The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 06, 1941, Page 9, Image 8

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Survey Shows
TKurscby, November 6, 194!
Out of College, Back in Civilian Clothes
What the Senior Should Buy
t The Fellows Just Bonh Like
tlair nows, Sloppy Sweaters
At last, with this issue, the men
of the campus have been given an
opportunity to tell the press just
what they like and don't like in
the way Nebraska coeds dress. In
a survey of a represenative cross
section of the men on the campus
it was learned that, in general,
the "gals in this university dress
to much alike. If there were a
coed two miles away, betting that
she had on a pair of saddle shoes
a sloppy skirt, cardigan sweater
and sox of some kind would be a
safe bet."
Seventy-five percent of the men
questioned did not like hair bows,
hair-ribbons, or bandanas on the
coeds. As to hats, the general
opinion (almost 90 was that
coeds on this campus should leave
'em alone.
Change in Question.
The next question asked was,
"What do you like in dresses?"
but the third man questioned very
cutely replied, "women," so the
3r question was changed to Tead, "Do
you prefer that the coeds wear one
or two-piece dresses, sport or
Here the men split just about
even with 45 percent of them fav
oring one-piece dresses "with class,
high heels on the shoes, stockings,
and all." In this group the maj
ority were upper classmen, seniors
and graduate students.
Vote 'No' on Flats.
One hundred percent of the men
queried were of the opinion that
there are too many women on the
campus wearing sport shoes, moc-
For Campus Wear
acsins and flat-heeled shoes in gen
eral. "They don't seem to realize
that beefy, footballish legs, look
even beefier and even more foot
ballish in flat heels."
For rainy weather, the men
voted almost unanimously in favor
of the rubber, cowboy-style boot
worn by the females. Just as long
as they're worn during rainy
weather and not every day, the
men will be happy.
Snow Suits Out of Place.
Snowsuits are definitely out- of-place-on-the-campus-wear
if the
poll of Nebraska's men means any
thing. Slacks were favored by
about 20 percent of the men, 30
percent were indifferent and 50
percent said "No" to their wearing
on the campus. Tabooed in the
poll were blouses not tucked in.
The gentlemen questioned do
not like all-red outfits in general,
nor do they approve of socks over
stockings. They OK'd fur-coats
(as long as they don't have to
buy 'em), but for the campus,
plaids, gabardines or any other
kind of coat with sleeves is acceptable.
Unanimous voting in favor of
women "dressing up" for any
thing going on at night, was ex
pressed. Heelless shoes and stock
ingless legs were strongly opposed
for night dates.
About Skirt Lengths
The voting on skirt-length went
three ways. About 20 percent ae
cided that the woman should chO'
ose her own skirt length: 48 per
cent said "above the knees" (that
To all prospective and hopeful
senior women, we gave this warn
ing. Condition yourself to giving
that baggy sweater to your favor
ite pledge and throwing those
worn and
weary saddle
shoes to the
wolves, for you
will need a new
and diffe rent
wardrobe to
face your ca
reer away from
college life.
Requisite for
either the job
seeker or the
social light will
be a three-piece
suit of some
smart English
tweed with definitely "in the
mode" lines and cut, leaving the
loud red and green plaids for the
under-classmen. With the suit,
plan on a variety of short and
long-sleeved silk blouses, some
strictly 'tailored and possibly sev
eral with a feminine air.
Flats, of course, are out and in
their place we suggest smart, corn-
is, with the knees just showing:)
and the remaining 32 percent
said just below the knees.
Since this poll will undoubtedly
greatly change the style of coeds'
dress on the campus, there, will
surely be some changes made.
Frankly however, the women (God
bless 'em) will probably merely
read and forget, and ask, "Who
do those men think they are to tell
us how to dress our future dates ?
fortable walking shoes such as
the famous Shenanigans (with
which you probably already are on
good terms). A hat should be con
sidered in this street outfit also,
in fact both a snap-brim (prefer
ably not cordoroy) and a more
sophisticated bonnet would be nec
essary for different occasions.
To complete this daytime wear,
nothing looks smarter than a well-
tailored shirtwaist dress with
something in the way of trick but
tons or trim. Silk or wool, wark
or pastel, these trim outfits will
Impress the new boss to the point
where he might overlook certain
errors made in that last letter.
When it comes to evening wear,
you can indulge in all those
glamour orgies that you refrained
from when dressing for a mere
college man. Hats with daring
brims and unexpected veiling,
shoes that look impossible to walk
in but aren't, and above all dresses
that were made for swank night
spots and select dinner parties.
You are older, you feel older so
dress older, forgetting the casual
ness of college and dressing with
the one thought of beauty in your
mind. Incidentally, a fitted dress
coat trimmed with some expen
sive but not gaudy fur will put the
finishing touch on a wardrobe that
will bring those junior executives
flocking your way.
Dear Joe College . .
Wear Dirty Cords While You
Can, The Time Will Come
Whos says cords aren't the of
ficial garb for college men? Evi
dently they haven't realized just
how much this type of slack means
to the student who goes for weeks
without a laundry job on said
pants. It is probably the thing
held dearest in every man's heart
that period when he could wear
dirty cords and get by with it.
In the first place they are the
most comfortable and versatile
thing that can be worn on every
occasion. The student can get up
. . When You'll Graduate
in the morning, clean his room,
mop the floor and go to class in
them. Afternoon coke dates, mat
inee dances and movies require
the dirty campus cords. Evenings
of course with picnics make it
necessary for cords. Simple isn't
it ? If you could sleep in them, you
could go weeks without a change
of clothes.
Yep! Those days will all be gone
too soon. In ten years we'll have
to don suits for business wear.
Lets enjoy those cords now.
And keep them dirty! To match
stylish saddle shoes!
Ben Simons
Ben Simons
Ben Simons
Ben Simons.
Ben Simons
0 0 0
. . . if you're wearing Simon's dinner till dawn fashions . . .
you'll be turned out in tux or tails looking just the way she
knew you would perfect . . . your formal season begins at
Simon's . . . impeccably draped dress suits with tails or din
ner jackets . .
22.50 . . . 29.50 . . . 39.50
dress shirts
Arrows stiff bosom
or soft shirts . . .
a black for a tux
a white one for tails
If '
Ben Simons
Ben Simons
Ben Simons
Ben Simons