hoard kent all the brothers
busy in their search for him and
their dates... By way or explana
tion. "Dunk" came dateless and
with his eyes open for someone
elses desirable date. . .Saturday
night brought a DU pin to Phyl
Vrst Theta from Jim Stillwell...
Leona Friend, Alpha Xi, Saturday
night took in the AKK party in
Omaha... The ACBC party was
ever so well attended. . .Jerry
RUrtrt? ACBC social chairman,
was seen tripping the light fan
tastic with Dorothy Dworak,
Towne Club. . .Betty La r sen,
Towns Club, who is trying so hard
to remain faithful to one in New
York, broke her good intentions
nH attended with ACBC Bill Low-
ery...One steady, steady couple
seen at the Turnpike was Mary
Ericson and Warren curry...
Steadily Growing Unsteady.
An unsteady steady couple that
seems to be growing more un
sipadv of late is Mary Ellen Bone-
hriffht. AOPi. and Phi Cam Augie
Gilmour. . .Rumored: The Mortar
Board Dartv is to be extra special
pood this year... And what's
more, it's all a secret. . .Can't get
wt of advance information on
it, can you?. . .Congratulations to
more fall initiatiates, ana mere
are many more of them...AGRs
Wayne Blue, Wilmer Hansen, Jim
Burgess, Melvin Kuska, Don Pel
key, Don Tracy, Dick Kennedy,
and Lloyd Fortna...New active
members at the AOPi house in
clude Viola Moyer, Frances Gun
derson, and Helen Gogela. . .At the
Chi O house Marilyn Dale and
Edna Mae Neidermeyer were ini
tiated... Kappa Sig Bob Flory is look
ing for someone someone on this
column so that he can tell them
"I don't need the rag for my John
Alden. Give me a chance"... So
we re giving him a cnance to uo
his own courting. . .And with Jodie
Beltzer, Dee Gee, brother, that ain't
bad... Climax to a long romance
came Saturday night for Kappa D
Ann Koenig and Beta John Wein-
garten when Johnny came down
from Omaha to hang the diamond
and three stars ... Spiking the ru-
ninrs: Delt Jack Parker didn't
hang his badge on the hometown
girl... Quite to the contrary, ne
sent AOPi Helen Gogela a dozen
rosea on her initiation day ana
journeyed to Omaha with her to
take in the Phi Rho party Satur
day night. . .
Fire in the Beta's Backyard.
Some of the Beta brothers and
dates got together that same night
and burned down the aged tree in
back of the chapter house... Good
riddance, so say the Drotners...
Kappa Helene Marcy is following
in big sister's f ootsteps ... She's
steadying, too, and with Phi Psi
pledge Tunk Schulte. . .But some
people who aren t steadying, as
Sunday's Daily reported they
were, are Alpha Phi Rebecca Ely
and Delt Warren Van Norman...
Our nardons. of course. but
wouldn't it be nice?... Any one
interested in ioinine- a new club
recently formed and aptly named
"Society For The prevention ur
Cruelty To The Male Species By
The Female" or SPCMSF club ap
ply to Paul Svoboda, Bill Stuht,
or Kennv Holm. Siema Nus...Ke
sembles the Humane Society with
their sloean 'Be kind to dumb am
mals.' doesn't it... All's well that
prints well. . .
Presentation of two new spon
sors, Mrs. A. J. Lewandowski and
Mrs. "Biff" Jones, highlighted a
Tassel meeting party yesterday
The new snonsors were pre
sented with corsages of white pom
poms encircling a red "T". Re
freshments were served at the
party, following which was a short
business meeting.
Survey . . .
(Continued from Page 1.)
your school continued as an inter
collegiate sport, or would you
rathpr substitute it with an ex
panded intramural football pro
gram for all students?" These
were the results, including only
schools that sponsor intercollegi
ate football:
Continue Intercollegiate ..87
Substitute Intramural .... 5
Undecided 8
Too Dangerous?
Besides the old argument that
football and all its fanfare do not
add to the scholarship of a teach
ing institution, some critics main-
A series of talks on art is being
featured this week by the fine
o-t dnnnrtment in connection
with National Art Week in Lin
coln, Dwight Kirsch, ot the an
department announced Monday.
Wednesaay at p. m. 6a,,c,J
A at Morrill, Karl coianaer,
nationally known artist will speak.
He has promoted numerous hobby
workshops thruout the country,
and is visiting tne campus m
nection with the regional exhibit
of highschool art which will be
held in March.
Dwight Kirsch will speak on
Vain that the game is too danger
ous, pointing out that serious in
juries and even deaths result every
year. Of the validity of this argu
ment the American student body
is even less convinced:
Believe football too dangerous
Believe it is not too .dangerous
91. J .
But, as an Oregon student
pointed out, "It's easy to say it
is not dangerous because most of
us don't get tackled out on the
Nearly three years ago, when
Dr. Hutchins began his fighl
against football, the surveys
found that only 24 percent of the
students believed professional
football would "someday become
inn nonular than college foot
ball." And only 15 percent at that
time wanted colleges to give up
At Morrill Hull
"Hints on Inexpensive Mounting
and Framing of'Pictures" Thurs
day at 7:30 p. m. in art sales room
at 1332 O street. He will demon
strate his talk.
Sunday afternoon at 3 p. m. in
gallery A at Morrill, a gallery
talk and quiz program on Ne
braska artists will be held. This
nroeram features the closing day
of the Annual Nebraska Artists
Exhibition sponsored by the Lin
coln Artists Guild.
intercollegiate competition. Judg
ing from the present pon, iooiDau
is gaining ratner man uecreaamg
in popularity.
Uni French Cluh Meets
Tomorrow at U Hall
Two separate groups of the
French club will meet Tuesday
and Wednesday at 4:00 p. m. in
U hall.
Meet Today
All cheerleaders must report
to a meeting today at 5 p. m.
in the coliseum for practice,
Max Whittaker, yell king, an
nounced Monday. Practices will
also be held Thursday and Fri-.
day at 5 p. m. and attendance
is compulsory.
Library Sells
Books Today
Books from the university li
brary will go on sale at 3 p. m.
today at the northeast entrance
to the basement of U hall.
The sale will be held from 3 to 5
p. m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays
until Nov. 31, according to library
Biographies, fiction, history
books, and one set of encyclopedias
will be offered, with a 50 percent
reduction on the original co3t to
Your Drug Store
We sell standard drugs as cheap
as any in the city.
118 No. 14th & P
Sally's out for a
and tven All-Amerlcant can't reilstl
Sally's supercharged glamour gets a big boost
from her colorful outfit. And she's smart
rough to know that our Sanitone dry cleaning
perks up color and texture so that her clothes
always look just like new.
Try this extra thorough, eitra gentle clean
ing service today. See what a difference
Saaitoaing makes.
Let us renew your coat
for the coming Game.
Soukup & Wettover
21 & G and 127 So. 27th Phone 3-2377
chaw m
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"AII Amaricon Co-ad"
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it's pleasure time for everybody . . . smoking
pleasure that only the right combination of
the world's best cigarette tobaccos can give you.
Chesterfields make good friends . . . they're
milder, definitely better-tasting and cooler-smoking.
Every body who smokes them likes them.
Coprrifl 1941, Loom k Mm Toitceo C